The God of Rebirth

Chapter 2984 Remind Gong Xinyu

Chapter 2984 Remind Gong Xinyu

"Let them have results, tell them in the group." Gu Yunnian said.

Ren Shushu responded.

Gu Yunnian boarded the chat program and looked at his online friends, but none of them were there.

Thinking of Wang Xiaomeng and the others, she took out her mobile phone and sent a text message each, asking when they would be on vacation.

Xi Yanan was the first to reply to the message, full of resentment, "There are still a few days, and our senior year will not be on holiday until the 27th and 28th of the lunar calendar."I will go back to school on the seventh day of the new year, and I am going crazy. '

It wasn't enough after sending the text message, she had just finished reading when Xi Yanan called.

Her tone was full of accusations, "Nian Nian, you haven't come to see me at school for such a long time."

Gu Yunnian was silent for a few seconds, looked at the time in the corner of the laptop screen, and said, "You are still in class right now! Where did you call?"

Xi Yanan on the other side of the phone was also quiet for a moment, before murmuring in a low voice: "What class are you attending? During this period of time, the daily classes are not only exams, but also exams. I have already finished the exam papers for this class, so it's fine to stay in the classroom. Better come out and get some air."

Gu Yunnian thought of Xi Yanan's grades, the school test papers were really not difficult for her.

"I've been busy before, so I can spare some time these two days. Do you want me to come to school to see you?" she asked.

"Forget it, you won't be able to stay long when you come. We're going to be on vacation soon, and I'll come to you again after the Chinese New Year." Xi Yanan just complained a few words to release the pressure during this time.

Just as he was talking, Gu Yunnian heard the teacher's voice from Xi Yanan's side, and said, "All right. Call me when you are free. Go and review first."

She hung up the phone, except for Ye Ze and Xiao Yu'er, the others haven't responded yet.

Xiao Yuer asked her when she was free, and she came to play with her.

Ye Ze mentioned the holiday time, which was only one day earlier than Xi Yanan.After the holiday, I will fly directly to the capital, and ask her to get together during the Chinese New Year. I will call later and talk about it in detail.

After replying to the message, I saw that Fu Yaoluo and Gong Xinyu were both online.

The two released screenshots of their scores, Fu Yaoluo passed, Gong Xinyu floated dangerously low in two subjects, and sent a sweaty expression.

'Just pass it! ' Gu Yunnian replied.

Seeing Gong Xinyu again, she sent her a separate message, "Master, I heard that an accident happened to an ancient warrior here in the capital?" '

Gu Yunnian frowned and asked, "Who told you?" '

'My Father.It was also said by the ancient warrior employed in my family. '

Gu Yunnian thought for a while, and replied with a message, "Yes, the person has been rescued, and his life is not in danger, but he needs to recuperate for a while."You tell Patriarch Gong to remind them to be careful, not to go out alone, and to press the SOS button immediately if something happens.Also be careful at home. '

She told Gong Xinyu what happened to the three of Zhou Li. She didn't know how many orders the people behind the scenes wanted, and whether the blocked people would take action against them this time.

Gong Xinyu was taken aback, and quickly replied, 'Okay, I'll go tell my dad right now. '

Wang Xiaoyi and Wang Xiaomeng didn't bring their mobile phones, and they saw it after returning to the dormitory at night, so they called her back.After the third year of high school, they had evening self-study, and it was too late to go home after school, so both of them chose to live on campus.

Mu Sichen came back a bit late, already past eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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