The God of Rebirth

Chapter 1019 Went to Rob

Chapter 1019 Went to Rob
Yan Ze didn't have time to stop them, and saw the two men crooked.

He was horrified by Gu Yunnian, who disappeared in place like a ghost, and unexpectedly got behind the other three people in the blink of an eye.

With the seemingly light three hand knives, five people fell to the ground almost at the same time.

"You pick pears, I'll look for the scorecard. Hurry up! Only 10 minutes." Gu Yunnian lowered his voice slightly, as if a man's voice was low.

After finishing speaking, he turned it over on these five people.

She deliberately controlled the strength and hit the acupuncture points, and the five of them only fainted for about 15 minutes.

Regardless of the shock in his heart, Yan Ze quickly started picking wild fruits.

In less than 2 minutes, Gu Yunnian got all the score cards in his hand before reaching under the wild pear tree.

"You throw the pear down, and I'll follow it below."

Yan Ze looked at the net bag woven with weeds in Gu Yunnian's hand, and threw the picked pears one by one.

After picking more than a dozen net bags, they were full. As soon as Yan Ze slid down the tree, the person who was knocked out by Gu Yunnian heard a slight muffled groan.

"They're waking up, let's go!" Gu Yunnian said quickly, taking advantage of the light that was not completely dark, the two quickly left without making a sound.

"What happened, why did you take so long to come back!" Lu Ting asked worriedly as soon as Gu Yunnian and Yan Ze returned to the cave.

Gu Yunnian threw the snatched score card in front of Lu Ting, and picked up some dry firewood outside. Sun Xingzhe, who had just returned, threw the dry firewood on the ground and rushed over.

"Damn, golden point card. Gu Yunnian, you are going to rob, why are there so many?" They searched all day today, but only found one silver point card.

Gu Yunnian blinked and smiled slyly.

"You're really right. When I met five fat sheep, I really couldn't convince myself to let go, so I robbed them."

"Which team is it, and where is the famous brand?" Sun Xingzhe asked curiously, expressing deep sympathy for the people who were robbed by Gu Yunnian. Five people could not do it for two.

"I don't know. They are all in English. I pay attention to which team it is. I secretly knocked people out from behind, without letting them see them. I didn't take a name tag. It's not fun to be eliminated so early.

As Gu Yunnian was talking, he suddenly warned seriously: "We found this golden score card by ourselves, remember it clearly, don't miss it."

Except for Yan Ze who knew Gu Yunnian's plan, the others twitched their mouths before answering, "I remember."

Only then did Gu Yunnian smile in satisfaction, seeing that in the cave, Lu Ting and the others had already cleaned it up 10 minutes after she came back late.

In the cave, on the side that cannot be seen from the entrance of the cave, a hearth was built next to the stone wall. At this moment, a fire has been lit, and the cool beggar chicken mud balls are buried by the fire, and the leaves are remade with tinfoil. The pot was boiling water, and there were a few baked wild eggs by the stove.

In the cooler mountains at night, there is a little more warmth now.

After eating the beggar's chicken, one of them shared two more eggs and two more pears. The five of them prepared to have an early rest.

They arranged for people to take turns to watch the night, Gu Yunnian was the first to watch, and Lu Ting and the others sat and leaned against the stone wall, sleeping next to each other.

At this moment, the forest outside the cave was dark, and the dense woods completely covered the light of the moon that was not much.

Gu Yunnian took out a small porcelain bottle from his bag and sprinkled it on the ground and even the stone wall at the entrance of the cave.

Sun Xingzhe didn't fall asleep. Seeing her movements, Sun Xingzhe asked enthusiastically, "Gu Yunnian, what did you sprinkle? Is it the kind of powder used to repel insects in novels?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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