The God of Rebirth

Chapter 1017 It's getting dark

Chapter 1017 It's getting dark

Looking at Yan Ze and the others again, "Everyone pay attention along the way, don't miss it."

Gu Yunnian put the score cards into the backpack, and along the way, the five people spread out, not only looking at the ground, but also on the trees, and found a lot of score cards.

But except for the silver one at the beginning, the others are made of copper, iron and aluminum.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark and it was past five o'clock, Lu Ting proposed to find a place to rest.

Gu Yunnian looked at the sky, frowned slightly, "It's going to rain tonight, find a place that can keep out the rain."

Lu Ting pointed to the front, "Is there a cave there? Shall we go and see it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

In front of the cave, Gu Yunnian stopped Sun Xingzhe and the others.

"I'll go in and check first, you stay outside first, it's inconvenient if there are too many people."

Yan Ze stood up, "I'm with you!"

Seeing the persistence in Yan Ze's eyes, Gu Yunnian could only nod, "Okay!"

Take out the flashlight from the backpack, hold it in your left hand, and hold a dagger in your right hand.

The cave is dry, with bare red rocks at the mouth.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Gu Yunnian smelled it. There was no smell of animals living there, so he relaxed a little.

The two went in and checked from top to bottom with a flashlight, only to find that the cave was not deep, only two or three meters.

At this moment, the light has dimmed, and the small opening of the cave makes the cave appear dark, making it difficult to see clearly from the outside.

The space inside the cave is only three or four square meters, which is too small and too shallow. No wonder no animals live in it.

After confirming safety, the two of them withdrew.

"The cave is very safe, so I will live here at night. First go to the stream to fill up some water and come back to boil the water, then check if there is any food, and pick up some dry firewood. It's cold in the mountains at night, so I need to pick up more branches. The fire can't be extinguished at night. "

Lu Ting looked at the time, then at the sky, and immediately responded, "Let's go, let's hurry up, it's getting dark."

It will be dark in an hour at most, and there are many big trees in the forest, so it gets dark earlier.

Fortunately, they consciously walked in the direction of the stream at the end, and went from the cave to the stream at a faster speed, and it took less than 10 minutes to get there.

"Hey, there are fish!" Before reaching the stream, Gu Yunnian saw a figure swimming in the stream.

"Really, why didn't I see it?" Sun Xingzhe looked into the water, but found nothing.

It wasn't until I got closer that I saw a few agile figures, and said in amazement: "It's so far away, Gu Yunnian, how did you see it?"

Only then did Gu Yunnian remember that his eyesight was extraordinary, and he said vaguely, "Isn't that how I saw it! You guys find firewood nearby, and Yan Ze and I will catch fish."

Afraid that Sun Xingzhe would ask further questions, Gu Yunnian hurriedly dragged Yan Ze to the stream.

Picking up a few pebbles in the water, she looked at Yan Ze, "Do you want it?"

Yan Ze took a deep look at Gu Yunnian, nodded, took the stone she handed over, picked up a fish and threw it into the water.

Gu Yunnian also shot a stone at the same time, and the two fish turned their bellies up and floated to the surface.

Seeing the other fish being frightened away, the two didn't pick up the fish immediately, but beat eight or nine fish in a row before stopping.

These are not big, only nearly a catty, but there is also a beggar chicken, enough for five people to eat for dinner.

"The water is too cold, you wait here, I'll go down to catch fish." Yan Ze stopped Gu Yunnian, took off his shoes and socks, jumped into the water, picked up all the fish and threw them to the shore.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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