Your Majesty, the Empress is on the battlefield again!

Chapter 9, Master, Ball is not a thing!

Chapter 9, Master, Ball is not a thing!

Si Luo touched his injured mouth and stared at the emperor with bad eyes, just when he wanted to curse.

Suddenly, her mind went blank.

The whole person was suddenly given by an unknown mysterious force, unable to move.

Everything was silent, and the passage of time stopped, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

"Ding! System Qiuqiu began to bind the host's consciousness to confirm the identity of the host: Earthling, gender female, age 20, force value 90, intelligence 90, charm value 90, comprehensive potential evaluation S!"

Suddenly, a row of glowing fonts appeared in front of Si Luo's eyes, with his own information and some attribute numbers that he couldn't quite understand for the time being written on it!

"The binding is complete, the ball is successfully activated"

"Because it senses that the host is about to be in danger, Qiuqiu evaluates the danger level: S. Comparing the host's data, the evaluation result that can be defeated is: 0, if you stay, you will die. Qiuqiu will automatically start the main care program and advance [-] points! "

"Searching for the safe zone is complete, start the teleport function!"


Then, under the terrified gaze of the emperor, the guy who blasphemed him turned into a very dazzling white light and disappeared instantly.

The coldness in his eyes seemed to freeze the world, the emperor slowly sat up from the ground, and his stiff body had completely recovered by this time.

A pair of dangerous black eyes, because of extreme anger, gradually turned golden.

At this moment, the calm lake surface set off a layer of ripples, and then gradually formed a huge vortex, and there was a faint roar of lightning in it.

Not far away, anxious shouts gradually moved from far to near.

"Your Majesty"

Hearing the familiar shouts, the emperor took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and quelled his anger.

When he opened it again, the light in his eyes had returned to its usual darkness and depth.

The fingertips ran across the unusually rosy thin lips that had been bitten, and the emperor sipped expressionlessly, the bloody taste in his mouth gradually fading.

is a woman!


Inexplicably from the lake to another place, Si Luo realized that he had encountered an unbelievable incident, tried to calm down, and asked calmly.

"who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, host, from now on, you are the owner of Qiuqiu, and Qiuqiu will serve you wholeheartedly and answer all your doubts!"

Si Luo frowned: "What the hell are you?"

Qiuqiu: Master, the system is called Qiuqiu, not a thing, Qiuqiu has no form, the consciousness exists in your consciousness and is one with you!

Si Luo squinted his eyes slightly: "I came here through time, are you a ghost?"

Qiuqiu: Master, the system brought you here. You were in danger at that time. The earth has no spiritual power for the system to use, and can only send you to another world full of spiritual power!

Si Luo asked suspiciously: "What is another world? Isn't the system you? Since it's you who did it, please send me back again!"

Qiuqiu: Sorry, master, this wish cannot be fulfilled by Qiuqiu. You need to accumulate 11 points as a price to exchange for a single round-trip to Earth. Since the system has previously detected a crisis to help you avoid danger in advance, you still need to accumulate [-] points integral! "

Just when Si Luo wanted to ask again, the system presented all the answers she wanted to ask in front of her in the form of data.

Si Luo was dazzled by the dazzling array of items, but the more she looked down, the more surprised her eyes became.

The collection of points is very simple, and the favorability and loyalty of others to you can be converted into points.

A person's favorability is full of 100 points, and the points can be used to exchange for various magical abilities.

For example, rapid increase, perception, as well as animal control, summoning, deformation... (a bunch of complicated spells are omitted)

She glanced down and saw something very interesting.

With [-] points, you can still connect to the phone you want to make or the brainwaves of the person you want to contact through the system, no matter where you are.

Once the million points are collected, the system will be upgraded, and there will be more and more things that can be exchanged, including some cheats and items with strange names.

What kind of fairy system is this?

Si Luo's eyes were full of light, the haze mood was swept away, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he had won a multi-billion dollar jackpot, and he was very happy.

Qiuqiu asked tentatively: Master, you shouldn't be in a hurry to return to Earth now, right? "

Si Luo evoked a wicked smile, "Go back? Why should I go back here after staying here? I won't go back for the time being, it's like a vacation!"

Knowing that there is a way to return to Earth, Si Luo is not in a hurry to go back.

As for her best friends on Earth who thought she was dead.

It's better to make a phone call and scare them back when you get the points.

(PS: 100 for any index set by the system is a full score, do not apply reality, this is a fantasy novel, virtual setting, virtual reality.)

 Originally, it was to set space or something, but I thought it was too common. Just before the article was published, I was greatly addicted to playing games for a period of time, stimulating the battlefield, and that kind of love game. You can exchange items by brushing your favorability points to get points. Kind of, so when the inspiration came, I wrote a system gold finger, the heroine crossed the battlefield handsomely fighting the article, I didn't expect someone to ky in the comment area (mentioned other books, the characters in the book are all ky) Inspiration comes from life, if there is The same is really purely coincidental. This book was conceived about a year and a half ago, and it is not easy to be born until now. Everyone likes to read this type of book.



(End of this chapter)

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