Your Majesty, the Empress is on the battlefield again!

Chapter 82, tsk, do you think about it?

Chapter 82, tsk, why don't you think about it?

When Si Luo heard this, he smiled sarcastically, his eyes as contemptuous as they were.

"Yo, still want us to die? It's ridiculous, in order to rescue you bastards, we even entered Mulin, and it's your turn to use this to threaten?"

Behind him, the eyes of everyone suddenly became extremely unkind.

This idiot!

It's good that he didn't reveal his identity. When he said it, not only did it not act as a deterrent, but it also aroused the killing intent in the hearts of all the team members, including Ah Tian.

A Tian was originally a soldier, and his mission was paramount.

But seeing that Si Luo had already offended the six people to death, there was no room for manoeuvre.

If these few people go out alive, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

Not only will Si Luo die, but even their end will not look good.

As an ordinary soldier, they didn't think that the general would offend the Chief Criminal Division who held the punishment power for them.

Furthermore, Si Luo saved them several times, and people's hearts are fleshy. If there was no Si Luo, they would have died on the road.

Thinking of this, they looked at each other, and their eyes became extremely complicated.

Even if some words are not spoken, I believe that everyone already knows each other.

Ah Tian gritted his teeth, a ruthless look flashed across Junxiu's face.

do not care!

As long as it is any decision made by Si Luo, they all decide to support it to the end!

If the matter is exposed, it is a big deal to take it all together, and lose one's life.

And this young man, they wanted to protect him to the end no matter what, and would not allow anyone to threaten him in the slightest!

At this time.

Qiuqiu's familiar voice sounded in Si Luo's mind: "Boom! Congratulations to the master for earning 20 loyalty points for [-] people!".

There was a strange light in her eyes.

She has been with these guys these days, and she can clearly feel everyone's trust and joy in her.

However, Qiuqiu has not explicitly reported any loyalty values.

It seems that the ways of extracting loyalty between men and women are different.

Thinking that the two brothers Lin De and Lin Xian also reminded Qiuqiu after their loyalty was full, Si Luo also figured out some rules.

Oh, I thought that these guys were indifferent to what they did, but they were ready to go, and they were full of it.


She was a little puzzled.

How could they suddenly burst out at this time?


Seeing that Si Luo was not easy to deal with, the young man turned his attention to the people behind her.

"Everyone, this matter has nothing to do with you. As long as you take us out safely and kill this person, we will reward you heavily after you go out. Each person will receive a reward of [-] taels plus a house, how about that?"

No one expected that this kid would turn to hook them up.

The next second, all eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

Even the living treasure, Chen Fan, could not help but colden his eyes.

Without Shi Luo, they don't even know if they are alive or not, and they still have a hundred taels of gold to add to the house. It's really a big piece of work~

It's a pity that in their hearts, these things together with their people and their lives, can't even compare to a single strand of Si Luo's hair!

Si Luo tilted his head and gave everyone a playful look, and said in a half-joking tone: "This condition, tsk tsk tsk, I'm going to be moved when I hear it, why don't you think about it, a hundred taels of gold plus a house? In this village, there will be no such shop~"

Four girls: ""

Six teenagers: ""

(Daily update time: 17:00)

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(End of this chapter)

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