Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 745 There is a way

Chapter 745 There is a way

Ye Qingqing was very angry at first, but she suddenly thought of a HK movie she had seen before, a movie from a long time ago, starring Wang Zuxian and Zheng Yuling.

The heroine Wang Zuxian is a young and beautiful model, but she was raped by the male protagonist. The male protagonist is a wealthy and powerful man, and hired a famous lawyer to exonerate her.

As a result, the female lead did not sue the male lead, but aroused the hatred of the male lead, and raped the female lead again. The male lead was very arrogant, and later raped the female lead's sister.

In short, the hero is ruthless, ruthless, rich and powerful, the law can't convict him at all, but in the end, the hero's defense lawyer Zheng Yuling suddenly turned against him and used tricks to get the hero to plead guilty on the spot in court. Send the hero to prison.

Because the male protagonist was not defensive about his defense lawyer, he fell into the trap, jumped into the pit, and finally received the punishment he deserved.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Qingqing's mind, and she was inspired.

You can follow the example of that movie, let Zheng Ruijie betray the water, and induce Ye Zhiguo to confess his guilt.

But how can Zheng Ruijie turn his back on him?

Ye Qingqing couldn't help looking at Zheng Ruijie who was talking to Ye Zhiguo. The two seemed to be chatting happily. Ye Zhiguo had a faint smile on his face, and Zheng Ruijie was full of confidence. From time to time, he would cast provocative glances at Niu Xiaoya.

It looks really flat!

Ye Qingqing raised his wrist to check the time, there was still a quarter of an hour before he left the court, he had to find a way as soon as possible, it would be best to convict this scumbag Ye Zhiguo this time, and celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.

What should I do?

"What are you thinking?" Lu Mo asked with concern.

This girl's expression changed back and forth, and she couldn't hide her thoughts on her face, she knew it at a glance.

Ye Qingqing said her way, Lu Mo frowned, how could Zheng Ruijie turn his back on him so easily, he is now Ye Zhiguo's defense lawyer, signed the contract, if he violated the spirit of the contract, he violated the lawyer's professional ethics, It is estimated that the lawyer's license will be revoked.

No lawyer would do such suicidal follies.

Zheng Ruijie was very shrewd, let alone impossible.

This girl is too eager for success, a little whimsical.

Lu Mo explained the stakes to Ye Qingqing, "Zheng Ruijie is not that stupid, don't act rashly, lest you become self-defeating, this is only the first trial, if it doesn't work, you can go to the second trial, and if it doesn't work, you can appeal, and Ye Zhiguo can always be brought to justice of."

Ye Qingqing didn't expect that the lawyer's betrayal would have such serious consequences, so she couldn't help but frowned, it seemed that it was impossible to make money.

Can only come strong!

What's more important than a lawyer's license?

Nature is precious life!

Ye Qingqing didn't give up on this method, she really couldn't wait for the second trial to appeal, she wanted to let Ye Zhiguo be punished right now, so as to comfort the souls of her parents.

"Don't mess around!"

Lu Mo saw her reluctance, and urged her again, fearing that the girl would be overwhelmed by hatred and do something impulsively!


Ye Qingqing absent-mindedly agreed, seeing Zheng Ruijie going out of the corner of her eyes, her eyes lit up, and she told Lu Mo that she was going to the toilet.

She trotted to follow Zheng Ruijie, this guy went to the bathroom, and impatiently took out his cigarette as he walked, it seemed that he was addicted to cigarettes, Ye Qingqing secretly rejoiced, God is helping her!

But Ye Qingqing didn't know, and Lu Mo, who was worried, also quietly followed behind.

As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Seeing Ye Qingqing follow Zheng Ruijie into the men's room without hesitation, there were three black lines on Lu Mo's forehead, cold sweat dripped down, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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