Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 343 Finding Evidence

Chapter 343 Looking for Evidence (Thanks to NO. Mengxuan Yiling for the reward)

"I haven't cleaned it for two days. There are spider webs here, and here, there are melon seed shells...the table is full of dust, and the yard hasn't been swept..."

The old lady didn't see anything pleasing to the eye, her eyes were about to burst into flames, and she disgusted her in every possible way. Ye Qingqing and Ye Hua were all scolded by her, except Ye Tong, who was not affected.

"Go and sweep the yard, clean it up!"

The old lady ordered Ye Qingqing to go to work, and she took good care of her, assigning the lightest work, Ye Hua was not so lucky, cleaning the table, mopping the floor and washing clothes, she was busy all day.

Ye Hua didn't dare to resist, she complained in her heart, and even doubted Shen Yanhong's words.

Mother said that the dead old woman was going to leave soon, and said that the dead old woman would never recover from her illness, but now, the dead old woman is alive and well, and she is more energetic than before, and her strength in beating people has not decreased.

Ye Hua felt as bitter as coptis in her heart, before the good days came, the disaster came again and again.

He might as well go to work in a leather shoe factory with his eldest sister!

Ye Qingqing heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the old lady's swiftness when she picked up the bamboo stick. Being able to hit someone meant that the old lady was fine, and Shen Yanhong's plot had completely failed!

But there is no end to the account!

Ye Qingqing glanced at the kitchen, thought for a moment, she might not be able to convict Shen Yanhong if she only had half a pot of porridge, this widow is very cunning, she will definitely refuse to admit it, she needs to find more evidence.

After cleaning the table in a hurry, Ye Qingqing ran to the kitchen, trying to find out what medicine Shen Yanhong gave the old lady, but she couldn't find it after searching around.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, took some spare ribs from the cupboard, led Pippi over, shook the spare ribs in front of her, Pippi's sharp beak kept moving, she was so hungry.

"Tell me where the widow's medicine is hidden. These ribs are yours."

Ye Qingqing put the ribs closer, and Pippi's saliva almost flowed out, uncle, in this life, Mr. Pi will not be subdued in might, nor will he be lewd when he is rich, nor will he be moved when he is poor.

But there are only two things, it has no resistance at all——

Gourmet Meter and Beautiful Bird Meter.

In front of delicious food and beautiful birds, Uncle Pi's paws are soft and his mind is muddy.

"I'll tell you a few more dollars!" Pippi bargained.

Ye Qingqing generously took out the remaining half of the plate of ribs, "It's all yours!"

With sparkling eyes, Pippi ate voraciously, and said to the kitchen, "Go and find the vegetables yourself!"

It can only go so far.

Ye Qingqing blinked, she really didn't look in the pile of vegetables just now, at first glance they were all vegetables, she didn't think there was a problem, but Pippi's words were so sure, it must be that she didn't look carefully.

She went back to the kitchen again, and there were a lot of vegetables piled up under the cupboard, including pumpkins, potatoes, winter melons, zucchini tomatoes, etc., and some green leafy vegetables, which were compactly piled up into hills.

Ye Qingqing pulled it out one by one, she didn't find the problem the first time, neither did the second time, and finally found it the third time.

Among the green vegetables, there is a different vegetable. The leaves are green and fat, with jagged edges. At first glance, they look like lettuce leaves, but they are larger than lettuce leaves. The root of this vegetable is a tuber. Oblate and long, it looks very fresh. You just dug it out and cut it in half.

The more Ye Qingqing looked at it, the more familiar the vegetable in his hand was, and finally remembered, isn't this the favorite wild vegetable that grows by the ditch?

It grows very well, and the leaves are very big and green, but the strange thing is that the rural people don't mow the grass to feed the pigs, and the old lady doesn't pull it to feed the chickens.

Ye Qingqing patted her head, very annoyed, her basic knowledge of Chinese medicine was too weak, she didn't know many herbs, so she had to go to a bookstore to buy medical books when she had time.

(End of this chapter)

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