Chapter 320

The old lady has been sick for the past two days, Ye Qingqing has no time to go to Lu's house because of taking care of the old lady, she didn't even go to Sang's house, she stayed at home and couldn't leave.

But Lu Mo's leg has had its stitches removed, and he can go to the ground in a few days. It's okay if she doesn't go these few days, and I don't know what Lu Mo is calling here for?

Did you miss her?

Ye Qingqing became amused by herself. She obviously felt that after the operation, Lu Mo had improved a lot compared to the previous rejection of people thousands of miles away. She did not refuse her closeness. There was an indescribable feeling that she was I think Lu Mo must be liking her more and more.

It won't be long before Lu Mo loves her so much that she can't stop, can't sleep at night, and lovesickly...

Ye Qingqing was even happier, glared at Ye Hua, and shouted: "Don't be lazy!"

Ye Hua shrank her neck and scrubbed the clothes faster, so she didn't dare to be lazy.

Ye Qingqing then went to the house to answer the phone. To her surprise, the call was not from Lu Mo, but from the old lady.

"Grandma Sheng, what's the matter?" Ye Qingqing asked politely.

If there was nothing important, the old lady would definitely not call. Ye Qingqing's heart beat, her nerves tensed, and she hurriedly asked, "Is Uncle Sang's medicine bad?"

Although she believed in medical scriptures, they were pills that hadn't passed the drug test after all. If something went wrong, her crime would be serious. The more Ye Qingqing thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, sweating profusely in anxiety, and secretly scolded herself for being reckless.

Pippi, who was eating peanuts, scolded angrily: "Why is there something wrong with the medical scriptures given by me? As long as you don't miss men when you are dispensing the medicine, nothing will happen... Are you missing men?"

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she slapped her across the face, she is not Ye Lan's coquettish vixen, how could she miss men when she was doing business?

However, Pippi was so confident that she felt a little more relaxed. There should be no problem with the pills.

The old lady on the other end of the phone looked very excited, her lips were trembling, and it took a long time before she said: "Young girl, can you come over?"

"Now?" Ye Qingqing was a little embarrassed.

"Is it inconvenient?" The old lady heard her embarrassment.

"My grandma has been sick for the past two days. It's very serious. I'm taking care of her. Grandma Sheng, is it something important?" Ye Qingqing asked.

The old lady hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's important to take care of grandma. You can come back when your grandma recovers."

Ye Qingqing frowned, and asked several times. The old lady only said it was okay, and hung up the phone. Hearing the beeping sound from the receiver, Ye Qingqing felt a very strange feeling in her heart.

It seems that the old lady on the phone just now was very emotional, as if she deliberately suppressed it.

Why don't you take some time to go to Sang's house tomorrow, the old lady must have something to do, she has to ask clearly, otherwise she won't feel at ease.

The old lady hung up the phone and sighed regretfully, everything came together.

"Girl Qing's grandma is sick, she takes care of grandma at home." The old lady said to Sun Qiuyun beside her, feeling very envious.

The old lady of the Ye family is really lucky, she is obviously not good to Qing girl, but Qing girl is still willing to be filial to that old lady, she is really a good girl!

Sun Qiuyun was also very sorry, seeing that she was only one step away, but she just couldn't get over it.

"It's okay, it won't be a few days, we will talk to Grandma Qingyatou after she recovers." Sun Qiuyun comforted her.

The old lady nodded, and said with a sigh: "No wonder everyone says that good things take a long time, isn't it!"

(End of this chapter)

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