Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 311 Advanced Thinking

Chapter 311 Advanced Thinking

The old lady was listening with a smile, but as she listened, she became more and more surprised, and looked at Ye Qingqing in disbelief.

"Girl, these are all your own thoughts? Do you really think that the business center will be like that in the future?"

Ye Qingqing was a little guilty, she didn't know anything about economics, she just saw it with her own eyes in her previous life, but she was determined not to talk about rebirth, so she smiled and nodded, "Well, I watch movies from HK, and the office buildings are full of people from all over the world. The elites here have a fast pace of life, and when our business center is completed, it will definitely be the same as there.”

The old lady nodded again and again, "Your Uncle San also said the same thing. His idea of ​​building a business center came after he visited HK. He also said that Pingjiang City will definitely be more famous than HK in the future!"

"It is necessary. HK is only a little bit big, and it is inherently deficient. It will definitely slow down when it develops to a certain level. Our Pingjiang City will definitely surpass HK in more than ten years."

Ye Qingqing nodded vigorously. When she came back from rebirth, Pingjiang City was already very prosperous. Many HK people came here to start businesses and even settle down. They were reluctant to go back!

The old lady laughed loudly, tears came out of her eyes, "What you girl said is exactly the same as your Uncle San, and the words are not bad. You two will definitely be able to talk."

Ye Qingqing also laughed, but she was shocked in her heart.

The reason why she knew it was because she had experienced it before, and it is not unusual to know it, but Sang Huaiyuan can accurately predict, this is the real skill!

It's a pity that Sang Huaiyuan died too early in his previous life, otherwise he would surely be able to create more economic miracles, right?

The next night, Sang Huaiyuan took time to come over to have dinner with the old lady. He looked much better and the bloodshot eyes lessened. Sun Qiuyun also came over.

"Mum, girl Qingqing's medicine is really good. I took one yesterday and another one today. It feels completely different, as if I went back to 20 years ago."

Sang Huaiyuan is very happy. Not only has his energy improved, his thinking has become more sensitive, and his work efficiency has improved significantly. What used to take an hour to complete now only takes half an hour, which greatly saves working time.

The old lady was even happier, "It's good that it works, but Qing Yatou said, even if you take the medicine, you still have to pay attention to rest, don't always work overtime and stay up late."

"I know that now that my work efficiency has improved, I have a lot more time, and I can still take a half-hour nap!"

Sang Huaiyuan nodded repeatedly, he knew the reason, but before he really couldn't spare time to rest, now that his efficiency has improved, he can find time to snooze for a while, don't underestimate this half hour, after sleeping, he will be more energetic in the afternoon up.

The old lady was very relieved, and her gratitude to Ye Qingqing was even deeper. She mentioned what Ye Qingqing said yesterday, and said with a smile: "You were not here yesterday, and this girl talks exactly like you. Those who don't know think you taught her What did you say!"

Sun Qiuyun also laughed, "Young girl is young, but she has extraordinary knowledge. She will definitely have great achievements in the future."

Sang Huaiyuan thought a little deeper, thinking about it, thinking that one day he would chat with Ye Qingqing, maybe it would make his thinking clearer!

The business center is a desperate plan he put forward. There are many oppositions and jokes, but few supporters. He can only succeed, not fail!

But the pressure is also increasing. Sang Huaiyuan often doubts himself, worrying whether he can complete it successfully, and even more worried that future development will go against his ideas.

Ye Qingqing, a little girl, is very forward thinking, maybe it can help him!

(End of this chapter)

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