I'm really immortal

Chapter 762 Continuation of Chapter 100 Prenatal Education

Chapter 762 Continuation of Chapter 100 Prenatal Education
After the new year, the young master of the Tang family has a new work arrangement. At the same time, thanks to the further strengthening of his position within the Tang family, the old man has also decided to pour all his resources on him. aggravated.There was no internal competitor to blame Sister Lan, and the young master of the Tang family finally took Sister Lan to live with her again as a "nanny".

Qin Yanan no longer has a "nanny".

Qin Yanan, who was alone at home, was dressed very casually, a white suspender skirt, round shoulders and delicate collarbones, like a beautiful woman in a painting, but the delicate skin texture was far more moving than a lifeless sculpture.

Qin Yanan glanced at the door, raised her arms lazily, didn't get up, but changed to a more comfortable posture, her waist sank, making her figure more exquisite and graceful, and also made her chest appear more delicate. Vigorous momentum.

Even she herself sometimes feels unbelievable. Such an astonishingly full bust, but the lower part is the light waist, will it not be able to support it?

On the contrary, the line below the waist was ups and downs again, like a full moon inlaid between the willow waist and long legs, Qin Yanan's fingers landed on the bottom of the skirt, and her fingertips touched the soft and smooth stockings on her legs, which she was wearing today It was suspenders. The thin suspenders pulled the hem of the leg socks at one end and connected to the waist at the other end, perfectly combining the black charm of the stockings with the white softness of the skin.

Women sometimes dress up, not only to seduce the opposite sex, but also to immerse themselves in their own beauty, and look at the beautiful and sexy self, and feel satisfied.

"Have you eaten yet?" Liu Changan changed his slippers, walked to the center of the living room, and looked at Qin Yanan who was lazily lying on the sofa.

She seems to have really become a pregnant woman who is reluctant to move because of the burden on her body. Her soft hair hangs down from her cheeks and falls on her shoulders. She has a lazy demeanor and a lazy lying posture, and her eyebrows and eyes are full of lazy charm.

"Drink some porridge." Qin Yanan pressed the skirt with his fingers, sat up on the sofa, put his legs together, and put them down obliquely.

"I caught a white eel in the river, and I'll cook some for lunch." Liu Changan walked into the kitchen.

"Oh." Qin Yanan got up and followed behind him.

It is said that men are lower body animals, but in Qin Yanan's view, Liu Changan pays more attention to his stomach.

Such a lively and fragrant stunner lying on the sofa seems to be less important to him than the white eel in the shaking plastic bag filled with water.

White eels are tall and slender, right?But is it as tall as Qin Yanan?
The white eel's tail is swaying back and forth. Is there a woman with a swaying waist that looks good?

No matter how delicious the white eel is, is it even more delicious if she is beautiful and delicious?

The meat of the white eel is tender, isn't she thin-skinned and tender-meat?
Qin Yanan didn't believe it, but Liu Changan was dominated by his stomach, he didn't use his lower body to think about problems, he was simply dominated by the desire of his tongue.

"Why are you free today?" Qin Yanan said, "I thought I would have the chance to see you only when school started. It seems that today is my lucky day. I will burn some incense later to fulfill my wish."

"Why are you so yin and yang?" Liu Changan laughed, "Zhu Juntang said that you stay on the mountain all day to raise your baby, and it seems true. But you are raising a baby, ten or eight years is short, don't I still like Treat pregnant women like ordinary people, take care of them every day? I don’t have that patience.”

"Then you should at least come and visit every now and then!" Qin Yanan snorted, "I think you wanted to find a place to cook today, so you thought of me by the way."

"You can guess all this." Liu Changan said in surprise.

The suspenders of Qin Yanan's skirt were tense, didn't he know that pregnant women can't be so angry?What if I get mad at her?What should I do if she doesn't want to give birth to her angry baby?In case... In case... Anyway, he couldn't make the pregnant woman angry, so he didn't take her seriously at all.

Think about a pregnant woman in an ordinary family, she is simply the most precious person in the family, if you can let her rest, you won’t let her move a finger, turn on the air conditioner for fear that she will have a headache and catch a cold, and turn on the fan for fear that she will feel uncomfortable. Checking the recipe, for fear of giving her something she shouldn't eat.

He was fine, and even made a statement that there was nothing wrong with giving her arsenic.

"I'll cook the food first, and I'll coax you later." Looking back at the angry Qin Yanan, Liu Changan smiled and comforted her before she lost her temper.

That's about it!Qin Yanan snorted again, stood in the kitchen and didn't intend to go out, watching him busy, she was actually a little hungry, after all, she only drank a little porridge at noon, she was a pregnant woman, she had to provide nutrition for the baby in her womb, a little is not enough.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Qin Yanan always feels that her appetite is much better now, even though she also knows that the baby in her womb needs nutrition that cannot be provided by ordinary meals.

Liu Changan killed the white eel, cleaned the internal organs, cut it off and put it on a plate, made the sauce and poured it on, then put the plate in a steamer with boiling water, set it to high heat and steamed for 10 minutes, then chopped ginger, garlic and chili , wait until 1 minute before the end time set by the steamer, then put these ginger, garlic and peppers in the pot and stir-fry.

When the time set by the steamer came, Liu Changan sprinkled the freshly fried oil on the eel when the steamer was opened. The aroma immediately overflowed, and the color of the eel was shiny. When you picked it up with chopsticks, you could see the eel meat was tender and smooth. People can't help salivating.

For lunch, of course, this dish can’t be just one dish. Liu Changan found fresh rabbit meat in Qin Yanan’s refrigerator again, so he ordered a stir-fried rabbit meat with fresh peppers. Let the rabbit meat maintain a more delicious original taste.

Here is another simple Poached Egg Minced Tofu Soup, which can be described as delicious in color, flavor and rich in nutrition... In fact, in many cases, rich nutrition means delicious food, and ingredients without nutrition are often lacking in delicious food.

Liu Changan sat at the dining table, Qin Yanan opened a bottle of champagne to accompany the meal, and after pouring the wine, asked Liu Changan if he wanted orange juice.

"You didn't ask until you had poured me a drink. You clearly wanted me to drink with you." Liu Changan shook his head. He often drank orange juice, but he didn't drink only orange juice at all times.

Qin Yanan actually prepared a lot of orange juice at home, who made her a careful person?Many times when I meet Liu Changan, I will see him drinking a bottle of orange juice.

After lunch, Qin Yanan, who drank some wine, had rosy cheeks and lay on the bed again, flipping through a manual of home appliances in his hand.

Although the vast majority of household appliances are now becoming intelligent and operated by fools, they can basically be used after they are bought and plugged in, but in fact their functions are becoming more and more diversified. There is a function that I really need, but I have never noticed.

Of course, Qin Yanan is not in the mood to read it now.

She always feels that her life is a bit contradictory, and she wants to fall in love, but the person she wants to fall in love with may not be willing to talk to her.

But she was pregnant with his child again, but he only treated her as his younger sister.

If you really think about it, the intimate relationship between her and him happened more than 100 years ago, and it has continued to this day. There may be no way for him, but it is completely different for Qin Yanan.

Sometimes he would use Ye Sijin's identity to add points to himself, and sometimes he hoped that it was not only because of Ye Sijin's identity that he cared about her.

The current self is Qin Yanan, and the relationship with him is also very complicated. She is a younger sister and a cousin, and because he is pregnant with a child...but this child has no genetic relationship with him.

When I came to Junsha a year ago, I never thought of such a situation, right?Qin Yanan looked at Liu Changan's flashing figure in the restaurant, his eyes blurred.

After Liu Changan cleared the dining table, he tidied up the kitchen. After all, Qin Yanan didn't have any nanny or servants around him now, and the hotel downstairs would only send someone to clean up after calling Qin Yanan when Qin Yanan needed it.

Qin Yanan usually lives here, and she doesn't want the hotel staff to disturb her private space.

In fact, Qin Yanan's pregnancy status has no effect on her life, work, or body at all, but if she talks too much, Liu Chang'an will be affected to some extent, and subconsciously treat her as a pregnant woman.

Pregnant women naturally just sit and rest after eating, and it is not her turn to clean up the dining table and kitchen.

After Liu Changan finished his work, he sorted the garbage into bags and threw it into the garbage channel.

"Brother." Qin Yanan called out in a soft voice, all she needed was for Liu Changan to come and see her if he had something to do, as long as he was within her line of sight, the feeling like now was very warm.

Liu Changan took a bottle of sparkling water from the refrigerator, and walked up to Qin Yanan while drinking.

Qin Yanan pointed to his side, signaling Liu Changan to sit down.

Liu Changan took a look, the sofa was very long, it was more than enough for Qin Yanan to lie down on, and there was a horizontal section on the other side for people to lie down on.

The place Qin Yanan pointed to was the edge of the sofa in front of her.

Seeing that Liu Changan didn't sit down, Qin Yanan pouted angrily, then shrank back, leaned back against the sofa, and continued to ask Liu Changan to sit here.

"I have a big butt, so I can't sit down." Liu Changan still sat on the other end.

Qin Yanan kicked with her toes, and angrily kicked a pillow onto Liu Changan.

Liu Changan grabbed the pillow and continued to drink water.

"School is about to start, do you have any plans?" Qin Yanan asked casually, it feels good to be able to chat about leisure topics in a leisurely atmosphere.

After all, Qin Yanan is a girl who has never been in love before, and she is not so tired, she doesn't need to be with him sticky all the time, she just likes the feeling of being together.

Not so much passion and sugar in love, but more like a real sister, attached to her Giggle, and chatting with him about the trivial things in life, you can feel a touch of happiness and the warmth of a family.

"I don't have any plans." Liu Changan raised his head and thought for a while, "Study hard and make progress every day. This is a must... There were a lot of skipped classes last semester, and more next semester."

"Both you and Zhu Juntang skipped classes a lot!" Qin Yanan couldn't help but took on the role of a counselor, speaking with a serious feeling, "If this semester is more excessive than last semester, I won't be able to say hello. "

"I'm sure there is no problem. Zhu Juntang shouldn't need you to say hello. Could it be that the courtyard can really do something to her? Even if the courtyard wants to punish her, the school will not agree... If she is really expelled, the school's donation Who will be responsible for the investment in school-run enterprises?" Liu Changan shook his head, compared to Zhu Juntang, he is not too much, and he is just a level that escapes more among ordinary students.

Liu Changan thought about it carefully, it seemed that Zhu Juntang had gone to class, and there seemed to be very few classes where he was absent.

In other words, he escaped a little less during a certain exam last semester... That was of no use, and in the end Zhu Juntang was still the last one in the whole grade.

Thinking of this, Liu Changan felt more or less ashamed. This semester, she must be forced not to skip classes, and not to fail the final exam... It seems a little impossible, because her foundation is too weak.

There is no way around this. The learning content of mainland students is much more than that of other regions, and they are more competitive. Zhu Juntang's learning has always been so-so, and it is at a low level outside the mainland.

Relying on the hard work of this semester, there is not much hope for her to reach the passing level.

A similar situation is to let Zhou Dongdong memorize the super difficulty of "Thousand Characters" before graduating from elementary school, and let a liberal arts student with no mathematical foundation study "Goldbach's Conjecture".

"I asked Yan Qingcheng, she said that Zhu Juntang is still making progress." Qin Yanan said with concern, although Zhu Juntang has become Su Mei's daughter, and Qin Yanan and Su Mei are at odds, but the relationship between Qin Yanan and Zhu Juntang was not affected.

As long as Zhu Juntang does not affect the intelligence of the baby in Qin Yanan's womb, Qin Yanan is Zhu Juntang's best friend under any other circumstances.

Otherwise, Qin Yanan would not have paid attention to the class situation, Zhu Juntang's progress, etc. after introducing Yan Qingcheng to the class.

"She is a tutor, of course she said that she has made progress. Does she still say that she is useless as a tutor?" Liu Changan said objectively, and expressed a little appreciation, "Yan Qingcheng will definitely be able to make her own career in the future. , or become an elite in the workplace, she can endure Zhu Juntang and have the patience to face Zhu Juntang, this is already quite a kind of tempering and experience."

Qin Yanan "puchi" laughed out loud, there is no doubt that Liu Changan was close to the state of "tolerance" for Zhu Juntang, and even began to admire Yan Qingcheng who was able to patiently teach Zhu Juntang.

"If you have time, you can take a look at Yan Qingcheng's specific teaching methods, maybe you can gain some experience."

Liu Changan shook his head, "Then I can only watch the video recordings of their classes. If I was there, Zhu Juntang would just want to make trouble and provoke me in various ways... She has a sheep doll costume... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Seeing Liu Changan's appearance, the corners of Qin Yanan's mouth turned up slightly. Even Liu Changan had no way to take Zhu Juntang.

Such a situation rarely happens to Liu Changan, but Qin Yanan also knows that it is difficult for Liu Changan to deal with Zhu Juntang, it is not because Zhu Juntang is so witty, brave and resourceful... Even though Zhu Juntang thinks so.

The main reason is that Liu Changan knew the real relationship between Zhu Juntang and him, and said that there was no genetic inheritance, so it was not a real father-daughter relationship, but in his heart, he regarded Zhu Juntang as a "daughter" after all, no matter how much she provoked him No matter how hard he tried to die, he wouldn't use the methods he used to deal with others to torment her.

When my child is born in the future, it will probably be the same, but it can be seen from Liu Changan's attitude towards Zhu Juntang.

"It can be seen that a child's education is very important starting from prenatal education." Qin Yanan said meaningfully, "I am friends with Zhu Juntang, I think she is very good, and I can accept her personality shortcomings... But From the perspective of being a parent, I think Su Mei has done a pretty bad job."

"Tell me?" Liu Changan looked at Qin Yanan with great interest. He had also thought about this question and made up his mind that the child Qin Yanan gave birth to would never be as muddle-headed as Zhu Juntang in the future.

"The first is the importance of prenatal education. You can start now." Qin Yanan pointed to her belly, then looked at her belly tenderly with eyes full of love, and put her palm on it to gently stroke it. .

This kind of action is not pretentious or artificial. Although Liu Changan thinks that she thinks she is pregnant is a bit inappropriate, Qin Yanan still gradually formed the mentality of a expectant mother in such self-suggestion.

"You can start now... Think about how long Su Mei's pregnancy lasted? She gave birth to Zhu Juntang only 19 years ago. If you start prenatal education now, how many years will it take? It’s not as long as you can spend on prenatal education... Well, with the time you spend on prenatal education, ordinary people may grow up to be academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Liu Changan pointed out a few fingers.

Although he couldn't be sure how many years earlier the gestational sac in Qin Yanan's stomach would be before Su Mei gave birth to Zhu Juntang with his nutritional supplements, but it is conservatively estimated that it can only be ten or eight years earlier, or even two to thirty years.

Biologically speaking, it is just a gestational sac, but objectively speaking, it is already an extraordinary creature.

Extraordinary creatures don't mean how powerful they are. First of all, they must have a long life span, and their gestation period is far longer than that of ordinary creatures.

It is precisely because of the long gestation period that the nutrition and energy necessary for growth can be accumulated in this primitive state, laying a solid foundation for a long life in the future.

"It is precisely because of the long period of prenatal education that the parents paid for it." Qin Yanan insisted, "I don't care how long it takes, since it is a gestational sac, I can give it a prenatal education."

"Now it's just a lump of meat, what can I learn?" Liu Changan felt helpless, "Generally speaking, the fetus's sense of touch and taste are fully developed at the [-]th week, and it starts to respond to light at the [-]th week. At this time, it has the ability of dreaming, memory, and simple thinking like a normal person. That is to say, in addition to the physical development and growth, the psychological state of the fetus has begun to grow at this time. .”

"For ordinary people's children, prenatal education starts at sixteen weeks... You, tell me about your gestational sac, where is the basis for prenatal education? Does it have the ability to touch, or has the sense of taste developed, or Is it hearing, memory, thinking?"

"How do you know it doesn't exist?" Qin Yanan is full of confidence in her gestational sac baby, "Using my knowledge of ordinary creatures to judge the characteristics of life that I have never seen before, how can I do this? It's like exploring When it comes to extraterrestrial life, it is as absurd to speculate on the characteristics of extraterrestrial life strictly according to the earth's environment."

What Qin Yanan said was also reasonable, and Liu Changan would not be stubborn when what others said was reasonable, and stubbornly argue with the other party.

"Okay, then you can start prenatal education. Prenatal education is generally sound teaching. First, let's start with music that is good for spiritual development and can calm the fetus." Liu Changan chose a piece of pure music on the music player and played it.

Qin Yanan is not an audiophile, and he didn't arrange a complete set of professional speakers in the living room. He just hung two smoky B&OA9 speakers on the wall, which matched the overall home decoration color very well.

When a woman buys something, appearance is always an important criterion for her choice. Liu Changan listened to the music and looked back at Qin Yanan, "Aside from listening to music, what other methods of prenatal education are there? Let me think about it...how about I read a few songs?" Poetry? Learn the Book of Songs from the mother's womb?"

"How can the fetus understand the Book of Songs!" Seeing that he still chose to cooperate with his request, Qin Yanan blamed him with a little satisfaction.

"Could it be that fetuses can understand music?" Liu Changan cleared his throat, and read a song "Ge Qin" self-consciously: "Ge Zhiqin Xi, Shi Yu Zhonggu, Wei Yeqiqi. The yellow bird flies, gathers On the shrubs, it sings and sings. Ge Zhiqin Xi, applies it to the middle valley, Weiye Momo. It is mowing, it is scorpion, it is scorpion, and it is not stern. Tell the teacher, tell the teacher, and tell the return. Do not pollute me Private, thin my clothes. Is it harmful? Go to Ning's parents."

This is also what he plans to teach Zhu Juntang, but today he has something to do, so he let Zhu Juntang go temporarily, otherwise he should teach her this poem today.

"If you recite poems like this, you can only read them to me. People recite poems to fetuses with their stomachs close to their stomachs." Qin Yanan said a little dissatisfied after hearing him finish reading.

"It doesn't understand if it's close to the belly." Liu Changan glanced at Qin Yanan's abdomen. Although she was wearing a skirt, because her lying position made the skirt cloth not close to the skin, it could still be seen that her abdomen was very flat and completely flat. There is no characteristic of a pregnant belly bulging.

(End of this chapter)

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