Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1100 Scene 427 Human Heart and Undercurrent

Fang Plover stood on the deck of the Seven Seas Traveler and stared in the direction of the canyon. The setting sun had already coated the entire canyon with a golden-red afterglow, creating a magnificent image. Patterns of light and shadow seeped into the canopy, and the tall cypress trees It stood tall and straight, leaving a jagged shadow in the forest.

The sun was sinking into the west side of the canyon, and a group of flamingos had fallen on the cliff. The huge and beautiful birds spread their wings in the sunset, as if they were shining with golden light.

The chosen people and aborigines were active in the valley, building houses and setting up bonfires. The firelight formed spots of light in the darkness, flickering and extinguishing like the tail marks of fireflies, and the smoke and dust rose straight into the forest with the sparks. A trail of smoke was left in the sky.

Then gradually faded away.

The valley is still bustling with activity. The aboriginal people brought wood and stone, and others were responsible for the design and construction. They built the house on a slope according to the red tree trunks, and first built a general framework in the island's unique style.

People come in and out from time to time, and some chosen people leave the valley. Materials are still scarce here. People need to go out to find food, new water sources, and even magic crystals and ores to replenish the consumption of their magic furnace.

However, Ian and Marigold told them that people would not leave the valley too far before nightfall. Nagas will move more frequently at night, and it is not safe outside. This is why Odessa suggested that they stay here.

Ian and his team had no experience in activities outside at night, so Fang Plover naturally took good care of himself. Although rescuing people was like putting out fire, the sailboat was the only hope for everyone on the island at the moment, and he had to consider everyone on board.

There are about a hundred selected people on the island, which is much more than expected before they came. There are also two to three thousand aborigines, but not all of them have been gathered here. There are scattered ones left outside. There are at least three more villages with nearly a fifth of the population.

Even if they use the Seven Seas Traveler, these people will need at least several trips to bring everyone back, and this is under smooth conditions. If the Naga clan intercepts or obstructs them, the situation will be more complicated.

Before they came, there were only two alchemists among the nearly one hundred summoners on the island, and Lark was one of them. The two shouldered all the responsibilities of magic craftsmen, but it was still far from enough. Many people were equipped with The maintenance level is below the danger line.

After they arrived, news spread like wildfire that there were alchemists on board—one of them was also the head of the craftsmen group, and many people came here because of his reputation. But not many people actually came to him, most of them came to Cuisi.

Trixis did not refuse. According to the Star Gate regulations, the chosen ones should help each other in such circumstances, but she had the right to receive some compensation, but this beautiful lady from the Sacrament Guild still refused. I don't care about the money either.

Fang Yu told Cui Xisi that if she was too busy, she could ask him for help.

But the goblin craftswoman looked at him and wrote lightly: "Thank you, but these daily tasks are nothing to me. In fact, this itself is also a kind of training for the alchemist. Sometimes there are some difficult and complicated diseases. It can also increase my knowledge. When I was at the Sacrament Guild, I was also responsible for doing this, so I’m used to it.”

Instead, she looked at Fang Yu and said, "The leader only maintains equipment for a dozen people every day. He must not be used to such an intense workload. Just leave everything to me."

Fang Yu couldn't help but be startled. In the past, he must have boasted about his experience in the July War, including later in Fenris and the Battle of the North. He was not unfamiliar with his old profession. .

But I don’t know since when, he has become indifferent to such thoughts. It may be the suffering of the ragged war refugees he saw in the Northern War, or the deeper things that the Empire and his party witnessed later. , and ancient yet new changes.

He gradually became calmer, no longer like a big child, and put away his past show-off mentality. According to Alice, he became more like a superior person and more majestic than a captain.

In fact, even Fang Yu himself didn't understand whether this change was good or bad, but people have to grow up eventually. When faced with Cui Xisi's words, he no longer refuted, but instead heard the faint complaints about the past in the other party's words. .

"I'm sorry that you have to leave there. I know that the Sacrament Guild has everything you were familiar with, including best friends and companions who fought for it together," Fang Plover said: "But there is a relationship between you and Jita. A little accident, other than that, I can’t think of a better way to solve everything.”

He looked towards the canyon that was gradually dimming under the dusk, and the light of the bonfire was becoming more brilliant.

Fang Yu replied: "I have to take responsibility for everyone on the Seven Seas Traveler and stop the loss in time before the situation worsens; I don't want to leave hidden dangers in the relationship between you and the Sacrament Guild, so I Forcing you to make that choice - in the same way, I would rather treat you as a member of a team, rather than going to the point of fighting each other in the future."

Cui Xisi was slightly startled, her eyes flickering a little. She had to compare the new leader in front of her with the two empire twins, especially Juno among the twin stars.

The twin stars of the empire are undoubtedly more shining. Even if they are slightly inferior to the man in front of them in the mainland league, the guilds, clubs, first division and even the empire itself are footnotes to them.

Even she herself was proud of all that.

The things she longed for changed quietly. An accident within an accident forced her to come to this ship. She had some agreements with the S.O.L.I.D alliance, but in the final analysis, she was more like an abandoned child.

This made it difficult for her not to feel resentful.

But the difference is that the original leader, the eldest star among the twin stars, would never talk to her like this.

There is no room for weakness in an elite team. Behind the surface harmony is ruthless competition and the logic of superiority and inferiority. Everyone must strive to keep up with the pace of the team, and no one will stop and wait for you.

"These words, the leader, should be reserved for others to say," Cui Xisi felt a little angry for some reason, and replied firmly: "But since I am a member of this team, there are some things I must say, the leader can Stopped and waited for others, but no one stopped for us.”

Fang Yu was slightly startled when he heard this.

The girl finally added: "I have nothing to be dissatisfied with. At least I am very lucky to follow you. I have gained a lot of experience in the past few days, but good luck will not always favor us."

"The world behind this star gate is not so tender and affectionate."

Alyssa looked at Miss Goblin Craftsman's leaving figure and smiled: "It seems that she is a little dissatisfied with the behavior style of the 'Captain'."

Fang Yu turned around and watched her walk up to him. He thought about it for a moment, but he had a different view on it. "She is willing to say that, at least she has regarded herself as one of us."

"Can you still look at it like this?" Alyssa was slightly surprised.

"Okay, stop teasing me," Fang Liao said, "What's the matter?"

"The islanders are planning to hold a grand bonfire party to welcome the messengers of the goddess, which is us." Miss Nightingale saw Fang Plover gradually frowning and couldn't help but laugh, "Don't refuse, sir. We are still You're going to be on the island for a while, and this is an opportunity to really build relationships."

Fang Yu scratched his head: "Is this necessary?"

Alyssa advised: "Of course. Even if the leader doesn't think about himself, please help me get information better among the crowd. Our previous arrival brought them a lot of supplies. Between the islanders and A good initial impression has been established among the selectors, but it is not appropriate to act too distant at this time, otherwise it will only waste all the previous efforts and leave people with an arrogance of being superior to others."

She added: "But that's not actually what we really think, is it? Why cause misunderstandings just for the sake of unnecessary reservations?"

"Okay." Fang Plione sighed. He was really not very good at this and always found it a bit troublesome, but he didn't want to offend Miss Nightingale. He also knew that the other party was also thinking about the Seven Seas Brigade, not to mention that it was really inappropriate to leave seeds of suspicion among the selectors on the island at this time.

In a sense, they face a common enemy, and the chosen ones living on this island are their natural allies.

Fang Yu asked everyone's wishes again. Unexpectedly, most people agreed, and even Cui Xisi did not object. Her views were surprisingly consistent with Alyssa's, thinking that this was a good opportunity to win over local electors.

Only Daryl volunteered to stay and watch the ship. Miss Catman seemed to keep a necessary distance from all unnecessary social activities. Tianlan jokingly said that Miss Ragdoll only liked the 'little nest' on the ship, just like cats—— As a result, I got a nasty shock.

There was still a place left for the mage chief on the ship, so Jita didn't get off the ship either. The boatswain also claimed that with his old arms and legs, there was no need to join in the fun. He had seen too many storms and waves on the open sea, but he took them lightly.

The rest of the people got off the boat.

The islanders piled a huge firewood pile in the open space in the middle of the valley and lit it at night. The bright firelight illuminated everyone's face, and even the surrounding forest danced in the flames.

The valley is also plated with rose color.

Seeing this scene, Mei couldn't help but ask, wouldn't this attract the attention of those dark creatures?

But Ian and his party told them that this valley was relatively safe. The Naga family had not yet penetrated deep into the holy mountain and could not see the fire from such a distance.

The islanders beat strange instruments, played exotic music, sang ancient hymns around the campfire, and offered praise and enthusiasm to the goddess Odessa they believed in.

Some young girls came out among them to offer courtesy to the 'envoy of God'. Those girls with wheat-colored skin were walking towards the people holding flowers and strange crystals produced in the sea.

The aborigines still seemed to think that Fang Plover and his party were the envoys chosen by the goddess to save them. The girls hardly dared to look up at these people, and only shyly handed gifts to everyone in the Seven Seas Brigade. .

Those flowers and crystals actually had little value, but when Sylvide took them, she still put them away with a smile.

She looked at the islander girl in front of her. The girl was blind in one eye. Her dark, soft long hair half covered the closed eye. She turned her head slightly to face the gaze of the ship officer, looking a little a little bit. disturbed.


Marigold saw the girl, held her hand and asked, "Why are you here?"

She looked at the other person's lost eye with some pity, and then explained to the others: "Her name is Danielle, she is a friend of me, Ian and Lark. She is a poor girl. When we went to the island, we Just know her.”

"...At that time she was not what she is now, but later during the Naga invasion, she was lost with her sister and parents, and she came here alone."

Fang Yu looked at the girls who came up to offer them gifts. Most of them had various disabilities. In order to take good care of them, the 'envoys of God', the island must have carefully selected these girls to offer them gifts. girl.

Naga has only arrived on this island not long ago, but those cruel and murderous creatures have profoundly changed everything here.

Others did not expect that there was such a story, and they couldn't help but think of the scene they had seen in Port Autrick before - the man whose eyes were stabbed, his throat was cut, and his body was nailed to a high wall. Let dry on top.

Even Alyssa looked a little silent for a moment when she looked at these girls.

Tian Lan even tugged at Sylvide's sleeve quietly, "Sister Sylvide."

"Don't put more pressure on the leader, we will try our best to help these people," Sylvide sighed, "Among the people we want to bring back who are living abroad, maybe Danielle's parents, sister It’s right there.”

Tian Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Yake asked me to come," but the islander girl named Danielle was not too sad about what happened to her. She only glanced at Fang Plover and his group carefully, and whispered: "He told I and you are back, and I am still with God’s envoys.”

"They are not God's envoys, they are just foreign guests." Marigold explained, "They are just like us, they are here to help you."

The female wizard looked at Fang Plover and others.

Seeing Fang Plover nodded slightly, she continued: "They might be able to help you find your sister and your parents."

Danielle shook her head: "My eyes were given to me by the goddess. Now I give them back to the goddess. This is what I should do. There is no need to feel sad about what happened to me, Ariel , all this is the blessing of the goddess——"

"Just like sister, mother and father, if they really fail to come back, they will just return to the embrace of the goddess. All of this is doomed," Danielle said, "It is the fate of our family. But. Ariel, I'm really happy to have you back."

Ian explained to Fang Plover and his party that 'Ariel' actually means the Chosen One in the Aboriginal language, but they do not use this title to refer to each Chosen One. It is a rather intimate term. call. Danielle seemed to be really happy for the return of Ian and the others. She was holding Marigold's hand and asking in a low voice, and glanced at Fang Plover and others from time to time.

Marigold quickly brought her over.

The girl looked at Fang Plover shyly and fearfully, bowed her head and bowed to him respectfully: "Your Majesty the Envoy of God."

"The islanders believe that you are the envoys chosen by the goddess," the female wizard sighed, looked at him and said helplessly: "She insisted that I bring her to see you."

Fang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to give the other party a souvenir. He actually didn't have anything valuable on hand, and finally found a clockwork fairy that he had modified, which was considered unique.

Danielle was very surprised to receive the gift and quickly took it back to show off to other girls, causing waves of exclamations.

The entire bonfire party was spent in such an atmosphere. As Alisa expected, they actually had no substantial contact with the islanders. Their backwardness and ignorance created a gap between the aborigines and them.

Except for Danielle, the aboriginal people did not dare to approach them. After all, they were the envoys of the goddess Odessa. Whether it caused the anger or the attention of the 'big man', they could not afford it.

But the selectors did not have this understanding. After getting to know each other, the two sides quickly became closer. Fang Yu also learned that most of the selectors on the island came from the second division, and a few came from the fourth division and the sea.

But the strange thing is that there are no choices from the first and third divisions. It seems that those portals are not accidental, but have certain choices.

The selectors also introduced the situation on the island to Fang Plover and his party, whether it was within the central mountain range, the peripheral areas, including the area around Altric City, as well as the few villages that were lost outside, and the Naga clan. What happened on the island?

Although the three Ians also told them all this, they heard different gains from different perspectives.

However, those social activities were roughly divided into several circles. The two people in Papala and Xiang were the most popular and mingled with others. Mei also had a few curious people. A player from Lotao recognized her origins from the ancient training knights and surrounded her asking questions.

Although Miss Knight is not sociable, she still answers other people's questions seriously.

Alyssa is quite comfortable in different circles. It can be seen that she has known many people from the beginning. Many people have greeted Miss Nightingale and asked her questions about the Seven Seas Brigade and her group.

It was as if this Miss Nightingale was the spokesperson of the Seven Seas Brigade.

Fang Yu even saw that Cui Xisi was also asking for information. The other party's behavior was completely different from the unruly demeanor when they met for the first time. She showed considerable caution and seriousness among different people, and was carefully testing Every word.

However, he himself was really too busy to do this. Occasionally, someone would come to his door, but he could not say a few words and would be silent, which made Sylvester beside him couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone seemed to have found their own place, but he, the leader, looked out of place on the side. There were only two lonely shadows left by the bonfire, him and Sylvide beside him.

The firewood crackled in the flames, burning the silent night.

The separated crowd seemed to isolate the whole world at that moment. The noble daughter looked at her captain silently and asked: "Our captain, are you worried about something?"

"I..." Fang Yu shook his head: "Actually, we can't talk about it."

"Captain, you might as well share it with your ship officer," Sylvide said seriously, "Let me guess, is it Luo Yu's business?"

Fang Yu looked at the other party in surprise.

Sylvide smiled: "Captain, do you really think that no one has noticed? Besides, men's worries cannot be hidden from the person next to them, but does Ed really think that it is his responsibility?"

Fang Yu shook his head slightly, he was not that fragile yet.

"...Sylweder, actually what I'm really worried about is Miss Siesta."

The empire has undergone drastic changes, and the converging clues have all led to the three geniuses seven hundred years ago. In Campa, Adni brought the whereabouts of Jedram's legacy.

Now, on this island, they met another goddess with the same name as Siesta, and received such a strange quest line, which may even be closely related to the fate of the entire Aitalia and the door of the third world.

It's like there is a thread in the dark, leading to the fate of this ancient human empire, and those chaotic threads all flow to everything that happened twenty years ago, Laila, Odais, and the prototype.

He has vaguely realized that there must be a huge secret hidden behind this, and one end of this secret is leading to the maid lady in the team. And Siesta's behavior in Altric City and in front of the goddess Odais was definitely not normal——

But Siesta would never deceive Sylvester, and if even the maid lady didn't know the reason, twenty years ago - between Jed Ram, Sir Ash and the pirate king William What happened?

What is the real reason that led to the destruction of the Seven Magician Family and the Linn Family?

At least Laila's existence proves that the truth of the past is not as simple as it appears.

Now the whereabouts of Luo Yu and Laila are still unknown, which also casts a layer of gloom in his heart.

This was the first time that he truly felt a little uneasy. The change in his identity had already turned into a heavy responsibility, weighing on his shoulders, making him wonder if he would lead the Seven Seas Brigade astray.

But it’s everyone’s decision to stay, and it’s impossible for them to turn a blind eye to a world quest line, but what if it’s all wrong? Fang Yu knew that he shouldn't be indecisive, it was not in line with his style.

But he still couldn't help but think about it.

Hearing this, Sylvide looked at the maid not far away, with a hint of worry in her eyes. Although they were called master and servant, they actually had a deeper relationship than sisters.

But she thought for a moment and said: "Shesta has been like this since she was a child. She won't tell outsiders easily if she has something in her heart, even me."

"But I know that she is not as strong and indifferent as she appears on the outside. She has always had a grudge against her origins. She is very aware of the differences between herself and ordinary people, and I am also very aware of it, so I will never Mention this in front of outsiders.”

Sylvester looked into the distance.

"I hope she can come out on her own. She is actually the same as us, whether it is thoughts, behavior, or emotions. As long as I don't say anything, no one will think that she is a man-made thing, right? In fact, even if we are ourselves, Occasionally, I will doubt myself.”

"Later we met Miss Leila," Sylvide said, "Captain, do you think Miss Leila is not a human being?"

Fang Plover shook his head.

"So that's exactly what it is," Sylvide said: "The captain may not have to worry too much. Everything right now may be an opportunity for her. Shesta may be really familiar with this place, and everything here Maybe it has something to do with her origin.”

She changed the subject: "Actually, since Luo Yu disappeared, the captain has been pretending to be worried. Except for me, others can more or less see it. Tian Lan also told me more than once, so although she has always been I'm worried about Luo Yu, but I've never shown it in front of you."

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment and raised his head unexpectedly. He didn't expect Miss Poet to have such a thing.

Sylvide said softly: "So Captain, do you understand? The Seven Seas Brigade is special. Everyone knows what they are doing. Everyone decided to stay, which is to put their trust in your hands. We have not only experienced A crisis, but no one left, not because we believed we could succeed every time, but because we were prepared to never regret it."

She paused: "That's all."

"This is actually what Jita asked me to tell you." Miss Ship Officer combed her hanging hair with her fingers, which shone in the firelight. "Besides, hasn't there been no bad news from Luo Yu? With Alessa, the Dragon Queen must have his own ideas."

Fang Plover nodded slightly.

He thought for a while and then looked at Sylvester: "What about you?"

The ship officer lady was wearing a long shawl and was sitting by the campfire. She had her legs together and covered them with a long skirt. When she noticed Fang Plover's eyes falling on her face, she asked: "I What's wrong?"

Under the curved and slender eyebrows, the lake-like eyes reflected the beating flames.

"I'm talking about what happened in the afternoon, what Miss Miya said... are you okay?"

Sylvester was startled before she realized what he was asking. She smiled softly and said, "It doesn't matter."

She turned her head to look at the bonfire and said: "Of course, I won't frankly say that I have no grudges anymore. After all, no one can really let go of everything. I embarked on this journey precisely to find the whereabouts of my father. .”

"But at least," Sylvide smiled slightly and looked at him: "We can already see it."

The noble daughter let out a sigh of relief: "Everyone says that I am the eldest daughter of the Albert family. Naturally, I have to bear that courage. In fact, I also thought that my father would be killed in the storm. That was the first step on this journey. It’s not surprising that people who follow the road eventually belong to each other, and maybe one day, I will be the same.”

Fang Yu heard the determination in her words, but did not refute. How can a person who steps on the wind and waves not have this awareness, but the final result may not be important, because he will be there before that.

No matter how long the road is.

"Father, actually he doesn't want me to follow his path," Sylvide added: "Because the wind and waves on the sea are too big and it is too difficult for girls - he said this to me more than once. He hopes that I I can stay in the kingdom, let him protect me from the wind and rain, and stay in that quiet and peaceful harbor——"

The campfire exploded with sparks.

Sylvide continued, "But all those are just false appearances. I have always understood that I am my father's daughter, and I have to shoulder those responsibilities. Even if I don't do that, the forces behind me will push it. I’m so—”

"The king's political situation changed, people related to my father were imprisoned one after another, and the death of that lady made me realize all this. Captain, your ship officer has never been weak or cowardly. , she is so bold and dares to overturn everything for her own purposes."

She looked at Fang Plover with clear eyes: "I have always known what my purpose is, and who will eventually stay with me. Even the encounter with the captain is actually just a part of the plan."

She couldn't help but laugh, and she smiled mischievously: "I'm sorry, I'm actually very selfish, but I don't regret at all for getting Ed involved in this incident."

The flames flickered, illuminating the side of the ship officer's face.

Like slender vines climbing up a big tree, slender fingers intertwined with it, she replied softly: "But in return, I will accompany the captain to wherever you want to go. As long as you are not tired of it, I will always be Your Miss Ship Officer."

Fang Plover was speechless.

Because he had never heard such straightforward words of love, the pretense of silence was burned away in an instant, making him feel as helpless as the big boy again.

But Miss Ship Officer likes him like this.

... (end of this chapter)

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