Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1098 Scene 425 The Battle of the Chosen Ones

Fang Yu also didn't expect that their first meeting with the goddess would be like this.

The golden radiance benefited the entire canyon, causing all the indigenous people to prostrate themselves on the ground, leaning towards that direction in the valley. The goddess seemed to have issued an oracle to these mountain people. When they stood up, their eyes were full of reverence when they looked at Fang Plover and his party, and they automatically separated into a road.

The light also fell on Fang Plover. At that moment, it seemed as if a gentle female voice made a wish in his heart. A force entered his body, and his soul was filled with a warm feeling. The goddess blessed them.

Even the selectors in the valley couldn't help but look surprised when they saw this scene.

"It's the blessing of the goddess. What are the origins of these people? Even if they are really people from the Twelve Colored Iris, there is no need for Lady Odessa to favor them so favorably, right?"

"Perhaps Goddess Odessa thinks they have the ability to solve the problem here? After all, it is the number one guild in the second division."

"Okay, if they can really help, we will be saved."

Unlike the awe of the mountain people, the chosen ones were talking in whispers. Some of them have been here for more than half a month, and they have seen the goddess appear several times and send favors like this.

But that was usually after she made her wish, after they worked together to complete one of the goddess's oracles. This was the first time that someone came to the valley and she sent down her will and gave her blessing. That favor benefits everyone equally, and they all benefit from it.

Fang Yu glanced at the system panel and found that his dexterity, strength, physique, and computing power had all increased. But what really surprised him was that his experience bar had also soared. The increase in attributes was only temporary. , but the experience bar will not go back——

This is actually a permanent blessing!

That goddess must have used her divine power to infuse them with knowledge and experience that they had not yet witnessed. Fang Piao could not help but feel surprised and happy. No wonder the chosen ones who fell here would respect this goddess. This changed. Who is not confused?

You must know that he is level 30. Only those who have reached this level know how difficult it is to improve experience at this stage. An adventurer's knowledge is exhausted as he grows up. The more experiences a person has, the more daily There is less for him to discover in things.

Unless they are experiences in dangerous situations, the stunning scenery between life and death that ordinary people have never seen, or the secret treasures hidden in the ruins of time ago waiting to be discovered, or the most difficult and cutting-edge academic fields. part.

The further forward you go, the harder it is to take another step.

Of course, most of the things that the Seven Seas Brigade has done are things that ordinary people have never imagined, and are experiences that they dare not even think about, such as leading a battle, being in the center of the storm, meeting a dragon queen, etc. Or challenge the majesty of an ancient empire, turn a city into ruins, and attack the dragon knights. It is precisely because of this that the group of them upgraded so quickly.

But compared with the risks they wanted to take, the favors given by this goddess were like rain from heaven. She instilled knowledge into them with wisdom and insight far beyond that of ordinary people, and it took no effort to obtain it.

Fang Plover turned around and saw that everyone had the same surprise on their faces. Only the aborigines on the ship, Sylvide, Siesta and Baggins, did not feel deeply, but the benefits they received were actually the same. .

Cui Xisi at the back was even more surprised. She didn't expect that she would get such a benefit for nothing just after joining the team. Isn't this much faster than staying at the Sacrament Guild and improving herself step by step?

But Alyssa glanced at Fang Plover silently. The latter also read the thought in Miss Nightingale's eyes. There is no free lunch in this world. As soon as they came here, the god promised benefits for no reason, so she naturally meant something.

Fang Plover looked up and saw that the end of the road separated by the mountain people just led to the temple deep in the canyon, like a silent invitation.

The meaning contained in it is self-evident.

"The goddess seems to have let us pass." Tian Lan said while watching this scene.

Sylvide's wonderful eyes moved, and her eyes stayed on Fang Plover: "What did the captain say?"

What else can I say?

Fang Yu thought to himself, of course he should go and take a look, "Silverde, you stay, Miss Siesta, you protect everyone, Luo Hao, Miss Adni, you come with me."

He turned around and was about to point out who was with him and who stayed to watch the ship, but a white shadow flashed beside him, and a graceful figure was already standing beside him. The girl was wearing the loose robe and brought hood.

Miya looked at him: "I'm with you."

Her sudden appearance startled everyone, and the selectors around her almost thought they were dazzled: "Why did that woman appear?" Teleport? Is this the strength of the elite brigade of Twelve Color Iris? Everyone couldn't help but their evaluation of Fang Plov and others rose to a higher level.

The sudden appearance of the wolf girl startled Ian, Marigold and Lark. They thought they were seeing everyone in the Seven Seas Brigade on the ship, but unexpectedly another girl suddenly appeared, and They didn't even see each other appear on the ship.

And although Miya concealed her appearance, the exposed chin could still tell that she was a beauty that was no less beautiful than Miss Ship Officer. For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed. What kind of brigade is this? Ordinarily, there is no way that there are two contestants with such stunning beauties who are not well-known at all.

Fang Yu was a little surprised and lowered his voice: "...Miss Miya, what are you...?"

Miya's appearance surprised him. There were many people here, and the existence of the Sea Witch was one of the biggest secrets on the Seven Seas Traveler.

But Miya didn't hide her meaning at all. She looked at the temple in the distance and said:

"The other party is not one of the Saints of Orin. It is either a powerful natural spirit, an unknown divine creature, or a hidden dark god. The means of existence at this level are often mysterious. It’s unpredictable, I’m afraid I won’t be able to protect you if you stay far away.”

"Then I will go with you." Sylvide suddenly looked at Miya and said.

Their eyes didn't meet, but there was already an unpleasant smell in the air.

Fang Plover was a bit confused, why did the two of them get off the ground at this time: "Sylvid?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that stingy," Sylvide smiled, "But you forgot the relationship between Siesta and that name, and since my maid is going, then naturally I have to go and see her too. .”

Fang Yu finally understood and looked at the maid, but it was highly unlikely that she would leave his mistress behind and go there alone. Siesta would only listen to Sylvester's words.

Don't look at Sylvester, who is smiling and saying something that she doesn't care about. But Fang Yu knew clearly what was going on. If he wanted Sylvide to stay and asked her to send the maid over, the other party would definitely find a thousand reasons.

Miya dismissed Miss Ship Officer's little plan and didn't even express her position. If the other party wanted to follow him, just let her go. But she only cared about Fang Plover's safety. When something happens, just let this woman stay there.

Ian and the others on the boat were stunned. "Did I see it wrong?" Ian turned back to look at his companion. "The ship officer lady seems to have a close relationship with the lady who appeared later. Are they...?"

"You may have read it right," Marigold said curiously, "but the ship officer lady is a great beauty. Most people can't muster the courage to compete with her. The lady who appears later looks like she should It’s quite outstanding.”

"I'm really getting more and more curious," she said, "Who is that leader? He doesn't look too old. He's a few years younger than us. By the way, look behind him clearly. How did that person appear?"

The female wizard turned back and asked her companion: "Lark, what do you think?"

The lark shook his head slightly and replied in a cold voice: "I'm not interested in these."


Marigold Road.


Others also returned to the Seven Seas Traveler. There was a shortage of supplies in the valley, and they were almost at the stage of lacking everything. With Fang Plover's approval, they moved some of the supplies off the ship and distributed them to the local electors and aborigines.

This move won a lot of favor, especially the food. Many people had been without cooking for a day or two. After the potatoes and beans in wooden boxes and barrels were distributed, wisps of cooking smoke immediately rose in the valley.

The slight resistance originally caused by strangers was now eliminated by sharing. Everyone came up to help carry supplies and mingled with the Seven Seas Brigade.

Those who were more enthusiastic were already getting close to Baggins, Box and others, asking about their origins. The Papalar people were at ease in this environment, and they had already stood on a pile of boxes and started bragging about the glorious deeds of their group.

Of course, he wasn't stupid. He cut off the beginning and end of those stories and made a lot of changes. After replacing the characters, time and place, and adding in his exaggerated modifications, the original general image could no longer be heard.

Of course everyone knew he was bragging, but they still burst into good-natured laughter from time to time.

Miss Nightingale walked among the crowd alone, asking different people about the news here and collecting information. Miss Poet is also responsible for the same work, but of course her movements are much slower, and she is often distracted by other things.

But soon a third person joined in, and it was Cuisi.

Alyssa was stunned when she saw the latter, "You can do this too?"

Cui Xisi nodded, "In the elite group of the big guild, you have to understand something. It's not that there is no such thing as boring gourd, but originally I was mainly responsible for this aspect of the work in our group."

Miss Nightingale's eyes lit up, this was a real professional, "Come with me, Miss Cuisi."

Cui Xisi nodded. She had just arrived and needed to be familiar with all aspects. She took the initiative to take on the work just to integrate into the team.

As for the others, they didn't like to join in the fun. Luo Hao and Mei, who were replaced by Shesta, returned to their own rooms. Miss Naturalist guarded the magic cabin alone, and there was Miss Dragon Soul who was not a 'human' Be there for her.

There is nothing to pay attention to on the Seven Seas Traveler now. Miss Goblin is sitting alone on the blanket making tea for herself. The smoke is curling up in the porcelain cup. Her movements are quiet and graceful, without any distractions.

Box was alone on the bow of the ship pretending to be cool, but few people actually noticed him - he was looking down at his scabbard and half-pulling out the magic sword Gwendes: "Listen to me, my dear master, you Better not put me back there—"

When the demon sword was halfway through his words, he inserted the sword back again. He was so angry that Gwendes cursed loudly in the scabbard, vowing that one day he would break free from the seal and make these damn mortals look good.

At the same time, Fang Plover took Siesta, Sylvester and Adni into the temple, with Miya following closely behind the three of them.

The temple made of gravel is more unpretentious than expected. It looks like a long canyon carved out of red sandstone. Silently standing sandstone pillars support its upper vault, preventing rainwater from eroding the sandstone. .

The deeper you go in, the darker the light becomes. The priests left a few torches here. The dim firelight swayed on the stone pillars, casting dark shadows like ink, like a pair of giant arms, allowing several people to walk between light and shadow.

The maid girl raised her head and looked at this place. Fang Plover asked her if she had any impression of this place, but Siesta shook her head slightly.

Adni naturally knew nothing about this place. Until they entered the deepest hall, the icon of the goddess Odessa stood silently here, with two braziers reflecting its tall image - the priests of the mountain people carved this goddess out of the rock wall. The statue seemed a bit rough, but the first time Fang Plover saw the icon of this goddess, the image of the other party was deeply ingrained in his mind——

It was a female warrior with hair as black as night, standing in the center of the temple, like a lonely mountain peak, with majestic majesty.

The sword with stars hanging on it hangs on the side of the armor leaf, and is covered with a long black cloak, like a dark flame hanging down. Every trace of perseverance and unyieldingness between the girl's brows, with clear lines, is like a face carved from jade, clearly written Her perseverance and courage. The pair of eyes as black as ink, as if shining with a metallic luster under the moonlight, looked at the five of them gently, from Adni to Sylvide, from Siesta to Mia, only passing by the wolf Stop for a moment as a girl.

Finally it fell on Fang Plover.

And when she glanced at Siesta, the latter seemed to have fallen into a long dream for an instant. She couldn't help but subconsciously asked: "Who...are you?" But when Siesta reacted, I couldn't help being surprised.

Because it was not that she came up with such an idea on her own initiative, it was more like an inspiration flashed from her heart, as if she had seen a similar image in the distant past at that moment.

Everyone couldn't help but turn around and look at the maid.

"you know me?"

The female warrior asked.

But Siesta shook her head. After her consciousness returned to the active state, she found that she actually couldn't remember anything. The fragments of memory flew away with the wind, leaving only an outline in the end.

Fang Yu looked at the maid, and Sylvide was also looking at the latter with some worry. Then he turned back and said, "Ms. Odessa, do you know her?"

Odessa shook her head: "I have never seen any of you before today."

Fang Yu asked again: "So you are the owner of this place, the goddess that the mountain people believe in?"

Odessa nodded.

"So, Goddess, do you know the purpose of our coming here?"

Odessa nodded, her voice was very special, as if it had an independent life, like an elf, echoing in the hall: "I know that you are here for the secret treasure of Pirate King William."

Fang Yu was slightly surprised.

Although he had expected it, he still didn't expect that the other party would be so clear. Is this the ability of the gods?

He turned around and saw the same surprise on the face of the foundry girl.

"Then Ms. Odessa," Fang Plover took a breath, then turned back to look at the goddess, and asked again: "...are you planning to stop us?"

"No," Odessa shook her head, "On the contrary, the pirate king's secret treasure is located deep in an underground ruins, but it is not easy for you to find that place. I can lead you there."

"But what's the reason, Lady Goddess?"

Those free things are often full of dangerous temptations, and somewhere unseen, God has already marked a price for them.

If they agree too hastily, they may often not be able to pay the price.

But Odessa looked at him and didn't hide it: "I need you to do me a favor."

Fang Yu asked: "My Lady, is the power surrounding the island your masterpiece?"

Odessa nodded: "Yes."

Fang Yu thought for a while and realized that the goddess asked them to come here mostly for the Naga on the island, so he took the initiative to ask: "But I have heard that your protection can not only stop the storm, but also stop the power of darkness. Invasion."

"——But why does Naga appear on this island now?"

"Because an unprecedented storm is gathering," Odessa looked through several people, as if seeing the scene above Kukai. She gently raised her hand, letting everyone be in the illusion of the storm.

Fang Plover, Sylvide, Siesta, Adni and Miya all saw the huge storm that destroyed the world, spanning most of the Storm Islands, their expressions changed slightly, and a huge whirlpool rose on the sea, and Countless Nagas are migrating from it.

"Is this?" He couldn't help but ask. If this wasn't an illusion, Campa would be in big trouble next.

Although the empire has nothing to do with him, no one can stay away from the confrontation between the dark creatures and the civilized world.

Odessa looked at the storm with a calm and rational voice as if she was watching everything: "Its power is increasing day by day. Correspondingly, my power is weakening. When the contrast of power reaches a critical point, Click, and the Nagas will find a breakthrough——"

"You want us to deal with them?"

"No, you can't do it," Odessa looked at him and shook her head: "The power of Naga and Giant is beyond your imagination, unless the empire goes all out, but they have set their sights on the south, the destruction of Campa It’s inevitable.”

"Then what can we do?"

"I need you to gather the islanders on the island and bring them here. There used to be some villages on this island. When the attack occurred, the Chosen Ones brought most of the islanders here, but there are still some Villages are being left behind.”

"Why us?"

"Because you have sailboats," Odessa replied.

Fang Yu finally understood, but he didn't expect that the goddess's commission would be so simple. He didn't ask what the purpose of bringing those people here was, because according to the goddess, Naga would one day capture the island.

But since the other party has said that they can't deal with Naga and can't calm the storm, then these things have little to do with them. Maybe the goddess has other plans, but they just need to take care of their own affairs.

"When we bring the people back," Fang Plover asked, "you will tell us where the Pirate King's treasure house is, is it that simple?"

Odessa nodded: "That's what this deal is all about."

Sylvide suddenly said: "Goddess, has anyone ever entered that treasure house?"

Fang Yu was startled when he heard the words, and then he remembered that there was indeed such a thing. If they had been busy for a long time, and the treasure house had been invaded and empty, then they would really have no place to cry - just tell her whether she has realized herself promise?

"Everyone, please rest assured," Odessa said: "The treasure house has been kept intact deep underground. Whatever you want, you will definitely be able to get it from that treasure house."

Fang Yu felt awe-struck. In fact, knowing that they came for the treasure house was nothing, but what was inside was more important. The other party could even guess this. Only gods could do such a thing. .

Only then did he feel at ease, knowing that the other party was a god was a good thing for them. Those powerful natural spirits or dark beings might plot against them, but beings of a higher level often disdained this.

He then looked at the goddess and replied: "We are willing to serve you, my lady goddess."

Odessa nodded and sent a task directly to their system.

Fang Yu was almost shocked when he saw the mission description that suddenly appeared on his light screen:

【Battle of the Holy Chosen】■■■■——■■, ■■■■.

‘Complete the commission from the goddess Odessa, find the surviving islanders on the island, and bring them back to the sanctuary valley. ’

Mission reward: Knowledge increased by 1 level.

Fang Piao carefully read the mission reward column several times. Although there were only six words, he couldn't help but ask him to confirm it repeatedly to make sure he had read it correctly.

Knowledge experience and combat experience together constitute all the requirements for a character's level improvement, but either type of the two can actually promote level improvement. A straightforward description of the level improvement of knowledge and knowledge is actually:

Level plus one.

If that page of light hadn't actually appeared in his taskbar, he would have almost thought he had encountered some clumsy liar. Such a task reward was unheard of even at a low level.

And he is level 30, level 30.

Moreover, the description of the mission itself is also very interesting. The name of the mission is actually blacked out, which shows that the mission event should still be in the activation stage, but that category alone is enough to make people feel shocked.

Battle of the Holy Chosen.

This mission category should be the highest level after the Star Gate, even one level higher than world events. It has only appeared once in the entire Star Gate history, and that was the Battle of the Chosen when the First Continental Bridge was opened.

The Gate of Kukai series quest line.

Fang Yu's heart was pounding. He never thought that he would receive the beginning of such a quest line from an unknown god in such a place. He couldn't help but look back at Miya.

Sylvide, Siesta and Adni present were all aboriginals. They had no system and naturally could not see the mission prompts. However, only the wolf girl, like him, was the chosen one.

However, Miya didn't show any too surprised expression on her face. She only briefly glanced at the light screen that appeared in front of her, and then her eyes flashed with surprise.

... (end of this chapter)

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