Chapter 533


Let's talk about it when revenge comes!

Yue Qingcheng was in no mood to continue chatting with her, and threw the medicine bottle into her arms.

The liquid medicine completely penetrated into the body of the red lips.

Yue Qingcheng's eyes lingered on her for a while, and she left the door before she died.

"Kill me, please..."

Gui Xiao followed the little guy's pace, but was blocked by the red lips that hurt his internal organs and twisted his body in pain.

The palms that used to feed the beast with pills to kill Yue Qingcheng were gone, and she couldn't grab Gui Xiao's clothes.

And she couldn't live anymore, she just wanted to die soon.

Gui Xiao didn't even look at it, and stepped over.

After leaving the death cell, Gui Xiao hugged Yue Qingcheng again and returned to the palace.

In the next few days, she moved the books about medical skills and cultivation from the palace into the big room, and began to retreat.

No one dared to disturb her when she was retreating, only ghost owls appeared from time to time.

But it was impossible for him to tell Yue Qingcheng some trivial things that happened in the palace, some things Yue Qingcheng knew nothing about.

For example, Ma Xiaolan, who did not die, also entered the palace.


in the hall.

"Yue Xiuyuan, you're not human, so you're suspicious of such things."

It was the same curse, but Ma Xiaolan's mood was very calm, not as loud as before.

Leaving Duke Dingguo's mansion for a few months made her fall from heaven to dust, becoming older than a peasant woman who worked day and night, and also contracted a serious illness. It seemed that speaking loudly would kill her.

Yue Xiuyuan stared at her with cannibalistic eyes, "The blood of the Yue family cannot be tarnished, are you guilty?"

Ma Xiaolan's ironic gaze swept over him, "I'm guilty? Heh..."

"You'd better pray that Shanwu is my blood, otherwise—" Yue Xiuyuan narrowed his eyes and threatened.

"Shanwu is not your blood, our family is divided into five horses, but Yue Xiuyuan, if Shanwu is your son, do you dare to kowtow to me?!"

Ma Xiaolan's mood fluctuated slightly, her face turned pale immediately, and she coughed suddenly.

Seeing her like this, Yue Xiuyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, they have been an old couple for more than ten years...

Speaking of which, since Yan Ji's death, Yue Xiuyuan's outlook on life has undergone a huge reversal.

As if going back to the time before Yue Qingcheng returned, Yan Ji seemed to be just a spring|dream.

But for Ma Xiaolan, he has some redeeming ideas.

Therefore, swallowing the swearing that came out of his mouth, he thought that he was generous and did not have the same knowledge as a woman.

"Father, shall we begin?"

He turned around and asked respectfully to the old man sitting on the main seat with his eyes closed.

The old man who had been trying his best to ignore the couple slowly opened his eyes, his eyes did not stay on them at all, but looked at Yue Shanwu who was dragged over for some unknown reason.

He didn't know how important the result of blood recognition would have on his future life.

"En." The old man responded.

Yue Xiuyuan pricked his fingertips with a silver needle, and a drop of blood fell into the crystal clear glass cup filled with water.

"Come Shanwu, daddy will stab you."

Yue Shanwu's small face was full of horror, "Why did Dad stab Wu'er, Wu'er is afraid of pain, Wu'er doesn't want it!"

He broke away from Yue Xiuyuan's hand and ran to the old man.

But he turned a corner halfway and threw himself into Ma Xiaolan's arms.

"Mother, poor Wu'er...cough cough cough..."

Ma Xiaolan wept bitterly, her face turned pale again, and the silk scarf covering her mouth was covered with blood.

"Wu'er is obedient!"

Yue Xiuyuan snatched Yue Shanwu over, and involuntarily pricked Yue Xiuyuan's fingertips.

Blood, dripping into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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