Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 772 Just Nice?

Chapter 772 Just Nice?

"I don't know!" Xia Ningmeng said indifferently.

The credit card was given to her by Jian Jichen, and she never cared how much money was in it, only knowing that it was enough for her to spend.

"Sister Bella, I bought this, what do you think?" Xia Ningmeng found the cosmetics and make-up she bought from the pile of things.

Xia Yixuan wanted to ask a few more questions, but finally shook his head helplessly and went to put things on the second floor.

Bella, who was still rummaging through things, turned her head to look at Xia Ningmeng. She bought a very professional makeup box with five layers. It was the configuration of a professional makeup artist. There were more than 30 brushes of different thicknesses.

Bella didn't understand at all, how did Xia Ningmeng, who never wears makeup, buy such a big box of makeup?
"You don't even know how to put on makeup, so you're making a big deal out of buying this?"

"You can learn it if you don't know it, and you can also use it."

When a teacher wears heavy makeup?Bella expressed incomprehension.

Xia Ningmeng took out another set of skin care products.

"I also bought this, it smells delicious to you."

Bella leaned over and smelled it, it was fragrant, it was so fragrant!
She took a look at the packaging, this brand was not famous at all, she had never heard of it.

"Would you like to use this instead?" Xia Ningmeng's skin is particularly good, fair and supple, full of collagen, her skin seems to have stayed in a 16-year-old girl's youth.

Not only is her skin white and tender, but most importantly, it is clean and spotless like a baby's skin.

Jian Jichen is really willing to spend money on her. Xia Ningmeng's skin care products are all customized according to her skin. A bottle of essence costs more than 1 yuan!A set of basic skin care 10,000+.

Fortunately, Xia Ningmeng doesn't need makeup and doesn't need lipstick, perfume and the like, otherwise it would be really expensive skin care.

Bella asked, "How much did you pay for this?"

"It's more than 600 yuan. It gave me a lot of gifts. This travel size will be much more convenient to go out in the future."

Bella nodded knowingly. She is not keen on or understands cosmetics, so she doesn't express her opinion.

She found a few books among a pile of things, and she knew that these were for Xia Yixuan.

She took out the book and got up to take it to the study room. Only Xia Ningmeng and Little K were left in the living room looking for treasure among the piles of things.

When Xia Yixuan returned to the living room from the second floor, little K Oreo ate a mouth full of black biscuit crumbs, and Xia Ningmeng spread clothes all over the sofa. They were bought for Little K and herself, most of which were parent-child clothes. Bought four sets in one breath.

It was the first time Xia Yixuan saw Xia Ningmeng spending like this.

"Ning'er, aren't you going to BJ tomorrow? Have you packed up and rested earlier?"

"Brother, come and see if this one looks good? Which one looks good?"

Xia Yixuan casually pointed to a set and said, "This is not bad!"

"Just good? But I have bad eyesight? Are these not good-looking?"

"It's beautiful, it's all beautiful!"

Xia Ning didn't even raise her head, wondering which outfit to wear tomorrow?
Bella came back from the study and saw the parent-child on the sofa pretending to smile and said: "This dress is pretty."

"Does it look good? I'll show you what to wear, and you can help me choose a set to wear tomorrow."

Some people finally said that the things bought with money looked good, and Xia Ningmeng couldn't wait to try them on.

She hurriedly hugged little K to try on clothes, and Bella who was on the spot muttered, "Tomorrow? Isn't she going to BJ tomorrow?"

Xia Yixuan didn't understand why his sister was so excited this evening, he continued to pack a lot of things.

After being busy until after 10 o'clock, the living room finally returned to cleanliness.Xia Ningmeng also carried Little K back to her room.

Xia Yixuan wanted to ask Xia Ningmeng what time she left the next day, but she forgot.

(End of this chapter)

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