Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 677 Not So Guilty

Chapter 677 Not So Guilty

Wen Yu sacrificed his life to save herself, Xia Ningmeng was naturally full of gratitude.I don't even know it's scary when it hits me. It's not as simple as pain, but scary!
How fragile people are, someone accidentally fell and died, let alone being hit by a piece of iron lump?

Fortunately, it hit the back.If it hits the head or any part of the liver casually, the possibility of death on the spot is very high.

When a person is in danger, the first thing he thinks of is always himself, and he will not let himself get hurt. That's why heroes are praised by people.

Xia Ningmeng is just like Wen Yu, she is more grateful than admiring.

After she sat down, Wen Yu couldn't move his head, he could only turn his eyes to look at Xia Ningmeng.

He asked, "Are you okay?" It had only been half a day since he came out of the operating room, and the anesthetic hadn't worn off yet, so Wen Yu himself didn't feel any special pain or anything else.It's just uncomfortable not being able to move freely.

Xia Ningmeng shook her head lightly, compared to his robbing, her injury was nothing at all.

She asked concerned: "Does it hurt?" At this time, a thank you is too light, so it's better not to say it.

Wen Yu said: "It doesn't hurt!" How could it not hurt?The doctor said that more than 100 milliliters of blood was drawn out of the cavity, and everyone was scared to death.

Xia Ningmeng said: "The professor told you to call your parents." Of course Wen Yu's parents had to notify of such a big accident.

When Xia Ningmeng was in the disposal room, Sun Linqian had already called her brother and Jian Jichen respectively.She didn't have her parents' numbers in her cell phone, so she could only call her brother.

After making a phone call, they only said that she was hit by a falling object and sent to the hospital. In other cases, Xia Ningmeng was still in the emergency treatment room at that time, so no one knew about it, so I didn't go into details. It should be on the way.

On Wen Yu's side, the scene was chaotic at the time, and his mobile phone was lost somewhere, so he couldn't call his parents immediately.

This meeting, the classmates and the professor are busy with the admission procedures of the two of them, the school accident insurance and other related matters.

When leaving, the professor specifically asked Wen Yu to wake up, and asked him to call his parents. Those who signed the surgery must be guardians, and it would be more comfortable to have relatives to take care of them.

So Wen Yu shook his head and said: "They are all abroad, and the injuries are not serious, so it's okay."

"Then how? If there is an operation or something, who will sign it?" Wen Yu's internal injuries have not been checked yet, so there is no guarantee that there will be any injuries. What if there is an operation?
Wen Yu didn't want to alarm his parents, so he didn't say anything, since he is an adult in his 20s, it's better not to worry his parents.

However, he can't move now, and it's very troublesome to defecate. The school will definitely arrange someone to take care of him, but there must always be someone close to him.

After Wen Yu thought about it, he could only call his girlfriend.Xia Ningmeng took out her mobile phone and said, "Then you call her immediately."

Wen Yu called, but no one answered.

He said: "At this time, she should be in class, and she will play it later."

It can only be so!

Xia Ningmeng asked: "Drink water? Are you hungry now?"

Wen Yu shook his head. Within six hours after the operation, he was not allowed to drink or eat.

Xia Ningmeng always felt that she had to do something to make herself feel less guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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