Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 422 Drunk

Chapter 422 Drunk
Xia Ningmeng Hennessy was already a little drunk. In her mind, among the four of them, except Qu Haomiao, who didn't drink alcohol, sat there solemnly. With her and Jian Youxuan, Chen Zhengqi had a great time.

Chen Zhengqi took out a candy-like thing and said, "Eat this, it's super cool!"

Jian Youxuan was already deeply drunk, she leaned on Chen Zhengqi's shoulder and asked, "Shake, head, pill? Where did you get it? This is super cool."

Xia Ningmeng asked: "What is shaking, head, pill?"

"This is poison, you can't eat it!" No one else spoke except Qu Haomiao.

"Are you sick? Even if it's a drug, do you care if we take it or not?"

Chen Zhengqi gave Jian Youxuan one, and poured out another one for Xia Ningmeng. Xia Ningmeng just reached out to take it, but Qu Haomiao grabbed it.

After drinking, Chen Zhengqi became daring and tempered. He immediately got angry, stood up and pushed Qu Haomiao out and shouted, "You're the boss!"

"It's just your ribs, if you still touch me, find a fight!"

Qu Haomiao was usually polite, but he had learned Taekwondo since he was a child. He had long been annoyed by seeing Chen Zhengqi, so he punched Chen Zhengqi on the cheekbone.

Chen Zhengqi squatted down with his head in his arms, and after a while he raised his head, glaring at Qu Haomiao angrily.

"Your special code..."

He stood up and rushed towards Qu Haomiao, and the two scuffled together.

As for Jian Youxuan and Xia Ningmeng, they were so drunk that they didn't know that the two boys were fighting, and they were leaning back and forth on the sofa.

"Lingmeng, I've eaten this before, it's very exciting!"

"Exciting? Then I will eat too!"

Xia Ningmeng just took the pellets from Jian Youxuan's hand, and Chen Zhengqi and Qu Haomiao, who were fighting at the other end, both fell on the sofa. Jian Youxuan said: "Who is this, you idiot, get out of here!"

Xia Ningmeng smiled and said, "You mean old lady? Okay..."

"Two psychopaths, let's go!"

Jian Youxuan wanted to pull Xia Ningmeng to stand up, but she was too drunk, as soon as she stood up, she felt dizzy and fell back to the sofa, colliding with Xia Ningmeng who had just stood up.

The two hugged each other and laughed.

"Look at how drunk you are."

"Aren't you the same?"

Jian Youxuan stood up unsteadily again and asked, "Is your birthday happy today?"

happy?Xia Ningmeng thought of Jian Jichen, and instantly fell into a low mood and said: "I'm not happy, my brother didn't say a word of greetings, brother Jichen came back and broke his promise..."

Tears immediately appeared in Xia Ningmeng's eyes, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was in a bleak situation. Jian Youxuan hugged her staggeringly and said, "If you're not happy, let's go and be happy."

She was dragged towards the dance floor by Jian Youxuan, and Qu Haomiao, who was wrestling with Chen Zhengqi, threw off Chen Zhengqi and stepped forward to hold Xia Ningmeng. He was in a bit of a panic at the moment, his nose was hit in a circle, and blood was seen at the corner of his mouth, he said : "You can't go! It's full of bad people."

"Oh, men and women can't kiss each other, don't touch me..."

"You can't go in there!"

Xia Ningmeng was chattering, when she heard a roar from beside her: "Let her go!"

In such a noisy space, she could hear the man's voice clearly, but how loud was his voice?

Xia Ningmeng looked up, she smiled and said, "Hey, why do you look so similar to my brother Jichen?"

 Of course it does, the same manufacturer, the same batch of production... Those who read the article, can you make a fuss, shit, reply to the chapter below, and no one is there!
(End of this chapter)

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