Chapter 184
Professor Fu simply changed his flight. If he couldn't go back today, he simply went to Xunning Tea House.

When I came to the teahouse, there were many tea customers in the afternoon, and some calligraphy lovers gathered here.

Appreciating calligraphy while drinking tea, people with the same interests and hobbies, learning and communicating with each other, as if returning to the clubs in college, the atmosphere is quite good.

When Professor Fu came to the second floor, there was a space separated by a screen, and seven or eight calligraphers were gathering.

Xia Yixuan wrote with a brush in front of the desk, and the exquisite small seal script flowed out smoothly. The pen and ink were smooth and vigorous, and the brushstrokes were vigorous and free and easy. All the people around applauded.

Professor Fu was also impressed by Xia Yixuan's beautiful Xiaozhuan. It really is a young man born from a talent since ancient times.

Xia Yixuan seemed to have guessed that Professor Fu would come, and he didn't show any surprise when he saw him, but just said with a "please" gesture: "I've finished writing this post, Professor Fu, you can do whatever you want."

Professor Fu gladly joined it. Although his calligraphy is not good, he is a senior scholar with a full stomach, and it is very easy to integrate into everyone's topics.

Seven or eight people chatted freely. After Xia Yixuan wrote a post, he sat back beside Professor Fu. Although he was young, he had an excellent reputation among this group of people, and everyone praised him very much.

Xia Yixuan sat down and took a sip of tea and asked, "Professor Fu rarely has time to come and sit in my teahouse. How about a pot of Snow Seal?"

Xueyin is a high-end Pu-erh, which can cost tens of thousands per cake. Professor Fu, a tea addict, of course has to taste it, so he said: "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

While enjoying the snow seal, the two chatted about history. Xia Yixuan found out a lot of history from Professor Fu's mouth with a pot of snow seal.Of course, I also heard a lot of comments. The so-called lessons from the past, the master of the past, and the demise of Daqin have become negative teaching materials for future generations.

Thinking of the mighty Qin Dynasty being finally destroyed by an eunuch, Xia Yixuan was filled with grief and indignation, and became more and more eager to go back.

But no matter how stormy Xia Yixuan's heart was, he could only see a little pity on the surface.

Professor Fu found that Xia Yixuan was particularly interested in the history of the Qin Dynasty. He said to his liking: "After I go back, I will collect more books and academic papers about the Qin Dynasty for you. Let's continue the discussion next time."

It can be said that Professor Fu and Xia Yixuan really had a very happy conversation, and felt that a close friend was hard to find in an instant. It is really rare for the two of them to be able to talk like this with a difference of 30 years.

Xia Yixuan invited Professor Fu to drink snow seals, and in the evening, Professor Fu invited the two of them to the Qin Dynasty Hotel to taste the special food of the Qin Dynasty. , but more or less always has the taste of writing about his hometown, and he also had a couple of drinks.

When Professor Fu left Xianyang on the fourth day, Xia Yixuan gave him a painting of his own.

Ink painting, Professor Fu has seen lotus flowers and landscapes, but this is the first time he has seen one who is good at painting fish.

It was three months later that Professor Fu and Xia Yixuan met each other, and the time went back to the time when Jian Jichen and Jian Ningmeng got along for less than a month.

Jian Jichen took Jian Ningmeng back from the manor to Laguna Mido, and finally returned to his home, and instantly relaxed his whole body and mind, no matter how comfortable he was.

Jian Ningmeng threw herself on the sofa and squinted her eyes, like a cat enjoying sunbathing.

Jian Jichen also let go of his indifference, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "Go and change your clothes."

 I can sleep in on Friday, so happy! !Don't forget to vote...

(End of this chapter)

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