Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 1157 Why Take Sleeping Pills

Chapter 1157 Why Take Sleeping Pills

Jian Jichen waited anxiously until early in the morning, when the call from the old castle finally came, and night fell in Luxembourg. When the lights first came on, it was already 1:9 in the morning in China, and Jian Jichen started calling at [-] o'clock. So, he would really go crazy.

"Xia Ningmeng, why don't you bring bodyguards?"

Xia Ningmeng's body was shaken by Jian Jichen's lion-like roar, and even Lin Na at the side subconsciously stretched out her hand to help Xia Ningmeng, such a weak lady would be blown away by Mr. Like it.

Xia Ningmeng whispered, "Jichen, don't be angry."

"Ningmeng, do you know that I have been waiting for you for four hours. Didn't you ever think that I would be worried?"


Xia Ningmeng couldn't figure out why Jian Jichen was so nervous, what would happen if she was with her brother in peace and prosperity?
Xia Ningmeng remained silent, Jian Jichen coaxed, "You must bring bodyguards when you go out, even at the door of your house!"

"Okay," Xia Ningmeng said softly.


Xia Ningmeng still said softly: "Okay" She didn't know how to be obedient, what kind of obedience Jian Jichen wanted.

Jian Jichen's phone call at night made her mood in the UK better.

Unwrapping the gifts brought by Britain for the children, playing with them for a while, and returning to her room, she knew that she would not be able to fall asleep. She followed the dosage prescribed by the doctor Wen Yu gave, and after drinking the medicine, she wore earphones and listened. The songs of the three of them fell asleep unconsciously.

After taking the medicine that Wen Yu brought her, her headaches were relieved a lot, which made Xia Ningmeng no longer afraid of headaches and at the same time became more dependent on the medicine.

For the next three days, Xia Yixuan stayed with her in Luxembourg. During the day, Xia Ningmeng didn't have much appetite except for eating, and she didn't use much. She didn't look abnormal at all, and she was not alone with her two children.

Xia Yixuan felt a little relieved, his trip to England was actually to see how his sister was doing, seeing that everything was going well with Xia Ningmeng, he was much relieved.

Originally, Xia Yixuan was going back to China on the fourth day, and he had to take care of the business of the two teahouses. He couldn't leave for too long, but he received a call from Jian Jichen.

"I'm going to Luxembourg tomorrow, let's meet up."

Xia Yixuan had no choice but to stay again, even though she didn't know what happened to Jian Jichen, she just stayed for two more days.

Jian Jichen finally found time to come over, Xia Ningmeng was very happy, she woke up early and chose the clothes her son said were the most beautiful, she didn't know how to make up, so she put on bright lipstick, which made her pale and ruddy a lot.

Seeing Jian Jichen at the airport with the children, K Bao and Yi Qing called "Dad" from a distance and flew towards Jian Jichen.

"Dad, do you have any presents?" Yiqing took Jian Jichen's suitcase directly. With a good education, he would not dig through Dad's suitcase regardless of the occasion, but sat on it.

K Bao is much more stable, and said happily: "Dad"

Jian Jichen threw the computer bag to his son, as if raising two sons just to help him carry the bag.He went straight to Xia Ningmeng.

Xia Ningmeng, who was not far away, also wanted Ruyan to throw herself into the forest and run towards him, but...she just stood quietly at the exit, waiting for him to get closer and closer, and finally she was within walking distance.

She was hugged into his arms, the familiar smell was like the gabapentin she couldn't live without, and the lorazepam made her very peaceful.

One month seems to be the time limit for their separation, and both of them will miss it very much if they are separated for more than a month.

"Qingqing, do you miss me?"


The family of four walked out of the terminal together.

Back in the castle, the two children went back to their room to unwrap presents, and Xia Ningmeng and Jian Jichen went back to the bedroom.As soon as the door was closed, Jian Jichen trapped Xia Ningmeng in the corner.

In broad daylight, Xia Ningmeng...

"After bathing, how about sleeping for a while?"

"Accompany me!"

She wants to say that her brother is here, and it will be daytime...

"it is good!"

It's been an hour since the two came out of the bathroom after a long absence.

Xia Ningmeng usually doesn't feel that much, but being tormented by Jian Jichen makes her feel very weak.

Jian Jichen was still not enjoying himself, holding her butterfly bone waist and said, "Still hungry."


"Qingqing!" Jian Jichen felt that he was addicted to Xia Ningmeng's body. For so many years, as she matured, his addiction became bigger and bigger, and it was difficult to restrain her once she got close.

Xia Ningmeng's appearance was reserved and reserved, but she was very open-minded during the Zhou Gong's ceremony.

The two finally lay on the bed, Xia Ningmeng embedded herself deeply in Jian Jichen's arms, her small face pressed against Jian Jichen's chest, Jian Jichen gently stroked her hair, her voice was still a little hoarse.

"Qingqing, why do you need to take sleeping pills?" Jian Jichen finally had time to send Xia Ningmeng's medicine for testing. When the doctor told him that it was sleeping pills, and that they were only used for moderate insomnia, he dropped everything and flew. come over.

He felt that his chest was wet, and her tears were like sulfuric acid, which made his heart burn. He didn't know how dereliction of duty he was, and how long the wife beside his pillow had been taking medicine.

That carefree little Ningmeng now relies on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

He kissed Xia Ningmeng's forehead and said, "No more eating in the future."

Xia Ningmeng was silent and did not answer, Jian Jichen would leave after two days, they were obviously husband and wife and should be together day and night, but there were so few days when they could be together, without his embrace, how could she sleep?

"Ningmeng, if you take too much of that medicine, you will lose your memory."

Jian Jichen checked the clinical reports on the Internet, and found that the drug had many side effects, such as loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, memory loss and Meniere's syndrome.

Xia Ningmeng still didn't speak, Jian Jichen sat up, and Xia Ningmeng was supported to sit up along with his body.Her body was obviously worn down, weak and light, without much weight.

Jian Jichen wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the tearful eyes looked so pitiful, which made people feel distressed.

She is not like his wife who has been married for ten years, she is completely like a little girl in first love, shedding tears for love.

"Qingqing, don't you feel tinnitus?"

Xia Ningmeng lowered her head, it seemed that she really had tinnitus, and she didn't care about it, Jian Jichen hugged her tightly, his arms were too thin to wrap around twice.

"I'm already slowly letting go of the company and let the people below do it. I won't be so busy in the future. From nine to five in the morning, I don't socialize, don't go on business, and go home on time. Our family can also take vacations around the world during holidays."

Xia Ningmeng hopes not to see it at all, Jian Jichen's soon is always in the foreseeable future, she doesn't know if her depression can be cured, and she also hopes not to see her health at all.

She gave a low "um", and Jian Jichen said, "Be obedient, take care of your body, and stay by my side forever."

(End of this chapter)

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