Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 111 I Didn't Pick It Up

Chapter 111 I Didn't Pick It Up
Jian Ningmeng tilted her head and asked, "Then shall I call my brother in the future?"

Jian Jichen nodded as a matter of course and said, "Well, of course, what else do you want to be called?"

Jian Ningmeng couldn't blurt out the word "sister-in-law". In her opinion, they are not real brothers and sisters, cousins, and it is normal for cousins ​​to get married, so her great ideal is to be Jian Jichen's wife, but Jian Ningmeng Don't dare to say it, or Jian Shao will teach her to be ashamed again.

Jian Ningmeng doesn't care what Jian Jichen thinks of herself, anyway, she must promise her with her body. I promise, I will definitely be able to be the main room. (Girl, you think too much, modern bigamy will go to jail.)
Jian Ningmeng said, "That's Brother Jian."

The elder brother is like a real elder brother, or "Brother Jane" feels different.

"Brother Jian?" Picking up my brother, one picks up lemons, the other picks up my brother, the surname "Jane" really...

Jian Jichen said, "Just call me brother!"

Jian Ningmeng shook her head and said, "No, I have a real brother. If my brother knows that I am called someone else's brother, he will be sad."

Well, this little girl really has a lot of problems, Jian Jichen thought for a while and said: "That's Brother Jichen."

Jian Ningmeng thought it was okay, and immediately said flatteringly: "Brother Jichen."

Jian Jichen has a great sense of accomplishment. He has been an only child since he was a child, and now he has a cute and cute younger sister. He is no longer alone, and he feels quite good. He said, "Are you calling me brother?"

Jian Ningmeng said sweetly: "Brother Jichen!"

Jian Jichen nodded very satisfied, couldn't help pinching Jian Ningmeng's face and said, "I will listen to my brother from now on."

"It hurts!"

Jian Jichen pinched Jian Ningmeng's cute little face into two bulging cheeks and said, "I'll take you to a big meal tomorrow."

Jian Ningmeng didn't eat well for a few days, so she nodded and said, "Brother Jichen is the best."

Jian Jichen and Jian Ningmeng just recognized brother and sister here, Xiu Jie and came back, and when they entered the door, they saw two people with smiles on their faces and asked: "Is there anything happy about it, it makes me happy too."

Jian Ningmeng said happily: "From now on, I will be called Jian Shao brother and sister, and he will change my name to Jian Ningmeng!"

"Picking up lemons?" Xiu Jie and Mo Mo burst out laughing, exaggeratedly covering his belly and laughing for a long while, "How about picking up a wife?"

Jian Ningmeng tilted her head and asked, "What is a wife?"

How could Xiu Jie and her say vulgar words in front of a 14-year-old girl?
The one who changed the subject said, "Little Lemon, it's not good to have a surname of Jane, take my surname Xiu."

"Repair? Xiu Ningmeng? It sounds like it's broken and needs to be repaired, no good!"

Feeling dizzy, Xiu Jieyu said, "The surname Xiu means broken? Then I'm broken too?"

Jian Ningmeng tilted her head and thought for a while, as Xiu Jieyu's younger sister, it seems more logical to marry Jian Jichen in the future?
So Jian Ningmeng immediately turned against her and said, "Okay!"

Just as Jian Ningmeng happily decided, Jian Jichen's face darkened and said, "You don't want the iPhone anymore?"

Jian Ningmeng thought that anyway, regardless of whether her surname was Xia or Xiu, she would still have to bear her husband's surname when she got married in the future.

So Jian Ningmeng said again: "Then my surname is Jian, but I didn't pick it up, I was saved by Shao Jian."

"Small mouth is pretty good at talking." Xiu Jie said jokingly.

Jian Jichen looked at the time and said, "Ningmeng, go take a bath and go to bed early."

Jian Ningmeng was bitten by mosquitoes at night in the bathing center for the past two days, and she didn't get a good night's sleep. Her delicate skin was a little dull. No one could bear to see her pure, natural and pollution-free face lose its whiteness. .

 Haha, isn't this little thought a little too much?Children's shoes for work?Isn't the first day easy?

(End of this chapter)

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