Pinnacle player

Chapter 794 Inflation System

Chapter 794 Inflation System
It's only 14:10 now, and the [-]th period hasn't ended yet, but Yun Xiaohan didn't bother to go to the battlefield today.

He was happy doing the mission today, so he just continued to complete the mission.

Not to mention, the experience and rewards given by good tasks are still very good, but the key task is not as stable as killing monsters and leveling.Some quests have pitifully few rewards, while some quests have a lot of rewards, but they are extremely troublesome or require a lot of running, which is a waste of time and inefficient.

Of course, the biggest problem is that some tasks do not have a clue, or are stuck on a certain difficulty. Without the experience of the predecessors, it is more difficult to do it, even if it is a high level like Yun Xiaohan Players will inevitably encounter situations where they don't know which key NPC to find, can't find the way, and can't get the necessary quest items.

That's why he chose to brush the level first, and then go back to scan the task when the level is higher.In this way, if you encounter any difficulties in the task, you can directly ask in the meeting, who is he, and there will be a lot of people rushing to answer any question, and each one will explain it in detail.

The mission items were also difficult for Yun Xiaohan.If you are the first explorer to do this task, it is naturally difficult to get a relatively rare task item, and it is likely that the player will sell it to the store because it is useless, but once this task is done by some people, There will be people who deliberately leave this kind of item and hang it in the auction house to make money, or there are players who make some quest items for sale, which is not like asking someone to help you do it when you are exploring, and the other party has to find materials to make it. Totally incomparable in terms of time consumption.

And with the experience of the predecessors, many tasks can be picked up along the way, and the efficiency improvement is even more obvious.

There are still quite a few tasks in Xueman City, but most of them are small tasks. Yun Xiaohan didn't expect to receive another task like exploring the haunted mine. Receive a good task to lay the foundation.

Before Yun Xiaohan came out of the independent space, he was maxed out by private messages and secret words, but at that time he had to go with Liya to meet Balgruf and arrest the former Ivas City Lord, so he didn't have much time to talk to those people. Just opened the shield.

Now that he has started to collect quests, he can no longer ignore people. He can't just ask about other people's quest experience without answering their questions. This is also unreasonable.So he chatted with the people in the meeting while completing tasks.

However, precautions are indispensable. Although the matter of Drizzt seems to be a foregone conclusion, I am not afraid of [-], just in case. Bad things are disgusting, so Yun Xiaohan only talked about the discovery of the silver mine and the Underdark, while the Do'Urden family and Drizzt didn't mention anything.

At 16:00, Yun Xiaohan returned to Ajaccio City. Because of Morris' joining, the population growth rate of Ajaccio City increased too much at once, resulting in the city's size increasing twice in a short period of time. Many buildings Didn't keep up, even the tavern was still level 2.



Except for the soil mine, the other three buildings all increase the population growth rate. The population growth rate of Bastia City has risen from 3.2% to 5%. Although it is not as good as Ajaccio City, it is still quite impressive, and The population of Ajaccio is only 16335, but that of Bastia is 21548. Just as the population increase from 5000 to 10000 will reduce the population growth rate, every increase in the population of a small city by 10000 will also reduce the population growth rate. .


The two territories spent a total of 105.5 gold. Fortunately, there was still 76.5 gold spare funds on the books of the territory. What Yun Xiaohan really needed to pay was 29 gold.From the current point of view, it seems that the territory is slowly becoming self-sufficient, but this is only the construction cost of level 4 buildings. According to official information, the construction costs of level 5 buildings will rise significantly.

Moreover, there is an inflation system in "Choice". As it becomes easier for players to spend money, when the system thinks that the inflation has reached a certain standard (the conversion ratio of RMB to game currency is the main reference factor), the system will announce the NPC's The price of labor and raw materials has increased, and all expenses will increase by a certain percentage according to the inflation level.

This inflation system may seem unfriendly to players, but it is actually a good balance.

Equipment, skills, and even consumables are mainly priced by the players themselves. The skills of the skill instructors are priced uniformly by the faction, which can be regarded as an educational benefit, and the price increase is very small, so ordinary players basically cannot bear much impact.

The most expensive price increase is the cost of the territory, as well as the cost of various NPC recruitment. After all, is the price increase artificial, so the most affected are high-end players and local tyrants.In this way, the game currency can be effectively recovered, and the economic system in the game can be maintained at the same time, thereby effectively extending the life of the game.

After finishing the territory, Yun Xiaohan went to play a confrontation match, and then continued to clear the mission, and went offline to sleep at 20:00.

At 2:21 on February 0st, Yun Xiaohan went online for leveling.

He is going to be level 46 soon, so naturally he can't fight against the level 43 Takshaya giant.Before Yun Xiaohan seldom hit spellcasting monsters because although his magic resistance was good, it was still far behind his physical defense, and it hurt more to fight spellcasting monsters.

But then Yun Xiaohan will teach Drizzt spells. Although he can buy spell skill books, it is difficult to buy really good skills. Professional or general skills of rare quality are almost extinct in the market. Needless to say, there are even more legendary skills and rare skills, and there are slightly more rare skills, but basically they will be robbed by people when they are put on the auction house, and the price is often much higher than its actual value.

If Yun Xiaohan wanted to teach Drizzt, ordinary skills would definitely not be considered, the first choice would be rare skills, but the number of learning rare skills must be limited by [-]%, and the success rate of learning all rare skills is too low. You have to waste a skill book. No matter how rich Yun Xiaohan is, he can't stand such consumption. He still wants to buy Ivas City.

It is not known whether Drizzt can learn legendary skills because of the popularity. Rare skills are generally not considered unless they are of the highest quality. The most suitable skills are rare skills.It is too unrealistic to expect this kind of skill to be bought in the market, so he still has to play a dozen by himself.

PS: The title is not accurate.

(End of this chapter)

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