Pinnacle player

Chapter 769 Special Do'Urden Family Crest

Chapter 769 Special Do'Urden Family Crest

Yun Xiaohan knew very well that Zaknafein would yell like this in front of him, on the one hand, it was because he couldn't control his emotions when he was drunk and needed to vent.On the other hand, Yun Xiaohan is indeed an excellent object of catharsis. Yun Xiaohan is not only a human being, but also a male human being. In the eyes of the dark elves, he is a slave and has no status at all. Yun Xiaohan can't find the dark elves at all Go to inform, and even if someone can be found, no dark elf will believe what he said.

Moreover, Zaknafein's catharsis does not require any response from Yun Xiaohan, don't look at Yun Xiaohan completing ten tasks arranged by Zaknafein and drinking with Zaknafein, but the two Human relationships never go to the point of open heart-to-heart conversation.

And listening to his yelling, it is clear that Zaknafein has not really made up his mind at this time. He does not know how he will be treated by the surface races when he arrives on the ground. The reputation of the dark elves is too bad. If Yun Xiaohan persuaded Zaknafein to leave the Underdark at this time, he would most likely be arrested by him as a spy.

In the novel, Zaknafein has been very entangled and waited until Drizzt was about to be sacrificed before he stood up, but even so, he did not choose to resist, but chose to use himself to replace Drizzt as a sacrifice , it can be seen that although he is willing to resist, he lacks sufficient action power.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan only needs to silently play the role of a listener now.

Zaknafein didn't speak any more after venting. He just kept patting the long whip on his waist with his right hand. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he and Yun Xiaohan returned to the Do'Urden family compound.

After returning to the compound, Yun Xiaohan broke away from the plot mode, and then Zaknafein started to arrange tasks for him to do again. This time Yun Xiaohan did ten more tasks. This time because he is more experienced, Knowing the terrain of Menzoberranzan City better, Yun Xiaohan did it much faster than before, and completed ten tasks in only one and a half hours.

As before, Yun Xiaohan chose to accumulate rewards in the first nine missions. When the tenth mission was completed, before Yun Xiaohan could choose the reward, Zaknafein gave the reward directly. The family crest of the Deng family was given to Yun Xiaohan as a reward.

The family crest of the Do'Urden family has a spider-shaped pattern on the front, and eight different weapons are held on the spider's eight legs. The back of the crest is the abbreviation of "DN", which is the official family name Demond Naxias The abbreviation of Banon is the same as the family crest pattern on the black robe obtained from the previous killing.

If it is just the ordinary family crest of the Do'Urden family, Yun Xiaohan is obviously at a loss. Many skills rewarded earlier are much higher than this value, but Zaknafein told Yun Xiaohan that this family crest is from the previous generation. The family crest of the Do'Urden family's master of martial arts, the opponent was killed by him during the challenge, and this family crest fell into his hands as a trophy.

You must know that the family crest of the ordinary Do'Urden family has some spells attached to it, such as spells that allow family members to quickly control domesticated animals and monsters, and improve the domestication ability to a certain extent.

The dead family martial arts master was a domestication expert, and he spent a lot of money to specially strengthen this family emblem, which further strengthened the domestication ability improvement effect attached to the family emblem of the Do'Urden family, and also strengthened the Control effects on animals and monsters.

Responding to Yun Xiaohan, the skill level of [Mombrun Family Taming Riding] has increased by one level. This is because the quality of [Mombrun Family Taming Riding] is too high. If you switch to ordinary domestication skills Possibly add two levels.And if it is an ordinary badge, it is impossible to improve the [Mombrun family's domestication and riding skills], and even the ordinary domestication skills can only be improved by one level at most.

More importantly, this additional level will still work after the full level of [Mombrun Family Taming Riding], which is equivalent to an extra level. For example, [Mombrun Family Taming Riding] can be raised up to Level 5, but with this special family crest, it can be upgraded to level 6 at most.Of course, Yun Xiaohan doesn't know how many levels [Mombrun Family's Domesticated Riding Skill] can be upgraded to.

Moreover, this family emblem is not only effective for mount domestication skills, but also for pet domestication skills, so this effect alone can be worth the fare.

In addition, the family crest can also enhance the natural abilities of the dark elves.For example, [Levitation], which dark elves nobles usually have to master, can only be used once or twice a day, that is, the CD time is 12 hours, and the family emblem of the Do'Urden family allows dark elves to use [Levitation] ] The CD limit is reduced to 4 hours, and it also has the effect of shortening the CD time for [Demon Fire].

However, the effect of shortening the CD is not strengthened like the domestication ability, and the effect of this family emblem is meaningless to Yun Xiaohan, he does not know these two skills, and this family emblem can work for dark elves, but It may not work on other races.

[Levitation] Although it is a fifth-order air-type spell, its levitation height is very low. Its main function is to reduce the player's weight and make it more agile. This auxiliary spell is mainly used for agile players. Physique, this plate armor, even using the [Levitation Technique] is a drop in the bucket. Others can float 30 cm high, but he is afraid that he can only float 5 cm high, which is not suitable for Yun Xiaohan at all.

[Demon Fire Art] Not to mention, this is a third-order divine art, and it requires a pre-requisite skill. Yun Xiaohan only learns this skill when his brain is broken.

This kind of family emblem can only play a full role in the hands of dark elf players, because these two skills are the racial talent skills of dark elves, and the pre-skills can be avoided when learning.

Although it is a bit of a fly in the ointment, Yun Xiaohan is very satisfied with the improvement effect of domestication ability. The family emblem that can have an effect on a rare skill like [Mombrun family domestication and riding] is too valuable.

After [Mombrun Family Domestication Riding] becomes level 2, the skill effect has been improved.


A basic ability of riding is added. Players can now initially use the immediate emergency stop action, and other basic actions have also been enhanced by 5%.

In addition, the additional experience bonus that the mount can obtain has also been increased from 50% to 60%, and the additional increase efficiency of the growth rate has been increased from 100% to 120%, and the upper limit of intimacy has not changed.

PS: Friendly recommendation "Immortal Dao Fruit", Shushan Xianxia online game, Xiaonencao.

(End of this chapter)

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