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Chapter 765 The Do'Urden Family

Chapter 765 The Do'Urden Family

Because Yun Xiaohan is in the task space, he cannot see the announcement of the opening of the dark elf race. He can only see the late announcement when the task is completed or failed.

After reading the stalagmite signboard and related task reminders and notes, Yun Xiaohan calmed down and continued to walk towards the gate of Menzoberranzan City.

To be honest, although Yun Xiaohan was wearing a black robe, but because it didn't fit well, he had no idea in his heart, but now that the task required him to explore Menzoberranzan, he had no other choice but to insist on it. Try your luck.

There were 5 goblin slave guards guarding the gate of the city. When Yun Xiaohan approached the gate, the two goblin guards in the front and a goblin who was obviously the head of the guard all turned their scrutiny eyes over and stopped at On a family crest on the chest of the black robe worn by Yun Xiaohan.This is a vivid spider-shaped pattern, with eight different weapons on the eight legs of the spider, and the abbreviation of "DN" on the back of the spider.

Yun Xiaohan subconsciously wanted to slow down, but in the end he held back and continued to walk in at a leisurely pace.

"The Do'Urden family, do you want to check?" One of the goblin guards asked the goblin guard captain.

"Don't cause trouble, just check it out at ordinary times. Now the Do'Urden family is at war with the Defoe family. The Do'Urden family is now ranked tenth. If they can beat the fourth-ranked Defoe family, they will be ranked ninth. I don't want to be involved in this kind of family battle, I want to kill myself." The captain of the goblin guard scolded.

The goblin guard was frightened by these words, and quickly moved out of the way to let Yun Xiaohan pass.

Yun Xiaohan listened to the conversation of the two goblins. Although he didn't stop on his feet, there was a storm in his heart.

"Family of Do'Urden! How come Menzoberranzan City is so familiar to me? Is this a reference to the plot and missions designed in the "Dark Elf Trilogy"?" Yun Xiaohan thought in his heart.

House Do'Urden is a fictional drow family in the Forgotten Realms setting of the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons.Created by R.A. Salvador in his novel "The Dark Elf Trilogy".First appeared in the first book of the "Dark Elf Trilogy", "Homeland".

As a game lover, Yun Xiaohan has read this series of books carefully because he likes the Dungeons and Dragons (DND) series of games very much. Some people may not remember the "Dark Elf Trilogy", but many people have heard of the name Drizzt Do'Urden.

Drizzt Do'Urden is also known as Cui Heizi and Cui Sanye by Chinese readers and players, and appeared as a main character in 12 books of R·A·Salvador.He may not be the most famous fantasy novel character, but he is definitely the most famous character in the Forgotten Kingdom series, and he is the most inescapable character in the dark elves.

Now that the dark elves have appeared, and "Choice" is a fantasy online game with a western background, it is not surprising that the Do'Urden family appeared, and even Cui Heizi's sudden appearance in front of Yun Xiaohan at this time is acceptable to him.

Thinking of this, Yun Xiaohan's mind became extremely hot, and his expectations for this task also increased a lot.Being able to get involved with the Do'Urden family, this task will not be easy. If it is not done well, it will be a key plot, and it is even possible that this plot is adapted from the content of the novel, so Yun Xiaohan began to do his best to learn from his memory. I recalled the relevant content of the novel, and reflected on the conversation with the two goblins just now.

If it is the later content, Yun Xiaohan may not remember it. Fortunately, as the earliest trilogy - "Dark Elf Trilogy", Yun Xiaohan's memory is quite deep.

He remembered that at the beginning of the novel, the Do'Urden family was ranked tenth, and after the Do'Urden family eliminated the Defoe family, they ranked ninth.

But later, in the intensified battle between the Do'Urden family and another family, the Do'Urden family angered Rose, the queen of the spider god, because Drizzt let go of the elf girl during the surface operation, and made the family priest unable to cast Magic.

Marise Do'Urden, Cui Heizi's biological mother, prepared to sacrifice Drizzt to the Spider Queen in order to save the situation.However, Zaknafein, Drizzt's father, decided to exchange Drizzt's life with his own life for the pure heart of this son, and sacrificed Drizzt instead.

The dark elves are a matriarchal society, and Zaknafein is just one of the many servants, which is equivalent to one of the harem groups. The relationship between Zaknafein and Drizzt is also more complicated, and the composition of friends and mentors is even more than that of father and son. A little more, because the children are generally brought up by their sisters, and even some dark elf fathers may not know that they have children, because they don't know whose child is in the womb of the family mistress.

On the eve of the war, Drizzt learned of his father's death, so he resolutely decided to leave this evil dark elf society.

The two goblins just mentioned that the Do'Urden family and the Deaver family are at war, so it can be confirmed that it was at the beginning of the novel.

Recalling this, Yun Xiaohan immediately remembered another important link. The Dark Elf family had a tradition of offering their third son as a sacrifice to Rose, Queen of the Spider God, and Drizzt was exactly Maris. Do'Urden's third son.

Drizzt was born during the battle of the Do'Urden family against the Defoe family. Drizzt's sister wanted to kill him when he was born, but things changed at this time.Drizzt's eldest brother was stabbed to death in the back by his second brother, so Drizzt was no longer the third boy alive to be sacrificed.He narrowly escaped death.

Now that the Defoe family has not been destroyed, Drizzt has not yet been born, it seems that Yun Xiaohan has the opportunity to witness the birth of Drizzt with his own eyes.

Yun Xiaohan was a little excited when he thought of this. At this time, he had successfully entered the city. After entering the city, he was much safer. On the one hand, he can be regarded as a family member, and on the other hand, there are human slaves and human freedom in the dark region People exist, and there are even human mages active in the Underdark.

However, this does not mean that Yun Xiaohan can sit back and relax. If he gives up the identity of the Do'Urden family, that is, throws away the black robe, it will be safe. He can find any family to join, and he is still very popular with his strength. Yes, maybe players can get related items and skill rewards by doing things for the Dark Elf family.

The dark elves hate the surface elves the most, and they don’t have much hatred for humans. Of course, the dark elves are based on strength theory. I don't want to lose both.

But how could Yun Xiaohan be willing to give up the identity of the Do'Urden family? If he gave up this identity, he would not be able to witness the birth of Drizzt, and he might have missed an important plot.But he didn't really join the Do'Urden family after all, and it was obviously very risky to sneak into the Do'Urden family.

(End of this chapter)

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