Pinnacle player

Chapter 446 The Sardinian Collaboration Movie 1

Chapter 446 The Sardinian Collaboration Movie 1

There are several daily territory missions for players to choose from. Yun Xiaohan accepted a tribe trading mission, requiring Yun Xiaohan to complete a transaction with a total transaction amount of more than 1 gold with a tribe near Ajaccio Village. It can be sold or bought, or There are no restrictions on the type of goods.

However, the NPCs in the tribe usually don't have much money, and they can't afford particularly expensive things. They usually buy food and seasonings, and the things they sell are relatively cheap and the quantity is not large. Most of them are wood, ore and fur.

This kind of trading task is not difficult, but it is more troublesome. The tribes are all in the forest or mountainous area, and it is difficult to enter without a road car. The player has to carry it in and trade, so if the player has a low load, he has to run back and forth several times.

Therefore, spellcasting professions usually do not choose tribal trading missions, they will choose exploration missions, business running missions or patrol missions more.

Yun Xiaohan's strength is super high, and the load is naturally scary. It is very easy for him to do trading tasks, and he can usually get it done in one go.

The biggest advantage of Yun Xiaohan doing this tribal trading mission is that it is fast. In addition, although he earns very little, he can still earn some money, and at the same time increase the favorability of the tribe. Overall, it is still very cost-effective.

After completing the daily territory tasks, the time is only 17:45, there is nothing to do in 15 minutes, and the half hour of reading in the library cannot be interrupted, so Yun Xiaohan simply went to the forum to post a new strategy post.

The number of subscribers to "Yun Xiaohan Raiders Store: Level 35 World Raiders Part 30" published last time has already reached 8000. This subscription number is actually a bit low. "Choice" currently advertises that the number of subscribers in China has exceeded 4000 million Yes, the official publicity must be watery, but with a 30% discount, there should still be [-] million subscribers, and the number of [-] subscribers is less than one percent.

Yun Xiaohan felt that on the one hand, the posting time was not long enough, and many players hadn’t downloaded the level 35 world book, or hadn’t developed the habit of looking for a strategy guide before downloading a copy; on the other hand, some guilds or players probably stole the post, Although the posts on the forum cannot be copied and pasted, there is no way to ban them if they are purely hand-written.

Yun Xiaohan is not greedy, he is satisfied if 100 million people buy this paid strategy post.And he also intends to improve the paid strategy posts by adding pictures to the strategy posts. The text can be stolen by hand. You can’t do anything with the pictures. It is forbidden to download pictures in forum posts.

However, before matching the picture, Yun Xiaohan needs to select the picture first, and edit the picture, cutting out the content of the picture that may reveal his personal information, such as cutting off the skill frame of the character, so that others will not be able to see it Arrived.

It is still a bit troublesome to select and edit pictures. Although Yun Xiaohan didn't strive for perfection, when he finished editing the pictures, he found that the time had reached 18:01.

Yun Xiaohan immediately opened the homepage of the official website, and soon found the link to Sardin's drama movie. After clicking on it, he found that the drama movie was classified according to the server, so Yun Xiaohan naturally chose the first server.

The plot movie is quite long. The actual battle of Sardinia took 2 hours. After re-editing various essential materials, the plot movie is still as long as 1 hours. You must know that at least half of the time in the Sardinia battle is marching , marching is nothing to see.

The first minute and a half of the movie is a panorama of the starting point of the player teams of the three camps and the NPC army.At that time in the game, although Yun Xiaohan knew that the NPCs of the Merchant Alliance and the Arcane Council were far stronger than the Empire, but he hadn't really observed the other two camps. During the battle, he encountered troops from the other two camps At that time, the opponent had already fought with each other several times, and was already in a half-disabled state, and the player's personal perspective was far less clear than the panoramic perspective of the movie.

After that, there was no shot of the imperial camp, most of the sailing and marching process were skipped, and the early shots were all focused on the two naval battles between the Merchant Alliance and the Austrian Parliament.

These two naval battles were nothing to the players, they were all fought by the NPC fleet.Naval battles are already very exciting, coupled with the constant switching of movie lenses, the panoramic perspective should be used, and the close-up perspective should be close-up perspective. Various exciting scenes and close-ups continue one after another.The official is also very thoughtful with audio commentary and subtitles, even players who did not participate in the Battle of Sardinia can easily understand it.

In Yun Xiaohan's view, the close-range confrontation of this kind of sail warship is much more interesting than the modern iron-clad warship. The artillery battle distance of sail warship basically does not exceed 300 meters, usually around [-] meters The distance of the battle, and the artillery battle distance of the ironclad ship is in kilometers.If the distance is too long and the ship is relatively durable, a naval battle will take a long time. A lot of time is wasted on the early tentative bombardment. The technical content is indeed high, but it does not look very enjoyable. The foreplay is too long .

After all, there were no players involved, and the officials didn't put much effort into making the movie. The two naval battles only excerpted some of the highlights.After the Austrian Law Council successfully defeated the left-behind fleet after the division of the Merchant Alliance, the movie shot returned to the Empire player team.

This time, I finally gave Yun Xiaohan the first close-up shot. The movie made some changes to the actual situation. During the battle, Yun Xiaohan commanded through the battle chat channel.But in the movie, Yun Xiaohan stood on the bow of the Westeros, conveying his instructions to the player team through magical communication equipment and semaphore.

Although it didn't match the game situation at the time, it made it look more like a real naval battle.Of course, the most important thing is to make Yun Xiaohan look very handsome.

When you think about it, Yun Xiaohan stands expressionless on the deck and tells other players in advance through the chat room that they will disperse and flee when they encounter the enemy fleet. How could he stand on the bow of the ship and stand against the wind, and not rush after encountering the enemy fleet? Instructing the player fleet to actively disperse is chic, and a cloak is added to him in the movie, and the character has an expression on his face.

The beautification of the system is not only for Yun Xiaohan, but also for all players and the progress of the battle. Although Yun Xiaohan made preparations in advance during the battle, most people's boats are only one or two grades better than small sampans boats, but in the movie, the player's boats are all upscaled by 2 notches.

In addition, the command issued by Yun Xiaohan in the movie has also been changed, from fleeing around to actively luring the enemy to destroy the formation of the enemy fleet, the audience can clearly hear Yun Xiaohan's shouting in the movie.Although they are all fleeing in all directions, the meanings they represent are completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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