Bamboo Forest, Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu are hunting, and the prey is bamboo rats.

At this time, the two were squatting behind the bamboo, their eyes looking at the bamboo rat more than ten meters away, it was a fat bamboo rat the size of a kettle, larger than the one they caught yesterday.

"Liu Yimeng, you must be able to shoot, right?" Liu Yiqiu lowered her voice and said in her sister's ear: "Whether we can eat meat today depends on you." "

They wake up in the morning to find some wild vegetables and then perfect the shelter. There was still a little leak in the rain last night, and if it weren't for the two wearing waterproof storm suits, they might not have slept all night.

"Of course you can! Leave it to me. Liu Yimeng gave a thumbs up and stood up skillfully bending the bow and arrow.


Let go, the long arrow broke through the air, instantly missed, and flew over the head of the bamboo rat.

The bamboo rat visibly froze for a moment, and then rushed into the hole in horror.

"No, no?" Liu Yiqiu opened her mouth, and the picture of bamboo rats boiling soup in her mind instantly dissipated.

"How so?" Liu Yimeng's expression was dumbfounded, and then he said in annoyance: "Ah! Just narrowly, almost shot. "

"It seems that we can only drink wild vegetable soup tonight." Liu Yiqiu said expressionlessly.

She studied biology in college, and she personally studied plants, such as wild vegetables.

"Wild vegetable soup??" Liu Yimeng's energetic face instantly became bitter, and thinking of the taste of the wild vegetable soup at noon made her unforgettable.

Bitter and astringent, like chewing pieces of book paper soaked in water.

"How else? If you don't catch a bamboo rat, you can only eat wild vegetable soup. Liu Yiqiu didn't have a good air.

Eating wild vegetable soup can also last for a long time, she checked on the Internet before she came, if you only eat wild vegetables and other plants, it is no problem to survive for a month.

But a month later it will be winter, Liu Yiqiu does not know what the island will be like after winter, if it is a heavy snowfall, it will be eliminated immediately.

Now Liu Yiqiu's goal is to eat well, and then prepare to store food for the winter in a month's time.

"I can definitely shoot tomorrow." Liu Yimeng promised that if she hadn't aimed at the bamboo rat's head just now, she might have hit it.

But the real first time hunting, completely a novice ah, used to shoot a pheasant is shot indiscriminately, after all, there are many pheasants in the pheasant farm.

"In the morning, you promised me the same." Liu Yiqiu rolled her eyes.

"Oops! It was a mistake just now, definitely a mistake. Liu Yimeng pouted and became cute.

"Stop, don't come to this trick, you look like a crazy woman now." Liu Yiqiu raised her hand and slapped her sister's face.

Counting today, the two have not taken care of their image for two days, their hair is messy, their faces are still dusty, and they look like homeless people.

"What? You look pretty much the same. Liu Yimeng pouted and shot back. Her short hair is easy to take care of, and her sister's long hair is called messy.

"Liu Yimeng, you shut up." Liu Yiqiu forcibly endured to give her sister a brain melon.

She finally didn't think about the problem of image, after all, what else can she do in the wild? The smell on the two is already full of 'domineering femininity'.

"Sister, what should I do? It's getting dark. Liu Yimeng looked at the sun in the sky, and it was dusk of another day.

"Give me the bow and arrow, I'll practice archery." Liu Yiqiu said after thinking.

She can't always rely on her sister to hunt, one more person hunting, the success rate of hunting doubles.

"I'll teach you." Liu Yimeng enthusiastically taught her sister the basic bow and archery precautions and tips.

A few minutes later.

Before the two returned to the shelter, Liu Yiqiu began to practice archery, and her sister went to cook wild vegetable soup for dinner.


Liu Yiqiu let go of the bowstring, and the long arrow flew through the air, more than one meter away from the target tree pole.

She flicked her somewhat sore arm: "It's really a little difficult." "

"Rest after practicing a few more arrows, you can't consume too much physical strength."

Liu Yiqiu bent the bow and took the arrow again, thinking about the precautions of her sister's instructions, and pulled the bowstring back with her right hand.



A scream, frightened Liu Yimeng suddenly rushed out of the shelter, and then she saw her sister squatting on the ground with her chest covered.

The corner of Liu Yimeng's mouth twitched, and she knew what happened without thinking, because she had been like this before.

She stepped forward to help Liu Yiqiu and asked in a low voice: "Sister, did the bowstring hit the chest?" "

"Hmm~~" Liu Yiqiu's cold sweat broke out in pain, and said in a hoarse voice: "Help me in." "

"Didn't I say that? The bowstring should be farther away from the chest, otherwise your chest is so big, you will definitely be hit. Liu Yimeng held her sister and chanted, as if she had become a sister.

"Liu Yimeng, you shut up." Liu Yiqiu was embarrassed and angry, what happened to the big chest? It's innate.

"Ahem... Would you like to check it out? Liu Yimeng said, suddenly understanding her sister's preaching.

"Go and remove the camera, the drone drone is on standby." Liu Yiqiu also wanted to check on her baby.

"Good." Liu Yimeng obediently removed the camera and standby camera.

Then closing the bamboo door of the shelter, Liu Yimeng urged: "Sister, okay, you can take it off, do you want me to help?" "

"Stop, I don't need you to come, I'll take it off myself." Liu Yiqiu shouted angrily.

A minute or two later.

"Fortunately, it's just a red mark." Liu Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Blame you for growing too big." Liu Yimeng's sour voice.

"You are envious."

"Hmph! I'll have a chance to grow up in the future. "


"One more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support. "

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