The place where Chu Feng and Yun Xin landed was a reef pile, surrounded by black uneven stones, and more than ten meters away was the jungle.

"Chu Feng, what do we do now?" Yun Xin's black eyes were full of dazedness.

When you come to the wilderness and see all the trees, grass and stones, what can you eat everywhere?

"First find a place to build a shelter, then find a source of water." Chu Feng said softly, squinting his eyes and scanning the surroundings.

"So where are we building shelters?" Yun Xin looked at the shore and there were many woods thicker than people.

"Let's go inside the island." Chu Feng looked up at the sky in the distance, and the blue sky had no sign of rain for the time being.

The weather on the sea, the rain is said to come, Chu Feng can't dare to fully believe the current celestial phenomena, maybe dozens of kilometers away is covered with dark clouds, will float to String Moon Island with the sea breeze.

"You don't have shoes on this foot, you will get hurt when you enter the island." Yun Xin looked down at Chu Feng's pair of shoes without shoes.

"It's okay, I'll be careful." Chu Feng didn't care, handed the sleeping bag to Yun Xin, and said, "I'll go to the jungle first to change your pants, I'll tell you to come over again." "

"Good." Yun Xin took the sleeping bag and watched Chu Feng quickly enter the jungle with a dumbfounded expression.

She looked up at String Moon Island and could see the towering peaks, the top of which was obscured by mist, and she couldn't see how high it was. When she listened closely, she heard many strange noises, which made her shrink.

The three shots in the live broadcast room, the first followed Yun Xin, the second followed Chu Feng, and the third flew into the air, filming a large area of woods.

The staff in charge of the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and Yun Xin immediately switched the camera to the third shot, and the overall situation of the wilderness was displayed in the live broadcast room.

"Wow! Good raw feeling. "

"I suddenly feel so lucky, if I am selected, how can I survive in this place?"

"The strange cries of those animals make my heart tremble when I hear them."

"Little loli and two people, do you really stick to it? Don't quit on the first day. "



A sound of a branch breaking sounded, which frightened Yun Xin, and quickly turned his head to see Chu Feng dragging a vine out.

"Come here." Chu Feng used a firewood knife to cut the vine into several segments.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing?" Yun Xin asked curiously.

"Tuck these pants into your sleeping bag." Chu Feng handed the trousers that had been changed around her neck to the girl, and then circled the cut vines around her waist a few times to make a simple vine belt.

"Chu Feng, why did you cut the legs of your pants." As soon as Yun Xin stuffed his pants, he saw Chu Feng cutting the legs of his overly long charging pants.

Chu Feng's height of about one meter seven seven may grow to one meter eight in the future, but now this storm pants is too long for him.

"This can be made into a waterproof hat." Chu Feng quickly cut off the legs of his stormtroopers, and then tied one end with vines to make a simple pointed hat.

He handed one of them to Yun Xin and said, "The jungle is different, the water vapor is very heavy, and there may be caterpillars and the like on the trees, and if you don't pay attention, they will fall on their heads." "

"I have a hood." Yun Xin tugged at the hood of his storm jacket.

"It's too stuffy and can also prevent people from receiving messages from the wild." Chu Feng shook his head, in the wilderness camping knowledge experience package in his mind, there was a lot of knowledge, including how to build shelters, how to artificially make fires, how to identify wild vegetables, etc.

One of the points is that people in the wild should pay attention to the hidden dangers around the jungle, and they should watch and listen to all directions.

And with the hood, there will be a feeling of stuffiness, as people move or move, the sound produced by the hood rubbing with people's hair is received by the ears, so that only the eyes are left to receive information from the outside world.

"Good." Yun Xin didn't say much, took the somewhat weird hat and put it on.

"Give me the sleeping bag." Chu Feng took the sleeping bag, tied it into a roll with vines, and then tied it to his back.

With a shovel in hand, a firewood knife in the other, and a sleeping bag tied to his back, he led Yun Xin to the jungle.

The two walked one foot deep and one foot shallow in the jungle, surrounded by tall trees, among which various small vines worked hard to grow.

There is no road in such a jungle, and Chu Feng slowly opened the way with a firewood knife, his eyes looking around vigilantly.

The girl pursed her mouth and followed behind with a steel pot, her black eyes timidly scanned the jungle, and from time to time she looked upwards, only when she saw Chu Feng's back, her heart was more calm.

"Huhu..." Chu Feng took a breath, turned his head to look at the way the girl held the steel pot in his arms, and couldn't help but smile: "Yunxin, are you tired?" Is the jungle different from what you imagined? "

"It's completely different, the wilderness survival in the video is not like this."

Yun Xin wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead and kicked out, "How come we are full of trees here, and there is not even a road." "

"Hahahaha..." Chu Feng listened to the girl's slightly resentful words, and couldn't help laughing heartily: "Silly girl, the vegetation in each place is different, the humidity on the beach is relatively large, and the trees grow very well." "

He had already picked a good place to go, but the vegetation of the island was too good.

"Hmph! Don't call me stupid. Yun Xin pouted and raised his small fist in warning.

She licked her dry mouth and asked, "Where are we going to build shelters?" Doesn't it work here? "

"No, look at the trees over here." Chu Feng came to a large tree, pointed to the tree pole and asked, "Do you see anything different?" "

"The color under the tree pole is darker than the above."

Yun Xin tilted his head, bent down slightly and asked, "Does this have anything to do with building a shelter?" "

Her wilderness knowledge is a little fur that she learned by holding Buddha's feet temporarily, and she doesn't know a lot of simple wilderness knowledge.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). The new book begs for all aaa "

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