135 – Is it a daily test? (1)

“There is a noise phenomenon in the sky and the phenomenon is getting more and more frequent…. Then….”

Yeonhee talks and looks up at the sky. She puts on a look of thought for a moment before her mouth opens.

“… No way…… This place, in other words, this dream is a dream realized by that mage, so the noise phenomenon like that means that the dream is gradually collapsing?”


“… !”

After hearing Yeonhee’s reasoning, Siwoon laughed in satisfaction.

‘Yeonhee isn’t stupid either.’

That’s right. She is also a woman who became a hunter after passing the hunter exam, which is said to be harder than strabismus.

His thinking and reasoning skills are superior to those of ordinary people.

“Oh! Siwoon. The story that the dream is gradually crumbling means that the mage’s power is also limited, and that power is gradually running out, right? Right? Am i right? Say yes.”


Yeonhee’s eyes shone at Siwoon’s nod. She seemed to like it because she sensed that there was still hope.

Siwoon’s gaze turned to the front door of the motel.

‘… But inference is just inference. The situation I am in right now is more difficult than ever. Definitely get out certainly…… !’

She bit her teeth.

I can’t die here. This is her third life.

The faces of four people passed by in Siwoon’s mind.



‘My older sister returned home.’

‘… And Sejeong.’

I will get out of here at least for the sake of those four people who will never give up on this life and make me want to live a more successful life. I’m going!


“Yeonhee, let’s go in.”


Clap! Raising their guns, Siwoon and Yeonhee stepped toward the motel.

Careful but bold.

* * *

I opened my eyes to the feeling of my head being pressed down, and I saw the ceiling of a motel with all the lights off.

‘… What time is it?’

I seem to have slept a lot, probably because I was tired while driving, avoiding zombies, and doing all sorts of flashes while driving.

This motel has no windows.

Looking at the clock on Yeonhee’s phone, it’s nine in the afternoon.

I looked to the side.


Yeonhee is silently sleeping on the bed next to her.

-Siun-ah. I’m scared and anxious So… Would it be too much to ask if you came next to me and hugged me?

That’s what Yeonhee said while groping my thighs yesterday.

It was quite a reckless temptation.

I rejected her at once.

Then she said to me with her somber eyes.

-You’re such a sweet pumpkin. I’m really embarrassed, very much. Look. Am I a woman with pride? But I’ll ask again. I know I’m not enough compared to you. But that’s it. Still, though… I’m asking because I still want to ask. Siwoon Lee. Have you ever seen me as a woman, even for a single moment… Have you never felt

I shook my head at her words.

Because there is only one woman in my head and heart.

So she cut it with a single knife.

It was.

‘Let’s get rid of this thought, for now.’

There is no time to indulge in random thoughts.

I have work to do.

The food and bottled water that Yeon-hee brought ran out.

As a result of checking, we are the only people in this motel.

You can bring your own water.

There is drinking water in the mini-refrigerators in each motel.


All you have to do is open the door to the next room with the master key you found at the counter and get some water.

I opened all the motel rooms in the hallway with the master key, collected bottled water from the mini-fridge, and put it in the refrigerator in my room.



Yeonhee tossed and turned at the sound of the refrigerator closing.

The bottled water has been secured using wit. I don’t know how long I will be staying at this motel.


This place seems to be safer than anywhere else in Korea in this dream.

At least for now.

‘I have secured bottled water, and now I need to secure food.’

The stomach grumbles and vibrates, asking for food. You can fill your stomach by drinking bottled water, but there is no need to postpone what you have to do until later.

How do you know if there will be a situation where you will be isolated in this place later, or a situation where you will not be able to leave?

‘It’s nine o’clock. Dark night.’

If you dare to go outside, I like the dark times like now.


My eyes are so good that I can see most things outside like a vision goggles even at night.

On the other hand, zombies cannot be seen at night.

That means I have an advantage.


I unlocked the lock on the rifle. Immediately after putting on my bag, I quietly went out into the hallway.


The hallway is dead quiet.

I went down to the second floor through the emergency exit stairs.

The front door on the first floor is unusable.


This is because all the desks, beds, etc. In the motel were moved in front of the front door on the first floor and the front door was tightly blocked.

It’s like making a fortress so that zombies can’t even set foot here.

Drreuk! I opened the window on the second floor of the emergency exit stairway.

‘It’s dark.’

I quickly scanned the outside with my eyes.

There is not a single one that looks or is suspected to be a zombie.

I feel like my eyes are really useful at times like this.

Now it’s time to run through this window to the ground.

I’m so f*cking nervous. If it wasn’t for the body with developed nerves from the hunter life, it’s a problem that you have to be prepared for.

Ah! By the way, let’s say it’s good to jump down from the second floor and go outside. A motel with no back door and one front door.

But how are you going to get back into this motel with the front door closed?

There are many ways.

I’m a hunter anyway.


I landed safely on the ground.


My ankle was shocked and a moan came out.

Once I grabbed the gun, I immediately turned my eyes and headed for the next rest area.

This is a motel by the roadside rest area, so there should be something to eat at the rest area anyway.

Tuk- Tuk- Tuk-

I can’t hear anything but my quiet footsteps.

The lights in the rest area are completely turned off, leaving only darkness.

It’s dark.


There is no need for a flashlight.

My eyes already have night vision goggles, why do I need them?

There was a convenience store inside the service area.


‘… sh*t.’

I stopped walking.

Wriggling far below the floor where the bloody water vibrates.

-Geug. A billion.

It’s a zombie. As I slowly approached it, I saw an old man with his chest open and internal organs pouring out. Strangely, he was still breathing.


When the old man finds me, he opens his mouth and crawls.


As the butt of the rifle cuts the old man’s head off, the old man flinches.

Thump! Cooong! Whoops!

Three more times in a row.

The old man’s eyes protrude and droop.

There was no need to kill him loudly with gunshots.

That was all.

“From canned food.”

I muttered to myself. I’m not a jerk. The next best thing is to pack as much small and nutritious food as possible.

Furthermore, when it comes to food with a long shelf life, it’s definitely canned fruits or tuna.

There were a lot of delicious things on the shelves of the convenience store, from wine to liquor snacks, cup ramen jerky, and so on.

‘Only foods that are practical rather than tasty.’


I left the convenience store with all the canned food in my bag and zipped it up.

You can head straight to the motel now. There is no need to wander around outside.

At that time.

I quickly ducked next to a parked car in the distant light.

‘Why are people at this timing?’

A car slowly approaches me with its headlights shining.

It must be a person.

No, it must be a person. Could a zombie really drive that car? I poked my head out and checked the face of the man in the car.

He’s just an ordinary guy with thick eyebrows and a strong impression.

But the man stopped the car and got out.

Then he looked around and stared into space.

What are you doing?

Aren’t you worried that there are zombies here? What is the reason for suddenly stopping the car and staring at the empty space?


The man’s black zip-up training suit is covered in blood.

Not only that, but the man’s hand is covered with dried blood.

It must have been a battle with zombies.

It seems that he managed to survive.

‘There is no need for me to contact that person.’

I don’t need anything.

There is nothing to be gained from that man.

So it’s not a situation where you have to go and pretend to know someone just because you found them.

“…… !”

My eyes widened in surprise as I spyed on the man like a rat.

A man walks towards me.

‘I don’t know what kind of guy he might be, so he just kills me?’

This is a dream anyway. You don’t have to feel guilty just because I shot him.


I felt something strange on the face of the man walking toward me.

‘… Body signals.’

The man’s body signal looked nervous. Chased face. That would be natural too. Because this world is coming to an end


He’s getting closer to me. If I had to, I would strangle him to death with the power of my right shoulder, instead of shooting him dead.

But something is strange.

That man.

It doesn’t seem like an ordinary human being.

It’s just a hunch. It was only intuition, but strangely enough, I felt a sense of life in him.


The man stopped walking.

And after staring into space again.

“I’m sure this is it.”

The man muttered to himself. What are you sure about? Are you the kind of guy who has lost his mind because the Republic of Korea has been destroyed?

“… ….”

I have the gun pointed at him already. With one flick of my finger on the trigger, one spark of life is extinguished.

But then.

“Don’t hide, come out.”

“…… !”

I was so shocked at the moment that my breath stopped. I opened my eyes wide and immediately moved my hand on the trigger.



It was me who flew several meters in the air with my vision distorted and crashed.

“What, what?”

What happened? The man flicked his hand and the car in front of me was thrown off. I flew too.

Blood dripping from my forehead blocks my vision.

I don’t know who that guy is or what abilities he has.

But if I want to live, I must kill him!

From noble mtl dot com


“… ?”

Obviously shot the man three times.

But the man is walking towards me with a relaxed face.

“Don’t do anything stupid. Modern weapons like that don’t work for me.”

Bang! Bang! Tata Tata Tang!

“It doesn’t work.”

Clap – Clap –

Only smoke blooms from the muzzle of the gun.

The bullet does not come out.

We ran out of bullets.

Damn it!!

In the time you ask him what you really are, you have to save him or think of another trick.

That’s the survival method I learned after becoming a hunter.

That’s a bit embarrassing.


The two eyes of the man getting closer and closer froze me.

‘Modern weapons don’t work? Then….’

Does physics work?

Hand-to-hand combat! Stop beating me like a dog!

I immediately jumped out and landed my right hook into his jaw.

“… Kuck!”

By the way.

A scream came out of my mouth as I tried to attack.

Chuck! I immediately backstabbed and opened the distance.

“You are faster and stronger than you think? It’s amazing. Even though you wouldn’t be able to demonstrate your ability as a hunter here, the light was heavy.”

“What? How do you know I’m a Hunter?”

I asked, surprised enough to make my brain twist. That guy knows I’m a Hunter.

This situation makes no sense.

This is a dream and the only person who knows that I am a hunter is Yeon-hee.

“… Are you Christian?”

I asked.

The man stares at me silently. Even after I asked, I noticed that my question was odd.

Wouldn’t it be necessary for Christian, who had imprisoned me in a dream, to appear in the dream and kill me? That would be a big risk for him.

“Christian. He is my enemy.”

“… Enemy? So, that means he’s not Christian.”

“Yes, and I suddenly became curious about you.”

I don’t know what that guy is talking about.

“What do you want and who are you?”

“Do you want to know?”

“Answer quickly!”

I screamed nervously. I feel like he’s playing a joke on me.

The corners of his mouth twitched, went up, and his eyes shone.

“I’ll let you know in just one minute.”

“… One minute later?”

“What if you are still alive after one minute?”


Flames spewed from its two grips.

I’m so curious about the identity of that madman who suddenly appeared, so I’ll have to endure it for a minute as he requested. A series of crazy things are happening.


That guy is a normal guy… It doesn’t seem like a normal human.

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