“Then you really mean you can finish it in one day?”

“Isn’t it natural? If you decide to finish it, you have to finish it in one day. Tezuka-sensei once completed two manuscripts in one day. do not know?”

At that, she said with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Kido-sensei is not Tezuka-sensei. And the shade itself is different. Are you saying that you don’t know that it’s a drama, so you have a lot of work time?”

“know. But readers are not interested in the circumstances of such a cartoonist.”

How can a person who knows this say such nonsense?

“Is it even possible for Sunny?”

Kido suddenly looked back at me and asked, reflexively nodding her head.

“Well, yes.”

“Hey, look. Sunny says it can too.”

“I’m so sorry, Teacher Sunny is special.”

“I am special too!”

The spirit certainly looks special.

No, is it unusual?

Nishida spoke again with a frustrated expression.

“You’re too much. Do you guys not even think about it as much as an eyebrow? Those friends must be thinking they’re off this week. And is it possible to do it all night once on a day job? You don’t have enough time.”

“It’s something that can be solved with persistence.”

“No, what are you doing with such an arrogance? And now, what is World War II? Is it just a world where everything can be solved with mental power?”

“World War II was defeated.”

“So. It’s only natural to do it like that, without thinking back and forth.”

At that moment, at Nishida’s words, Kido rolled her eyes.

“You don’t have a little time… are you going to run out?”

“Isn’t it natural?”

“Yoonan. Do you think so too?”

“I don’t really want to interfere with such things.”

I think it’s a bit overkill, but that’s not my problem.

And actually, the Japanese comics world is rolling like this.

During that miscellaneous conversation, Nishida told me if something came to mind.

“Tengen-sensei said earlier that you didn’t have any special plans, how about this one?”

“What is it?”

“Did you know that there are still machine gun jack performances these days?”

“Yeah. I heard from the person in charge. I saw it on video too.”

“The story of today’s performances has changed. Do you know that?”

Is the story different?

It’s my first time hearing this.

“You don’t know.”

“Yeah. Until there.”

“Well, the teacher is a bit busy, so you may not know.”

Then Kido giggled and she laughed.

“You who know that are the strangest.”

“Because I am a fan.”

“Still, you’re a fan too openly.”

“Well, aside from the different levels, I like Tengen-sensei’s manga. I saw a manga that was published in Korea, and I have all the translated and published novels, huh?”

“Didn’t you only like science fiction?”

“It can broaden your hobbies.”

“I want. I can’t say anything when I say it so proudly.”

“Anyway, would you like to go to the concert with me?”

It seemed like a good idea, so she nodded her head.

“Yeah. Still, while watching the video, I thought that I would like to see it in person. Let’s go back to Japan.”

At my words, Nishida stood up.

“Then I will see you.”

“Nishida. Shall I go with you?”

Kido took turns looking at the two of us before sneaking in, Nishida said with a dissatisfied face.

“You say you’re writing a manuscript.”

“That’s the way it is…”

“Then do the manuscript.”

“You are too much. It seems that they care a lot about our fishermen before.”

“Did I?”

Kido smirked at Nishida’s words.

“It’s ridiculous.”


I took a taxi with Nishida and headed to the place where they were performing.

Odaiba is an artificial island located in the southern part of Tokyo.

It’s 1989, so it’s a lot more empty than when I lived.

In the past, no Because it is the future in time…

Anyway, it’s a place I’ve been to a few times before.

A real-sized Gundam was erected, and it was a place famous for the drama ‘Dancing Great Swordsmanship’, so I was quite impressed.

And of course the Rainbow Bridge.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

However, the bridge is currently under construction.

Of course, there is no statue of liberty now.

Anyway, looking at this place under construction, Nishida said.

“It is an area that is being redeveloped into a commercial district, pushing away the mansions.”


Perhaps the shape of Odaiba that I remember will be created from now on.

“It’s over.”

Looking at the place Nishida pointed out, it looks like a temporary building with a somewhat vague feel to it as a concert hall.

However, there were quite a few people gathered around the entrance, and they were entering the building.

“It looks like it will start soon.”

And when they got close, the taxi stopped and immediately followed the people into the building.

I immediately bought two tickets and went into the concert hall, and I saw a fairly large and stylish space unlike what it looked like from the outside.

The interior made like an ancient Roman amphitheater is quite old-fashioned, so if you didn’t know it, you would have thought it was a famous European opera house.

The stage is empty, but it seems like the way the stage background is created on a case-by-case basis, like the performance we saw in the video.

People who entered the room began to fill the seats.

It can’t be said that it’s full, but seeing that it’s about 80% full even on a weekday, it’s not an understatement to say that it’s popular.

About 30% of such audiences are mothers with children, and the rest are of various age groups.

I felt it when I watched the video, but it seems to be popular with children because the action and costumes are very similar to those of Sentai.

Anyway, we sat down and chatted briefly, and soon the performance started.

If it was a general performance, a woman dressed in a pretty dress would appear and set her mood first, but there is no such thing.

That’s why I think it’s a bit disappointing.

And as the story began, I began to immerse myself in the performance without realizing it.

After the performance was over, Nishida asked, coming out.

“How do you feel as an author?”

I feel like I’m being interviewed by a reporter.

However, Nishida herself had a similar thought and smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of her head.

“Haha, it’s just a personal curiosity.”

He smiled and replied to that.

“It was fun with a different feel than the comics. There was, of course, a characteristic squeaky tone.”

“Are you gurgling?”

“I mean, it’s a little embarrassing.”


Soon she nodded her head in agreement with Nishida.

“However, seeing it in person, there was a different impression from what I saw in the video. Of course, the story is different.”

“It was my favorite episode in the manga, so I really liked it. It’s the fourth time I’ve seen it, but I never get tired of it.”

“Four times?”

“Yeah. I like it, so I come to see it sometimes.


But after leaving the concert hall, while waiting for a taxi on the roadside, a luxury limousine sedan stopped in front of us.

This feels kind of familiar.

The passenger door opened and a familiar face appeared.

It was the old man who was traveling with Izumi.

He looked at us and said hello.

“Hello, Tengen-sensei, Nishida-sensei.”

As we greeted each other, he came to the back seat of the limousine, opened the door, and said:

“Once you get on. I will take you.”

“Are you kidnapped?”

Nishida said jokingly, but the old man didn’t answer and just left the door open.

Nishida, embarrassed, got into the car first, and then I got on.

Soon the door closed and the old man got into the passenger seat and the car started.

“Nishida-sensei will drive you home.”

“What about Tengen-sensei?”

“My lady asked me to see you.”

“What is it, kidnapping?”

As Nishida said with a smile, the old man glanced back and answered with an expressionless face.

“It’s not kidnapping.”

“It’s a joke.”


grand dreams (2)

As the car stopped, Nishida said with a regretful expression.

“You’re going somewhere you don’t even know where you are, so wouldn’t it be helpful for me to be by your side?”

At that, the old man sitting in the front seat opened the door and said.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”


Soon the back door of the limousine opened. When the old man outside the door stared at Nishida, with her droopy shoulders, he went out helplessly.

Then he turned to me and said.

“If you ever need me…”


And immediately the door closes.

As the old man got back on the front passenger seat, the limousine departed.

When I looked out the car window, Nishida was staring at me with a regretful expression for a long time.

The limousine, which had been running for a long time, stopped in front of a building in downtown Tokyo.

It is a 20-story building, but the exterior walls and glass windows are flashing as if it was a new building.

It’s midday and my eyes are so dazzling.

Because of that, her exposed hands and face are hot.

Even in spring, this is still in order, but in the summer, I wonder if it would be okay.


The old man who was walking in front turned around and asked.

“Ah, sorry.”

He apologized hastily and followed the old man.

Two large young security guards standing at the entrance greeted us.

I went inside the building and there was no one in the lobby on the first floor.

However, upon closer inspection, the interior decoration was still unfinished.

From the outside, it looked like a new building, but it looked like it had not been built yet.

I followed the old man to the elevator on the first floor.

The old man silently pressed the button on the 20th floor.

Soon the elevator started moving, and soon reached the 20th floor.

The door opened, revealing a spacious interior with nothing.

As the old man walked to one side, there were several sofas, and there was a woman sitting there.

As expected, it was Izumi.

She is drinking her tea in a laid-back posture that looks out of her window and looks her classy.

Then he looked at me and stood up.

“long time no see.”

“i See. how are you?”

“Well, thanks. Sit.”


She sat down on her sofa opposite her, and she took her seat too.

“What kind of car?”

It’s an empty place, so I shrugged her shoulders as I looked around wondering where to get it.

Because I don’t want to drink much anyway.

“Fine. More than that, how did you know I was in the theater?”

“I found out by chance.”

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