“Are you going to take the serialization test?”

“Of course. And the short story is the next work that I briefly talked about with Mija before.”

On the day Jung Mi-ja visited, she also talked about her next project.

The idea was good, and as long as the direction and flow of the story were good, it was a good story.

Although the concept has not been completed yet, a few short episodes that will leave an impression are already completed.

It is said that it was prepared as a story of about three volumes, but it was a story worth aiming for with more than 10 books.

Anyway, Silver, who was there at the time, would be familiar with the story.

“It’s a feature film. You want me to make a short story out of it?”

“You don’t have to put everything in. I thought it would be nice to put a little bit of an approximate situation in front and make a short story from one of the good episodes. Of course, the story of moving from reality to a desert city-state in the beginning would be best.”

“I think that part is fine too.”

“Would you like to It’s my wife’s work.”


I was just joking, but why doesn’t Silver’s expression look serious?

If you tease me more, I might get slapped into that big fist.

After coughing, he spoke again.

“It would be best to try a short test.”

Silver seemed to think for a moment, then nodded his head.

“Actually, if the short story is recognized by the readers, the editorial department will also recognize it.”

Jung Mi-ja’s position is ambiguous these days, so she will want to be recognized for this opportunity.

“For now, I don’t plan on participating in a short film. But I will look at the short draft.”

The story was meant to be done only by Jung Mi-ja’s continuity.

It’s not that there aren’t any regrets in the first place, but it’s because it wasn’t bad at all.

Because the last lingering aftertaste is still there.

“That is enough. So, when do we start with Mija?”

“As soon as the storyline is complete. Bring me the conti.”

Silver nodded at my words.


a few days later.

Silver brought the continuity.

I thought I could finish it in two days, but surprisingly, it took a little over a week.

I thought it was because of the burden on my body, but it didn’t seem like it.

“Because of what you’re going to see, Mija-san is quite nervous. He must have been a little stressed about it.”

Did I just put a burden on you?

I gasped and clicked my tongue.

“It’s not me that matters.”

“You say you are more difficult than the reader, huh?”

Hearing this, Daebong Lee giggled.

“Anyway. Our Yunhwan must be a bit picky.”

Is it an insult or a compliment?

I wish I hadn’t intervened in vain.

Anyway, I checked it from the beginning.

There were a few more ideas added to the story I was talking about, but it’s not bad.

Of course, if this is made into a feature film, it would be nice to revamp it a bit, but if it’s this much, I think it’s worth trying.

“It’s okay. This is enough.”

But despite my words, Silver stared at me without any reaction.

“Why do you look like that?”

But Silver soon shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter.”

It’s no big deal, I’m more concerned.

But looking at Silver like that, Daebong Lee giggled again.

He glanced at the silver once and said as he looked at me.

“He noticed it now.”

“Do you notice?”

“You just said okay, but it wasn’t your expression.”


“I got tea. Right now, on your forehead, ‘this is not enough’ is written.”

I thought I managed my expression.

There was no response as to whether Silver agreed to Lee Dae-bong’s words.

Still, he soon nodded his head.

“Well, if it caught your eye, you wouldn’t have to worry about it. I think it’s a natural reaction.”

“Oh, Silver, we have grown up. After all, it is said that a man must marry to become an adult.”

At that, the other fishermen looked at Lee Dae-bong and laughed.

“Then you’re saying you haven’t grown up yet? I am already thirty.”

He said it as a joke, but Lee Dae-bong still smiled as he thought it was the expected reaction.

“Of course. I’ll be Peter Pan forever. I don’t want to be an adult. However, being 30 is a bit sad. Still, it’s comforting to be one year younger than Silver forever.”

At that, the fishermen laughed.

Of course, Silver has an absurd expression.

Anyway, now that Mija Jung’s storyline is complete, it’s silver’s turn.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Of course, even if it is a continuity, except for the dialogue, only the approximate situation is drawn, so there is nothing that can be called directing. Anyway, it is clear that it is a continuity that requires a lot of imagination.

First of all, Silver, who finished the amount of work in the studio today, started drawing.

However, for some reason, he grunts in front of the manuscript and draws and then erases and repeats.

It was a look that would never be seen in normal silver.

This is because he was more picky about painting than anyone else in the studio, and his speed was comparable to that of Seon-hee. Of course, even if it’s only about the pen line.

He was so embarrassed in front of the manuscript that it was even funny.

However, even though it was a bit of a gag at him, he didn’t laugh.

As the head of a family, it’s not that I’m not thinking enough to laugh at Silver, who is trying new things.

Of course, even Lee Dae-bong, who usually made fun of Silver.

Silver’s drawing continued even after everyone left work.

Of course, I usually get off work late, so I was planning a new episode of Machine Gun Jack by Silver’s side.

Due to the recent increase in the scale of the story, the worldview has grown considerably. Thanks to this, I didn’t have to spend too much time setting up the settings.

Seonhee also said that tomorrow’s class will start in the afternoon, so she stays and draws.

For those of us, Kyunghee was also preparing a late-night meal.

Just as the delicious smell of the kitchen was wafting out, Silver approached me.

“Come on, this. Take a look.”

He handed me a roll of paper.

I got it and started looking at it one by one.

Silver is sitting across from the sofa and looking at me like that.

I glanced at him like that.

It’s a very tense expression, but that’s not important right now.

I turned my attention back to the manuscript.


It feels a bit chaotic from the start.

He usually criticizes drawings a lot, but it’s his first drawing, so it feels awkward from the first page.

The picture itself is not bad, and the directing is often seen as pretty cool, but the connection between the important story is too tight.

To put it simply, it just feels like it’s falling apart.

Only then can the viewer be able to concentrate on the story.

When I put the manuscript down after watching it all, Silver asked carefully.

“Isn’t that strange too?”

“uh. Strange.”

“Can you tell me which part is weird?”

“What do you think of yourself?”


He frowned at my question and then opened his mouth.

“Isn’t that the detail part? Is it also directing?”

“The directing is right, but there are more problems than that.”

“More problems? What is it?”

“The flow is bad.”

“flow? Are you talking about passing the story?”


At my words, Silver folded his arms and nodded his head.

“It was also a big problem.”

“Hyung, did you make a storyline for this first?”

“Conti? Aren’t you going to turn off Mija?”

“okay. My brother should have made the story again. Because Mija-san was only working on the storyline, this is the result.”

“I did it because I wanted to keep the original feel as much as possible.”

“It is not. If it’s drawn by hyung’s hand, you should make it look like hyung I just draw so much attention to every line that I put so much energy into every page. Only then will I be able to finish one short and be exhausted.”

Still, the current silver face looks quite tired.

It’s an area I’ve never done before, so it’s probably because it’s consumed a lot of mental power.

“OK. to that extent. I am confident in my physical strength.”

“No, I mean, just relax and draw.”

“You want me to lose power?”

“okay. take some power Even if you go with the feeling of drawing lightly, you will create something better than this. Right now, it seems like he’s too greedy for drawing.”


“Forget about the fact that it’s a girl’s manga for now, and let’s just do it without a little bit of the intense poison of the pen line that hyung usually used to do. Women should not be too conscious of Mija’s paintings.”

“I wish I could be specific.”

“Well, to put it simply, hyung’s drawing right now doesn’t come across well. I have to focus on the story, but it’s difficult because of the crazy pictures.”

“Quality is also important.”

“It’s important, but sometimes it can be poison.”

“It is.”

It’s something I know well.

Nevertheless, he did not work soberly on the drawings he had been working on.

It is easy to evaluate the finished work like I do now, but it was difficult to keep it properly when you made it yourself.

Of course, knowing what you are doing and actually trying it yourself are completely different areas.

As the negative story continued, Silver also seemed perplexed.

He must have had some confidence, but he realized that the task was not as easy as he thought.

At that time, Kyung-hee, who was in the kitchen, came with a plate.

“Do this while you eat. The tteokbokki tastes great today.”

Seonhee raised her head at those words and looked at the tteokbokki like a cat that found food. I called Seon-hee like that.

“Seonhee. Would you like to bring what I asked for earlier?”

“It’s not over yet.”

“OK. It’s okay if you don’t finish it.”

Hearing those words, he smiled softly and jumped up from his seat, grabbed a notebook, and approached the sofa.

However, while holding out the notebook, his eyes are still on the tteokbokki on the table.

“Your thing is different, so you don’t have to look into it.”

Seon-hee turned away from her gaze at Kyung-hee’s words and went back to her seat.

Seeing this, Kyung-hee smiled and went back to the kitchen and brought out Seon-hee’s portion of tteokbokki.

But the quantity is huge.

Kyunghee looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

“Hey, you’re going to eat with me.”

“There are two people here too, but that one seems to be more than double us.”

“It’s an illusion, your brother’s mistake.”

Who do you know with a lazy eye?

I laughed out loud, and then turned my eyes to Silver again.

Silver, who met my eyes, looked at the notebook I was holding and asked with a curious expression.

“What did you ask for?”

“uh. I asked Seon-hee for Mi-ja’s story. Try to draw as lightly as you can think of.”


I looked at Seonhee’s continuity and handed the note to Silver straight away.

“Look. The story of Mi-ja that Seon-hee saw.”

Silver began to examine Seon-hee’s continuity step by step.

He will learn a lot by watching how Seon-hee expressed the scene he was worried about.

As Seon-hee watched the continuation of Mi-ja Jeong, she made her own style with what she felt without a single thought.

It has become a completely new comic book thanks to his own directing method that makes it difficult to recognize it as Jung Mi-ja’s work even while reading it.

Of course, Seon-hee is a cartoonist with already completed skills, so of course the level of perfection is also different.

Perhaps Silver received a fairly fresh shock that he had never experienced before.

Because it’s not just Seonhee when she puts on a pen line.

Now, of course, she has a picture in front of her that she should learn and one day target.

After seeing everything, Silver’s expression changed slightly.

I looked at him and said.

“I ordered it to be as light-feeling as possible. What do you think? the feeling is.”

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