“Are you going to decline?”

“Because that kind of bothered me.”

“why? Are you saying there is no problem?”

“It’s Machine Gun Jack, of course I won’t say anything. But if Sunny’s next work or the Megalopolis in Cat series that is currently being released, we won’t leave it to us.”

I was startled by that statement.

“You said you wouldn’t entrust your next project?”

“no. I didn’t say that. I just think there is a possibility.”


The convincing employee nodded his head.

And soon he opened his mouth again.

“Well, wouldn’t it matter?”

“I don’t care what?”

“It’s a field trip. It’s something like that. It’s fine. Know-how is not something that can be acquired so easily. You don’t have to do anything related to it while you’re there.”

Makino nodded his head, apparently agreeing to those words.

Even though it is a new company, most of the core members gathered are talented people who have been recognized by various companies.

And Makino was the same, so he knew how hard it was to acquire know-how.

“It is not. It’s not something you can learn just by watching.”

“Absolutely. This floor isn’t even that good. Not even a few Koreans can learn all those know-hows. If we just get some points right now, we might be able to take on the next project, so I don’t think it’s bad.”


Thinking about it, it seemed so.

Now Anywok is a new production company.

All you need is a seat.

To do that, it is the fastest and best way to produce popular works.

And now they were making machine gun jacks, the most popular thing these days.

I’ve already heard that Samsara, Tengen’s previous work, also sold a lot of OVA editions made by other producers.

So, if the TV version ratings of Machine Gun Jack are good this time, the OVA production and the theater version were planned.

As a result, Tengen and Sunny’s works were of interest from many animation production companies.

When it comes to field trips, there are certainly many companies that will accept it.

Makino finished his thoughts and nodded his head.

“okay. Call me if you find out.”

Find Sunny (1)

When class was over, students poured out of the classroom.

At that time, in the classroom, the professor was talking to a female student in front of her desk.

the professor asked.

“Are you still in trouble?”


As usual, it’s a cynical reaction.

However, the professor was not offended because he knew the girl’s usual appearance.

Rather, she was more regretful because she wanted her to participate in this thesis.

“I see. But if she ever feels like she wants to do something, she tells her assistant.”


“Yeah, then. See you next time.”

After saying that, the professor left.

The female student who looked at the professor’s back turned her body with an expressionless face as usual. She then walked out of the classroom.

Her boys in her hallway glanced at her at her.

A blue duffel coat, Jodash jeans and a hoodie in sports shoes.

She hasn’t taken off her affection yet, but she’s so pretty that she makes anyone look back at least once.

Her name is Lee Seon-hee.

She now has the same name as a popular singer, so no one in her class doesn’t know her name.

By the way.

Not only that, but her hair is also very good.

To the extent that professors and teaching assistants can answer any questions asked during lectures.

Rumor has it that she dared to come here even though she had enough skills to enter Seoul National University.

Of course, this place is also quite good, but it is not comparable to Seoul National University.

Her grades are too unique to be just a rumor.

Anyway, she is a girl who is covered in mysteries with many rumors of this and that, so she is attracting attention from many people.

However, she is the type that is difficult to approach because she is very quiet and has a cold personality.

Because of that, I don’t think anyone is friendly.

Numerous men who approached her, who always moved alone, fell out within a few minutes.

Then she finished her class and she went out as usual, wearing pink headphones and listening to music.

After a while. Seon-hee, sitting on her secluded bench, drew in the warm sunlight as if it were her habit.

About 20 minutes passed like that, someone approached.

She is a female student with the same face as Seon-hee.

It was Kyung Hee.

“Have you waited long?”

However, because of the headphones on her head, she couldn’t hear it at all, so Seon-hee continued to draw.

Kyung-hee, who looked down at such a scene, immediately sat down next to Seon-hee.

Then Seon-hee lifted her head and glanced around her side.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

After confirming that it was Kyunghee, I started drawing again.

Kyung-hee, who slightly lifted one of Seon-hee’s headphones, asked.


Seonhee nodded her head.

Kyunghee spoke again.

“Come on. You will catch a cold if you stay here for a long time.”

Then she covered Seon-hee’s face with her hands.

The red cheeks are cold.

Even though spring has arrived, it is still chilly.

Even so, Seon-hee is moving her hand without hesitation.

If you’ve been immersed in painting for a long time, you don’t pay attention to your surroundings at all.

Even when I was living in the attic a long time ago, it was not uncommon for the back of my hand to crack and crack because of a painting in winter.

Kyung Hee zips up the zipper in front of Seon Hee’s jumper.

After a while, Seon-hee’s hand stopped.

She took her pencil case out of her bag, put her ballpoint pen in it, and then she looked back at Kyunghee, who was sitting next to her.

Kyung-hee smiled and took Seon-hee’s hand.

“Let’s go! On the way, stop by a market to buy ingredients. I’ll make you something delicious.”

Seon-hee leaned on Kyung-hee’s words and smiled softly.

“Like what?”


“Bread is good. Tteokbokki is also good.”

“Then why not do both? What do you think? Good?”


Seon-hee, who nodded her head, was led away by Kyung-hee’s hand.

And on the bench where the two disappeared.

There was a piece of paper lying there.

Seon-hee draws, but the picture is drawn.

After a while.

A man passing by near the bench picked it up.

“Are you tickled?”

This is an A4 paper that I saw a lot on campus last year.

But when I turned it over, it was a normal paper with a picture on it.

I thought it was graffiti and tried to throw it in the trash, but I stopped.

I was curious because the picture was of higher quality than I expected.

“You drew it very well.”

Then someone came to him.

“What are you looking at like that?”

“uh? Ah. this.”


“It looks like someone drew a cartoon. Oh, how do you see it? You drew it very well, right?”

With that said, he held out the paper and his friend accepted it with a nonchalant expression.

It’s because I didn’t trust him very much because he was ignorant about comics.

However, the expression of the friend who received the painting changed in an instant.

She asked, looking at her with round eyes.

“······this. Where am I from?”

He said pointing to the bench.

“Were you away from here?”


“Why? Is there a problem with the picture?”

I asked that question, but my friend just stared at me with wide open eyes without an answer.

“Hey, why?”

“You go first. I have time to stop by.”


But when he didn’t answer, he made an impression.

“Hey, you decided to play billiards with your friends today.”

“not today. Let’s do it next time.”

Saying so, he immediately turned around and ran back to the school, shouting.

“I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Hey! It’s okay if you tell me what’s going on!”

But it had already run away.

Seeing his friend like that, he took a deep breath and smiled.

“Are you going to the manga club again?”

Park Tae-goo, who was running hard with a paper in his hand, ran straight into an old building on the corner of the campus. Then he climbed the stairs eagerly into a warehouse-like place.

He slammed the old iron door open and went inside, surprised by the three men gathered in front of the video.



The three of them trembled and covered the TV screen with clumsy movements.

Because the three of them didn’t breathe well, they couldn’t cover it properly, so almost all of the TV screen caught my eye.

Seeing that, Taegu Park clicked his tongue.

“Ttt, if you want to cover it, do you cover it properly? You can see everything.”

The three of them looked at Park Tae-gu’s face and immediately took a deep breath. And then yelled at him.

“Hey man! You were surprised!”

“Knock, knock!”

“Oh really. I almost fell off Next time I really need to change the handle a bit, Won.”

The three of them spoke like that and then turned their gaze back to the TV.

On the TV screen, a cartoon with a dimly lit scene caught my eye.

“Taegu, you too, sit down here and let’s see this together.”

“I bought it at Sewoon Shopping Center for a huge sum of 10,000 won. By the way, this is an adult cartoon movie that came out last year in Japan. The painting is not really a joke. It’s like the Duke King, kill more.

“No. Still, the Duke King is hotter.”

“What was the title of this?”

“Yoso City! Remember, remember!”

“right. Yosu city. But this guy is real. He might forget it, why are you mad and fucking!”

Park Tae-goo, who watched them chattering without taking their eyes off the TV, immediately picked up the video remote control. Then he immediately pushed the STOP button and threw it away.

All three were surprised at the same time.

“uh? what?”



Everyone’s eyes turned to Park Tae-gu at the same time. And when he saw the remote control in his hand, he started arguing again.

“Hey, you idiot! Why suddenly turn off the video!”

“Give it here.”

As the friends rushed in, Taegu Park hid the remote control behind his back and held out the paper he had just brought with them.

“Watch the video later, watch this first.”

At those words, everyone’s faces turned red with anger.

“What is this madman talking about? Don’t you come with the remote control? You wanna die?”

“Hurry up, nigga!”

But one person looked at the picture and sticks out his head. Then he dried the other friends with both hands.

“Hey, wait! Wait a minute!”

“What? What is it?”

“What is it?”

Then, two people who are interested in the painting look at the painting together. And the friend who checked the picture first took it like a bell and began to look closely.

“uh? Isn’t this a picture joke?”

The other two looked at the picture and admired it.

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