1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 609 The only route

Chapter 602 The only route

"Mr. Lincoln, with regard to John Brown's Rebellion, Southerners have repeatedly used this matter as an excuse recently and have been clinging to it. Recently they have even clamored that if the Republican Party wins the sixteenth presidential election, the Union will be disintegrated, and All this is the fault of the North. What do you think of these extreme statements from the South?"

After the applause stopped, a reporter from the New York Tribune stood up and asked.

"Oh? Really? That's great. It's like a robber putting a gun to our heads and threatening us: You just stand there and don't move, or I will kill you, and you are Killing yourself is a murderer." Lincoln smiled disdainfully and responded in a sarcastic tone.

The audience in the audience couldn't help laughing, and they didn't forget to applaud Lincoln after they finished laughing.

Lincoln's speech at the Federal Building in Manhattan, New York, was undoubtedly very successful. At the end of his speech, the audience in the Federal Building all stood up and waved their handkerchiefs and hats and cheered, venting their dissatisfaction with the South.

"If your speech lets the Southerners know, their hatred for you and even the Republican Party will only deepen. Don't you want even one vote from the South?" At the end of the speech, William Seward was worried and said He said to Lincoln in a complaining tone.

Many reporters came to the Federal Building to listen to Lincoln's speech. Before long, the content of Lincoln's speech would spread throughout the country.

After listening to Lincoln's speech, William Seward could now feel the anger of the Dixie Man.

Seward believed that before the North and the South were completely separated, Lincoln, as a representative of the Republican Party, should not express his position and attitude so clearly in public and lose potential supporters in the South.

The general election is approaching, and in order to win more votes, the various parties have different attitudes.

Northern Democrats, represented by Douglass, were indifferent to the issue of slavery and still chose to follow the old path of Fillmore and Buchanan.

The radical Southern Democratic Party, represented by John Breckinridge, not only advocated maintaining the existing number of slave states, but also required the establishment of more slave states in the territory to achieve a balance of political power between the North and the South.

The Federalists, represented by John Bell, were centrists who only wanted to maintain the unity of the federation. As for the issue of slavery in the territory, they chose to completely avoid it.

As for the Republican Party, which had always had a tough attitude towards the South, it advocated driving the slaveholding forces out of the territory to prevent the cancer of slavery from spreading northward and westward. At the same time, he promised to keep the existing system of the southern slave states unchanged in the short term to win the support of conservative forces.

"It's as if being gentle to the Dixie guys in the South will make them vote for us Republicans." Lincoln didn't take it seriously and said seriously.

"Seward, I think you also know that a country that is internally divided cannot exist for a long time, and slavery and liberalism cannot coexist for a long time. The era of trying to reconcile the left and the right is long over. If you, me, and the Republican Party want to To achieve something, we must unswervingly choose a path, there is no middle way.”

Lincoln's views were completely different from Seward's. Lincoln believed that even if faced with the risk of national division, the North and the South must be completely unified.

The unification that Lincoln wanted was not the current fragile, formal unification. What he wanted was the all-round unification of the North and the South in terms of system, values, economy, and ideology.

Only this kind of all-round unity can make it possible for the United States, which is isolated in a corner, to rise.

As for those votes in the South, Lincoln had a very clear self-awareness. He knew very well that based on him and the image of the Republic in the minds of Southerners, he could not win any state in the South.

"We cannot win this election without the support of any Southern state," William Seward reminded Lincoln.

"That's not necessarily the case." Lincoln said thoughtfully after hearing the words for a moment. "Representatives from the South cannot win the election without the support of any northern states. Those slaves in the South have no right to vote."

After leaving the Federal Building in Manhattan, New York, Lincoln rushed to Seward's hometown to give a speech without rest.

New York State is the largest state in the United States, and it was originally a vote base for William Seward. If you want to win this election, it is very important to win New York State and get Seward's original supporters to support him.

As William Seward expected, the content of Lincoln's speech at the Federal Building in Manhattan, New York, quickly spread to every corner of the United States through the media and the developed telegraph network.

Even people like Liang Yao and Fremont who were far away in California learned about the content of Lincoln's speech through the New York Evening Post.

"Lincoln hopes that the Declaration of Independence can be truly put into practice." Liang Yao, who was having a tea party with Western dignitaries at Weixiu Residence in Sacramento, put down the newspaper and said.

"I didn't expect that the final winner of the Republican Party would be Lincoln." Gervin said with emotion. Gervin originally thought that the person who would eventually run for president on behalf of the Republican Party would be William Seward, who came from a well-known family and had rich political experience.

Ge Wen looked at Liang Yao with great admiration. He had discussed with Liang Yao the issue of the Republican presidential nominee.

At that time, Gervin was very optimistic about William Seward and almost believed that William Seward was the Republican Party's designated presidential nominee. At that time, Liang Yao was not optimistic about any of the three players: William Seward, Simon Cameron, and Salmon Chase.

Although Liang Yao did not clearly say who he was more optimistic about becoming the Republican presidential nominee, judging from Liang Yao's attitude, it was obvious that Liang Yao was more optimistic about Abraham Lincoln.

After all, at that time, the only candidate outside the list who had any hope of competing for the Republican presidential nomination was Lincoln.

"The dark horses like Lincoln are able to break through the siege, which is indeed a bit beyond my expectation. The Republican presidential nominee can only be chosen between Abraham Lincoln and Salmon Chase. Judging from the current public opinion polls, it is obvious that Abraham Lincoln "Lincoln has a better chance of winning." Oregon Governor Wu Yuanhua said after thinking for a moment.

"These two are both radical elements of the Republican Party. If the Republican Party really wins this election, a war between the North and the South will be inevitable."

"No need to guess, the Republican National Convention has concluded." Liang Yao motioned to Zeiss to distribute the newly delivered "Illinois State Journal" to the Western dignitaries present for reading.

"Four months ago, before William Seward made his astonishing statement that state laws were superior to the Constitution, Seward was far ahead on the first ballot with 175 votes to Lincoln's 101. Cameron's 52 votes, Chase's 51 votes, and Bates' 46 votes.

In the recent second round of voting, Lincoln received 365 votes, out of a total of 425 votes. There is no doubt that Lincoln is now the winner of the Republican Party, and he will run for the sixteenth president on behalf of the Republican Party. "

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