1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 558: Decisive battle with the British and French forces

News of the fall of Dagukou reached the Forbidden City, and Emperor Xianfeng was dumbfounded.

From Xianfeng's perspective, this matter was indeed very strange. Officials in Guangdong frequently told him about successes. According to the successes played by Ye Mingchen and others, there were not only 8,000 but 10,000 foreigners who died in Guangdong.

Since so many people died among the foreigners, how could they capture Takukou with lightning speed?

After Xianfeng thought about it, there was only one possibility left, a possibility that he didn't want to believe.

Those were the two pillars of the South Gate of the Qing Dynasty that he often praised. His ministers Ye Mingchen and Bai Gui deceived him.

All this can be explained only if the good news is false.

At this juncture, Xianfeng reluctantly ordered his servants to bring Liang Shaoqiong's book and look at it carefully. After looking closely, Xianfeng suddenly realized.

Although the foreigners suffered several defeats in Guangfu and suffered heavy casualties, their bones and muscles were not injured. The subsequent arrival of the British and foreign troops was even more unstoppable and ran rampant across the southeastern waters of the Qing Dynasty.

Conquering a city and capturing a governor is as easy as searching a bag for something.

"Ye Mingchen! Bai Gui! You are deceiving the emperor! How courageous! These dog slaves! How courageous!"

Xianfeng threw the Zhezi to the ground angrily, his head was buzzing, he felt like the world was spinning, and he almost fainted from anger.

All the ministers also knelt down and begged Xianfeng to calm down.

At this time, the civil and military ministers in the palace were already in disarray, and those who moved quickly had already sent their families out of the Forbidden City.

Calm down?

The anger in his chest can be extinguished, but the iron hooves of the foreigners will not stop.

Xianfeng had no choice but to send edicts from King Qin to various places. At the same time, he appointed Qiying, a veteran minister who had been neglected and reprimanded by him for his inability to supervise foreign affairs, and ordered Qiying to go to Tianjin as an envoy to negotiate with foreigners on his behalf.

When Qiying's delegation arrived at Wuqing County, they encountered the high-profile Parkesli delegation heading towards the capital city.

Foreigners come to Beijing! Is this okay? !

Qiying acted as he had done when he was in Guangzhou, placating the mood of Parkesli's delegation and stating that he was here to negotiate peace with the special envoys of Britain and France this time, and that he was very sincere.

Parkey was also an old acquaintance of Qiying. Seeing that Qiying was so sincere, Parkey agreed not to go to the capital city for the time being, and led Parkey to Tianjin to meet with Count Elgin and the special envoys of Britain and France. Count Gloria.

Unexpectedly, Elgin's attitude towards Qiying this time was extremely cold. Elgin said coldly: "Mr. Qiying, you are an old acquaintance of ours. We have always respected you, until we copied him." The Governor's Office in Guangzhou.

At the Governor's Office in Guangzhou, we found many documents written by you.

It turns out that you didn’t even want to have a good talk with us back then, but instead treated us like monkeys! Test the patience of the British Empire! I can't trust someone who has been fooling us all this time.

Mr. Qiying, please go back, I won't talk to you. "

Elgin issued an order to expel Qiying. No matter how much Qiying tried to talk, it was useless. Qiying had no choice but to return to the capital city.

Before leaving, the elderly Qiying repeatedly begged Elgin and others not to go westward. After he returned, he would definitely ask the emperor to send a more substantial and sincere person to discuss the matter with the special envoys of Britain and France.

Not long after the British and French forces captured Dagukou and settled in Tianjin, Liang Yao also came to Tianjin under the banner of the United States' plenipotentiary envoy to China.

Unlike the British and French coalition forces, Liang Yao did not bring a large number of troops to Tianjin, but only one regiment.

It's just that the accompanying regiment has taken off the uniforms of the Umbrella Company's mercenary regiment and put on the uniforms and flags of the US military.

"Your Excellency, why are you here?"

Seeing Liang Yao arrive in Tianjin, French Navy Vice Admiral Tromoulin was a little surprised. In fact, he wanted to ask Liang Yao why you still dare to come.

Since Liang Yao had a knighthood awarded by Napoleon III, out of respect and politeness, Tromolan still treated him with the title.

"The special envoys of Britain and France to China can come, but I, the special envoy of the United States to China, cannot come?" Liang Yao smiled faintly and then asked.

"Have you made any progress in your negotiations?"

Tromolan shook his head: "The Qing court sent Qiying to negotiate, but His Excellency Count Elgin was unwilling to talk to Qiying, thinking that Qiying had no credibility."

Qiying really has no credibility at all, and Elgin's talk with Qiying is a waste of time, unable to explain why.

Liang Yao had no intention of getting involved in the negotiations between Britain, France and the Qing Dynasty. He was just waiting for the further development of the situation in Tianjin.

The conversation was divided into three parts, but Qiying's negotiations failed. After returning to the Forbidden City, Xianfeng was greatly disappointed in Qiying, and in a rage, he killed Qiying.

Liang Shaoqiong and Pan Shicheng, two core Guangdong warriors who stationed troops in Wuding Prefecture in Shandong Province in the name of suppressing Ni, quickly headed north into the territory of Beizhili and headed for the capital city after receiving the edict from King Qin.

Liang Shaoqiong personally led the cavalry battalion to travel day and night, becoming the first Qinwang troops to arrive in the capital.

Hearing that Yue Yong was coming to the capital, Xianfeng felt a little safer.

Although he had never liked Han officials such as Liang Shaoqiong who supported their troops and respected themselves, Emperor Xianfeng had to admit that the Yue Yong was currently the most capable infantry unit in the Qing Dynasty.

The foreigners were close to Tianjin and the capital city was in danger. At this juncture, Xianfeng had no intention of investigating why Yue Yong could reach the capital so quickly.

In order to make the foreigners retreat, Xianfeng also appointed Guiliang of the Guarjia clan and Huashana, the minister of the Zhenghuang Banner of Mongolia, as imperial envoys to go to Tianjin to negotiate peace with Britain and France.

Before Guiliang and Huashana set off, Xianfeng secretly instructed them that as long as the foreigners were willing to withdraw their troops and as long as the foreigners did not enter Beijing, they would be able to agree to any conditions.

Compensating military expenditures, opening more trade ports, even reducing tariffs, etc. are all easy to talk about. Think of it as the Qing Dynasty giving foreigners like them a bite of food from afar.

With the bottom line secretly granted by Emperor Xianfeng, which cannot be called the bottom line, Guiliang and Huashana finally came to terms with Elgin and Geluo.

Guiliang and Huashana happily drew up the draft of the treaty with Elgin and Geluo.

It is said to be a herbal medicine, but in fact it is the request of the British and French allied forces to withdraw their troops.

One: Ministers from Britain and France could be stationed in the capital. In accordance with international practice, Britain and France and Qing Dynasty established embassies and dispatched ministers to each other to establish formal diplomatic relations.

Second: The Qing Dynasty compensated the British military expenditure of 8 million taels of kuping silver and the French military expenditure of 3 million taels of kuping silver.

Third: Allow Britain and France to demarcate concessions in Shanghai to facilitate the residence of businessmen and people of the two countries.

Fourth: British and French Jesuit and Catholic priests could freely preach throughout the Qing Dynasty.

Fifth: British and French citizens can travel and trade in the Qing Dynasty and officials from various places cannot restrict it.

Sixth: British and French merchant ships can travel between the mouths of the Yangtze River.

Seventh: When British and French foreign goods are sold to the mainland or British merchants purchase local goods from the mainland for export, they only pay a sub-export tax of 5% and no additional cents tax.

Eighth: Hong Kong Island matters involve the United States, and the decision will be made after discussion between the Qing Dynasty and the United States. During this period, Britain and France could temporarily settle in Zhoushan as compensation.

Forget about making peace with Britain and France and finalizing an unequal treaty, Guiliang and Huashana, two Manchu and Mongolian nobles who knew nothing about the international situation, actually tried to mediate in the name of the Russian envoy Muravyov, who had no soldiers. , in fact, under the circumstances of blackmail, an unequal treaty was signed with Russia.

Russia was allowed to park warships at five ports, Russian Orthodox priests were allowed to preach freely in the interior, the two countries re-demarcated the "undemarcated" Far Eastern border, and granted the Russians one-sided most-favored-nation status.

After drafting the draft treaty, Elgin and Geluo were very happy, Guiliang and Huashana were very happy, Muravyov was also very happy, and everyone had a bright future.

Liang Yao didn't say a word. He knew clearly that Xianfeng's son only wanted to get Britain and France to withdraw their troops at this time. After all, he was a doctor indiscriminately and could agree to any harsh conditions, but he had no intention of fulfilling the contract.

If the Qing government had really fulfilled its promise, there would not have been two or three dozen Dagukou in history.

The treaty draft was sent to the Forbidden City, and Xianfeng was so happy that he praised the two slaves Guiliang and Huashana for their ability to handle things.

There was just one article in the treaty draft that Xianfeng could not accept.

And this article is the most equal one in the treaty: the British and French ministers can be stationed in the capital. In accordance with international practice, the British and the Qing Dynasty, France and the Qing Dynasty established embassies and dispatched ministers to each other to establish formal diplomatic relations.

Talking to the heavens and the earth, Xianfeng just didn't want foreigners to enter Beijing.

Foreigners cannot bend their legs or kneel down. If a foreigner sees that he is unwilling to kneel down in the future, wouldn’t he, the emperor, be very embarrassed in front of his ministers and the people of the world?

Xianfeng asked Guiliang and Huazana, two capable servants, to continue talking to the foreigners, saying that as long as the foreigners did not come to Beijing, they could make concessions in other aspects.

Why the hell should I give in?

This made Liang Shaoqiong and other enlightened ministers who were truly proficient in foreign affairs very angry. Liang Shaoqiong said that he was willing to talk to foreigners. In addition, they only needed to sign treaties with Britain and France. Tsarist Russia and Britain and France were not countries of the same level, and they could completely ignore Tsarist Russia. An impudent request from the envoy.

Guiliang and Huazana were very proud of their success in signing contracts with foreigners. The words of Liang Shaoqiong and others completely denied their credit.

The two were immediately unhappy. Guiliang even said that the treaty was signed, and Dorai's envoy Muraviyov intervened and counterattacked. The foreigners were about to withdraw, and Liang Shaoqiong and others were determined to oppose the treaty.

Xianfeng naturally believed more in their good servants of the Manchu and Mongolian tribes, so he let Guiliang and Huazana continue talking.

In the end, Guiliang and Huasana actually made a concession to completely exempt British and French goods from tariffs in exchange for the British and French ministers not to come to Beijing and set up the embassy in Shanghai.

Elgin and Ge Luo once wondered if there was something wrong with their ears, so they were completely exempted from tariffs? And such good things?

Faced with such generous conditions proposed by Guiliang and Huashana, Elgin and Geluo quickly agreed, fearing that Guiliang and Huashana would regret it.

Britain and France had not yet intervened in the Crimean War. When the Ottoman Empire was in its most difficult situation on the battlefield, the Ottoman authorities did not dare to offer them such generous terms!

Elgin and Grotto said that they agreed to the Qing's conditions and could withdraw their troops, but Britain and France retained the right for their envoys to enter Beijing at any time.

Guiliang and Huazana repeatedly said, OK, OK, I promise you, you should withdraw your troops quickly.

After the two sides reached an agreement and sent Guiliang and Huashana away, Elgin and Geluo complained to Liang Yao, who had gained nothing.

"Your Excellency came to Tianjin this time and found nothing. Doesn't this seem like your behavior?" Even the Russian envoy Muravyov also made fun of Liang Yao.

"Don't you think everything went too smoothly?" Liang Yao didn't care.

Among the ministers present, and even the minister's assistants, no one knew the Qing Dynasty better than him.

Returning without success was indeed not his style. He did not want to go to the Qing Dynasty again in 1860.

"People who can't eat grapes always like to say that grapes are sour." Gro said sarcastically.

"You haven't eaten the grapes yet, how do you know whether the grapes are sour or sweet?" Liang Yao smiled lightly and already had an idea in his mind.

"The Qing Dynasty could not abide by the alliance under the city in the past, but will the Qing Dynasty abide by the alliance under the city today? The Qing Dynasty, from the emperor to the ministers, is very willing to believe in the wisdom of the successor."

Eljin then thought about it, and it was right, and this kid was from the Qing Dynasty before.

Although Parkes lived in the Qing Dynasty at the age of 13 and was known as a Qing master, Parkes was not a real Qing person after all, and his thinking logic and way of doing things were still British.

"Is there any way for you to know whether grapes are sweet or sour without eating them?" Elgin walked up to Liang Yao very politely and asked humbly.

"It's very simple. In accordance with the normal procedures for signing international treaties, it is required to formally sign the contract with the Qing Dynasty in the Forbidden City, the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty, and the venue for the exchange of treaties in the coming year will also be set in the Forbidden City.

If the Qing Dynasty is willing to conclude a treaty in the Forbidden City, it means that there will not be much resistance to your coming to Beijing in the future. Of course, you can also send a delegation to the capital first to test the attitude of the Qing monarchs and ministers. "

After Eljin thought about it carefully, he felt that what Liang Yao said made sense. As long as he had the first time, the second time would be much easier.

Furthermore, if the Qing Dynasty repented and still refused to allow them to enter Beijing, wouldn't this battle have been in vain?

There is no essential difference between not allowing their ministers to enter Beijing and setting up the embassy in Guangzhou and Shanghai.

Elgin then sent Parkali directly to Beijing, asking Parkali to inform the Qing side that the signing place for the contract would be set in the Forbidden City.

Signing and exchanging treaties in the capital is also in line with international practice, and the Qing side has no reason to refuse.

Parkes' mission, escorted by a company of British soldiers, once again set off with great fanfare to the capital city.

This time, Parkes finally got what he wanted and saw the capital city that he had longed for.

Seeing the majestic and tall city walls of the capital city, Pashali was waiting for the Qing Dynasty to send his gifts into the city.

The unsuspecting Parkesli mission was disarmed by the Qing army in Wengcheng.

Indeed, as Elgin said, although Pashali was familiar with the Qing Dynasty, he was still British in thinking.

Parkes believed that he was an envoy representing the British Empire, and the British army was close to the entrance of Takuk. He thought that the Qing army would not do anything to him. Therefore, facing the Qing army's disarmament, Parkale did not order any resistance, but obediently let the accompanying soldiers British soldiers surrendered their weapons.

He thought that the Qing government just did not want foreign envoys to bring weapons into the city. This was reasonable and he could understand it.

What happened next was something that Parkes couldn't figure out despite racking his brains.

The Qing side put Parkes in jail without saying a word.

The incident of foreigners entering the city quickly caused a stir in the capital city, and there was a lot of discussion about the matter. Upon learning of the incident, Emperor Xianfeng Long Yan was furious.

In order to clear up the relationship and prove that he was still capable of doing things, Guiliang badmouthed Parkli in front of Xianfeng.

It is said that this person grew up in the Qing Dynasty, knew the Qing Dynasty best, and had the most bad ideas. He must be the one giving advice to foreigners and plotting something evil.

Because Parkali acted as translator for Elgin and was present when the treaty was being negotiated. He could speak fluent Mandarin and was particularly active. Therefore, Guiliang, who had little knowledge, hated Parkali and thought that Parkali gave many bad ideas to foreigners. , is the think tank of the foreigners, a very important figure among the foreigners. As long as Parkes is excluded, the foreigners will be like Liu Bei losing Pang Tong.

Of course, the most important reason why Guiliang wanted to put Parkes to death was because Parkes, a foreigner, dared to come directly to the capital city, ruining his achievements and ruining his image as a capable and good slave in the heart of the emperor.

The second is the issue of face. Parkes can speak fluent Mandarin. If through Parkes' mouth, others know how he grovels in front of foreigners, where will his Guiliang face be placed?

Guiliang is determined to kill Pashali!

Huazana and Guiliang are grasshoppers on a rope, also fanning the flames.

Emperor Xianfeng was already young and vigorous, and this time foreigners really entered the capital and broke the rules, causing him to lose all face.

"Foreigners bully me too much!"

Emperor Xianfeng was furious and ordered the execution of Parkes and more than 100 British people who accompanied him.

During the negotiations with the foreigners, King Qin's troops from various places had arrived in the capital one after another, which also gave Xianfeng the confidence to fight a decisive battle with the British and French forces.

At present, there are the most elite infantry and cavalry in the empire near the capital city, and the number of available field troops is as high as 40,000 to 50,000. Are we still afraid of you with more than 10,000 Western barbarians?

Xianfeng ordered Seng Gelinqin as the commander-in-chief and the right minister of the Ministry of War as the deputy commander to command the field cavalry of the Mongolian Horqin tribe, the Eight Banners of the Chahar tribe, the Eight Banners of the Solon tribe, the Guangdong Yong, and the Eight Banners Green Battalion in the Beijing-Tianjin area to regain Tianjin and eliminate all the troops stationed in Tianjin. British and French forces in Tianjin.

Senggelinqin had only fought against the Taiping Army and the Nian Army before, but had never fought against the British and French forces.

This time, the Qing Dynasty had strong troops and strong horses, and had an absolute advantage over the foreigners in terms of military strength. Seng Gelinqin was full of confidence in this battle and believed that this was a great opportunity to make contributions.

Seng Gelinqin immediately expressed his willingness to go to war. In order to cater to his wishes, the ministers sided with Xianfeng and supported the war against foreigners.

All of a sudden, the officials were very excited.

Among the ministers, only Liang Shaoqiong and Pan Shicheng were the most sober.

They have a good understanding of foreigners' tactics and methods, and believe that they must not easily fight with foreigners without sufficient preparation.

But no one listened to their words, and instead they were ridiculed as cowards by the officials.

Liang Shaoqiong knew that the overall situation had been decided, and he was no different from those frogs in the well who didn't even know where Britain and France were. They carefully analyzed the current situation and played the harp against others.

If he were the commander in chief and commanded the army, with his understanding of the tactics of the British and French coalition forces, there would still be room for maneuver in this battle.

Appointing Seng Gelinqin, who knew nothing about foreigners, as the commander-in-chief, Liang Shaoqiong could already predict the outcome of the war.

Emperor Xianfeng was able to appoint one of his Han ministers as deputy commander-in-chief. A war was imminent. With the Manchu emperor's meagerness, it was impossible to safely hand over an elite army in the capital to the command of a Han.

Liang Shaoqiong had no choice but to bite the bullet and take command in a decisive battle with the British and French allied forces, trying to find a way to retain the main force of the Guangdong Yong before he tried his best.

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