1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 553: Recovering Hong Kong Island

In 1841, the British ceded Hong Kong Island from the Qing government in accordance with the Treaty of Nanjing.

The British Hong Kong authorities then designated the hillside from Garden Road, Upper Albert Road to Gleneagles as Government Hill, and established the administrative center of the Hong Kong Island colony here as the Government House.

The Governor's Office is located on Upper Albert Road. It has a strategic location. You can overlook Victoria Harbor in the front and overlook the scenery of the Central District. It is connected to the British Colonial Government Office and St. John's Cathedral. Next to it is the Victoria Military Camp. There is also a shopping mall behind. An animal and plant park for the spiritual civilization needs of British gentlemen.

The Government House was designed by Carla Foley, the second Director-General of the Surveyor General. The construction project started in October 1851. The project lasted 4 years and was completed in 1855.

Today, the British Governor's House has only been in use for less than three years. Bonham is the first Hong Kong Governor to live in the Government House.

The British Hong Kong authorities receive distinguished guests and dignitaries here, as well as the visiting British royal family and important foreign dignitaries other than the Chinese.

Chinese were also prohibited from entering the key departments in and around the Governor's Palace.

The Victoria Barracks around the Hong Kong Governor's House is also stationed by British troops from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. There are not even native soldiers from the Indian colonies, among which British troops of English origin account for the majority.

In the Governor's House, wealthy British businessmen and celebrities from Hong Kong Island gathered.

They all expressed their views and opinions on the sudden cessation of the enemy's offensive in the Eastern District.

"The enemy forces in the east sector stopped attacking after launching a feint attack."

"Is their attack on Hong Kong Island just a pretense? To put pressure on us?"

"This formation doesn't look like a feint attack. The troops outside the city are obviously the elite of the opponent's main force."

"Anyway, it's good for us to stop the offense."

"Yes, it's a good thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen cannonballs accurately landed in the Hong Kong Governor's Palace. Two of the solid cannonballs hit the main building in the neoclassical architectural style, causing the entire building to tremble, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Have the enemies in the east sector started shelling again?"

"Why is this shelling so accurate?"

"Did the enemy just make a temporary correction? Are they serious about attacking Hong Kong Island?"

The celebrities in Hong Kong who were talking about the enemy's attack just a second ago were now looking at each other in confusion.

Before they could react, another dense barrage of artillery shells hit Hong Kong Island.

Soon, the Victoria Military Camp near the Hong Kong Governor's Office also received key attention from the artillery regiment.

Unlike the shelling suffered by the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, the opponent did not use explosive bombs to bombard the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion. However, when shelling the Victoria Barracks, the opponent used a mixture of solid bombs and explosive bombs.

After several rounds of shelling, the British troops who were resting in the military camp suffered heavy losses.

"Your Majesty the Governor! Something bad has happened! The enemy has occupied Cheqi Mountain! They are launching an artillery attack on Victoria City!"

Watson galloped to the Hong Kong Government House under gunfire and reported to Bonham the precarious situation of Victoria City.

"Zhaqishan? My God, how did they transport the artillery shells up Cheqishan in such a short time?"

Upon hearing the news, Wen Xian staggered and almost fell.

The civilized staff, which had always been used for decoration, finally came into use at this time and became Wen Xian's third supporting leg, maintaining his last dignity as a governor in front of his subordinates.

The shelling from the Eastern District and the shelling from Cheqi Mountain are completely different in nature.

The Hong Kong Governor's Office is on a higher ground, while the eastern district is on a lower ground. Faced with the artillery bombardment in the eastern district, the artillery in the city can still effectively suppress it.

As Chechi Hill is the commanding height of the entire Hong Kong Island, the British artillery in Victoria City had no effective way to deal with the bombardment from Chechi Hill and could only be passively bombed.

As for why troops were not sent to defend such an important place as Cheqishan, the reason is very simple. That is, the British Hong Kong authorities did not consider that Hong Kong Island would be attacked by the Qing army.

"Watson! I order you! Lead two companies to take back the Cheqi Mountain to me immediately! Take it back no matter the cost or casualties!"

Wen Xian pulled Watson's collar somewhat rudely and gave Watson a death order.

"Now! Right away! Go quickly!"

"Sir, this is suicide!" Watson's eyes widened and he looked desperately at Wen Xian, whose facial muscles were twitching.

Listening to the sound of artillery, it seems that there is an artillery regiment at least on Cheqi Mountain. It is not clear whether there are infantry to provide cover for the artillery regiment.

Even if the opponent does not have infantry cover, using two companies to attack a highland more than 500 meters above sea level guarded by enemy artillery is simply suicide!

However, Watson also knew that the two companies were the largest mobile force that Bonham could mobilize now. The number of defenders on Hong Kong Island was not sufficient to begin with.

"If we can't take back the flag mountain, we will all be blown up by those bastards of Qing artillery! Go quickly!" Wen Xian grabbed the civilized staff and pounded it several times.

The lives of white soldiers on Hong Kong Island are certainly important, but compared with the safety of these gentlemen in the Hong Kong Governor's House, the lives of white soldiers are not that important.

As long as the lives and property of Hong Kong Island's wealthy businessmen and celebrities are protected, even if all the soldiers on the island die, Wen Xian will still be the governor of Hong Kong Island.

"Yes! Your Excellency!"

Watson had no choice but to organize troops to attack Chaqishan.

The shells streaked through the air, making a sharp whistling sound, like the call of death.

Just a few steps out of the door, Watson luckily caught a 6-pound solid bullet.

This 6-pound solid shell easily cut off Watson's head. Before Watson could react, he went to meet the God of Death.

"Your Excellency! Bursar William Sinclair was unfortunately hit by a cannonball!"

Witnessed with my own eyes that Watson was decapitated by a cannonball on the spot and his head was missing. Before Wenham could react to Watson's tragic death, his secretary brought him another terrible news.

The Bursar of Hong Kong Island is responsible for the financial affairs of Hong Kong Island, overseeing taxation, formulating budgets and fiscal policies. It is one of the most important core positions in the Hong Kong Island Colony.

Lord Bursar William Sinclair comes from the prestigious Sinclair family in Scotland. He came to the Hong Kong Island Colony to be gilded. Bonham originally wanted to promote him to Colonial Secretary next year and serve as his deputy. He was safely sent back to Scotland, but unexpectedly encountered the Qing army's attack on Christmas Day.

Although William Sinclair did not have a title, he was also a son of a nobleman. When a nobleman died on Hong Kong Island, he, the governor of Hong Kong, could not escape the blame.

"Sir, Baron Belfast"

While Wen Xian was in shock, his servant was asked to bring him another piece of bad news.

The person who got into trouble this time was a serious, noble man with a title.

"Baron Belfast was injured? Did he hit the table, or was he frightened and accidentally fell?" Wen Xian had the last fantasy in his heart.

"The Baron of Belfast went to heaven to meet God." The servant's answer shattered Bonham's last illusion.

"Surrender! Go and raise the white flag and surrender! Tell them to stop shelling! Stop fighting!"

This time, the Civilization Staff did not support Zhu Wenxian's body. He slumped on the chair and said to his assistant.


While still in Macau, Liang Yao quickly learned the news of the surrender of the Hong Kong Island defenders.

At this time, Liang Shaoqiong and Liang Yao's uncle and nephew were ransacking their homes in Macau, taking the confiscated property to Xiangshan one carriage after another.

"I thought Wen Xian's bones were so hard, and he was so capable? It's only been half a day." Liang Shaoqiong's words were quite mocking.

"It's time for a big job. Let's put the house searches here in Macau aside and search the houses on Hong Kong Island first."

Liang Yao was also overjoyed when he learned that Hong Kong Island had been captured.

Hong Kong Island is not only a strategic location, but also Britain's largest trading stronghold in the Far East. The wealth accumulated on the island must be considerable.

Since you are interested in my Xiangshan Port treasury, don't blame me for being ruthless. I will empty the wealth of Hong Kong Island to fill my treasury.

"Those British people in Hong Kong Island are richer than these Portuguese people." Liang Shaoqiong rubbed his hands excitedly, and the money to hire the Umbrella Company mercenary group was secured.

"Shilang Liang, Special Envoy Liang, I have an unkind request."

Kang Enze, who led the Guangdong Navy in Macau to assist the Liang family's uncle and nephew in confiscating their homes, said.

"I don't want to ask for anything, I don't want to ask for anything, if you have anything, it doesn't matter if General Kang Shen just says it," Liang Yao said.

Kang Enze is the second-in-command of the Guangdong Navy, based on the Guangdong Navy's performance against the British and French coalition forces this time.

Kang Enze will most likely take over the position of Admiral of the Guangdong Navy after the war. A good relationship with him will be beneficial to the Liang family.

"I want to raise the flag of the Guangdong Navy on Hong Kong Island to comfort Hong Junmen's spirit in heaven." Kang Enze's voice was choked when he spoke.

"That's what I had in mind, and I was worried about what flag to hang." Liang Yao agreed readily.

It is definitely inappropriate to fly the Stars and Stripes and California's bear flag on Hong Kong Island, and it will easily drag California and the United States into the water. It would be okay for Liang Yao to simply sell a favor to Kang Enze.

After landing on Hong Kong Island, Liang Yao's first order was to dismantle all the equipment in Victoria Harbor that could be dismantled, and destroy all the equipment and facilities that could not be dismantled on the spot.

The Guangdong Navy had previously captured a Bold-class battleship by the British Royal Navy. The Bold-class battleship was lying in the dock in Victoria Harbor waiting for repairs.

Seeing that the former battleship of the Guangdong Navy had not been destroyed by the British, Kang Enze was overjoyed and asked a tugboat to tow the unrepaired Bold-class battleship back to Xiangshan Port for repairs.

“What a wonderful port, was it ruined like this?”

Liang Yao ordered the destruction of Victoria Port, which made Liang Shaoqiong very distressed.

Unlike Macau, Macau is just a small port with limited throughput.

The throughput of Victoria Harbor on Hong Kong Island is comparable to that of Xiangshan Port.

"There is no final decision as to who Hong Kong Island will ultimately belong to. It is a pity to destroy Victoria Harbor, but this is wartime and Victoria Harbor must be destroyed."

Victoria Harbor was well constructed, and Liang Yao couldn't bear to destroy it.

It's just that he is not 100% sure of holding Hong Kong Island. After all, they will face the British and French coalition forces with more than 10,000 people.

Umbrella Company's 11th Regiment, Machine Gun Regiment, Yue Yong, and the remnants of the Guangdong Navy entered Victoria City one after another to search for British residents and began to confiscate their local properties.

Shiploads of British and gold and silver treasures were transported to Xiangshan, the hometown of the Liang family.

Surrounded by personal guards, Liang Yao and others arrived in front of the Hong Kong Governor's House with great pride.

What awaited them inside the Government House was a group of frustrated Hong Kong dignitaries, like deflated rubber balls.

It is a pity that the main commanders of the British and French forces, such as Commander Spence of the three armed forces stationed in Hong Kong Island, French commander Montauban, French envoy Gros, and even Parkes, were all outside Guangzhou with the British and French forces.

Colonel Watson, a senior employee of the East India Company, died in a shelling not long ago. The most prominent person Liang Yao captured on Hong Kong Island was only the Hong Kong Governor, and he did not catch all the other big fish.

"Oh, Lord Bonham, it's a pleasure to meet you again.

Oh, you gentlemen look like a bunch of eggs having a party. "

Liang Yao happily shook hands with Wenxian, an old acquaintance.

These British gentlemen who once wore black hats and monocles often made up jokes to laugh at others.

But in the past, it was only for them to make fun of others. A group of British gentlemen were laughed at and ridiculed by a Chinese who was not allowed to enter the Inner Hong Kong Government House. This made them feel very uncomfortable.

"What kind of egg party?" Liang Xi, who accompanied him into the Hong Kong Governor's Office, didn't understand what he meant.

"They are just a bunch of bald guys. In order to show that they are well-educated, the British usually curse people more tactfully." Washington replied, suppressing a smile.

When Washington was in New York, he often heard his father talking about the British with a group of old guys. These new York nouveau riche liked to laugh at the baldness of the British, although their baldness rate was not much higher than that of the British.

Liang Xi then looked at the heads of the British guys. The bald heads of these British guys looked shiny under the sunlight.

"Really like eggs."

Liang Xi, who had a long reflex arc and a low point of laughter, couldn't help laughing. When Liang Xi smiled like this, the guards around him couldn't hold it in either.

Even if Liang Yao ridiculed them, these young guards also laughed at them.

The British gentlemen in the Hong Kong Governor's House were very angry, but as prisoners they could only bury their anger deep in their chests.

"Your Excellency is declaring war on me, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!"

Wen Xian was not surprised at all when he saw Liang Yao. Having been the governor of Hong Kong for so many years, he knew what the local Qing troops in Guangdong were like. Without Liang Yao's participation, how could the Qing army dare to attack Hong Kong Island?

"You can't say this nonsense. I just begged in the name of the plenipotentiary envoy of the United States, and Minister Liang allowed me to go to the island to visit you." Liang Yao said seriously.

"The hat you threw at me is too heavy. I, Mr. Liang, can't wear it."

"Since he is the plenipotentiary envoy of the United States, he must have come from the Qing Dynasty with orders from Washington. I wonder what your country's attitude is towards the war between Britain, France and the Qing Dynasty?" Wen Xian sneered.

"Diplomatic confidentiality, no comment." Liang Yao smiled.

"Shilang Liang, tore up the Treaty of Nanjing and privately led a large number of troops to attack Hong Kong Island. If your emperor knew about this, I wonder what your emperor would think?"

Wenxian ignored him. He walked straight to Liang Shaoqiong and spoke righteously.

"Hahaha, that's good. It seems that the treaty has been signed for too long, and you have forgotten some of the contents of the treaty. Since you have forgotten, let me recall the contents of the treaty for you.

Article 1 of the "Treaty of Nanjing": The Qing Dynasty and Great Britain ceased war and concluded permanent peace and friendly relations. The two countries protected each other's nationals' personal and property safety within their own territory.

Since you, the British, have no spirit of contract, openly tore up the treaty, destroyed the peace between the two countries, and even attacked our city of Guangzhou, do we, the Qing Dynasty, still need to abide by this treaty? Is it true that only we in the Qing Dynasty need to abide by the treaty, and your country does not have to abide by the treaty? ! "

Liang Shaoqiong stood with his hands behind his back and recited the first article of the "Treaty of Nanjing", and emphasized the second half of the sentence with emphasis: the two countries protect each other's nationals' personal and property safety within their own territory.

Hearing the keywords of personal and property safety, the wealthy businessmen and celebrities in Hong Kong turned pale with fright. There was something in Liang Shaoqiong's words.

Britain has declared war on the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty can indeed no longer abide by the treaty.

"Does Minister Liang want to expand the conflict between the two countries?" Wen Xian asked rhetorically.

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