1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 447: Sinology craze

Liang Yao's personal success set off a wave of sinology craze in the United States.

More and more Americans are interested in the history and culture of this ancient Eastern civilization.

Many Chinese also saw business opportunities and opened Chinese language classes to make a living teaching Chinese.

Previously unknown in New York, long-lost Chinese classics and their various translations are now in high demand.

Among the many Chinese historical classics, the third best-seller is the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire".

The so-called "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire" are the traditional Four Books plus "The Classic of Filial Piety" and "The Primary School".

However, the old translation of the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire" on sale is not an English translation.

Instead, it was a reprinted version of the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire" first published in Prague by the Belgian Jesuit Franciscan in 1711, and a French version translated into French by the Frenchman Pluquet in 1784.

Although the French version of the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire" is a translation of the Latin version and is of slightly lower quality, the French version of the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire" sells much better than the Latin version.

In the United States, there are still more people who know French than people who know Latin.

The top two best-selling classics are "Thirty-Six Strategies" and "The Art of War".

Unlike the "Six Classics of the Chinese Empire", "Thirty-six Strategies" and "Sun Tzu's Art of War" have high-quality English translations, and the translators are Pastor Brown and Rong Hong.

"Thirty-Six Strategies" and "Sun Tzu's Art of War" aroused great response once they were published. The first edition of 30,000 copies was quickly sold out and had to be reprinted.

Whether they are American politicians or entrepreneurs, they all like "Thirty-Six Strategies" very much. They are surprised by the wisdom of the Chinese people. They were able to write such a wise book one or two thousand years ago.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is more popular in the military circles.

After completing middle school courses, most of the first batch of international students organized by Liang Yao have now entered American institutions of higher learning for systematic study.

This group of international students is much luckier than Rong Hong.

As the first Chinese international student in the history of Yale University, Rong Hong was alone when he entered Yale University.

In addition to overcoming the loneliness of studying in a foreign country, he also had to overcome racial discrimination.

Although later with the rise of California, Liang Yao became the first Chinese state speaker, the first Chinese colonel, and the first Chinese general in the history of the United States. The status of the Chinese has improved significantly.

In addition, Rong Hong himself achieved excellent results through his own efforts, which impressed his white classmates and gained their respect. These discriminations and prejudices no longer exist.

But only he himself understood the bitterness he experienced when he first entered Yale University in 1850.

This group of international students is much luckier than Rong Hong.

They were not alone, and by the time they entered college, with Rong Hong paving the way for them and California supporting them, racial discrimination was gone.

The rise of the Sinology craze has made it difficult for the universities that were the first to accept Chinese students. Of course, the biggest winner is undoubtedly Yale University.

Yale University accepted two-thirds of these college students and became the biggest winner.

Nowadays, major universities in the United States are scrambling to offer Chinese language and sinology courses. Yale University obviously has a great advantage in this aspect.

Yale University has even begun organizing Chinese students to translate some classic Chinese classics into English.

If these outstanding international students had not already signed a training agreement with Liang Yao and were required to serve the Americas Group for ten years after graduation, Yale University would even consider waiting until these students graduate to retain the best of them as teachers.

To this end, Yale University even directly sent people to California and the Qing Dynasty to identify students and hire knowledgeable Sinology scholars so that it could take the lead in the field of Sinology research.

In New York City, at the Vanderbilt estate, Elizabeth's tutor Rong Hong looked at the Chinese classics on the bookshelf and marveled at Elizabeth's intelligence.

"I'm afraid you are the first woman in America who can read Chinese classics fluently in Chinese, if you are"

Rong Hong quickly realized that what he wanted to say later was inappropriate and hurriedly stopped.

"If I were a male, I could apply to be a Sinology professor at the university and teach on the podium." Elizabeth smiled, "Sir, is that what you want to say?"

"Exactly." Rong Hong nodded and said, "Rong is rude. I hope you can forgive me for the offence."

"It's not offensive. What you said is true. Whether in the East or the West, there is prejudice against women. American universities have many podiums, but there is no room for a female lecturer." Elizabeth was very open-minded. .

"I learn Chinese, write Chinese characters, and read Chinese classics not to teach in class, but to better fulfill my duties as a wife. As a Chinese wife, if she knows nothing about Chinese culture, she will not be able to deal with people in the future. It’s inevitable to be laughed at.”

Rong Hong took out a book list and handed it to Elizabeth: "Miss Elizabeth, I have little talent and little knowledge. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you anything in the future.

There are many Chinese classics. If you read them all, it will take up too much time and energy. This is the book list I recommend to you. You can choose the books among them to read. "

After graduating in 1854, Rong Hong had been working part-time.

In addition to being a tutor for Elizabeth, he also served as a Chinese lecturer at New York University, while studying law at New York University.

"Sir, you are being humble. You are an American with the highest attainments in Sinology and the best Sinology teacher I can find in America. It is an honor for me that you condescend to be my tutor." Elizabeth took the cake. The book list handed over by Hong.

She knew that Rong Hong had his own things to do, so she didn't try to persuade him to stay.

"Miss Elizabeth is overrated. Rong cannot afford to be the American with the highest attainments in Sinology. Pastor Brown, General Liang, and many Chinese scholars who have immigrated to the United States all have much higher attainments in Sinology than Rong." "Compared with Chinese scholars, Rong was lucky enough to learn English first," Rong Hong said very modestly.

Elizabeth glanced at Rong Hong's book list: "Chinese Studies is a very profound subject. I have only studied with you for more than a year, and at best I have only scratched the surface."

"Rong also only learned a little bit about it." Rong Hong said, "Miss Elizabeth, many Chinese classics were written hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Some of them are out of date and contrary to American values. You read You can read it selectively.”

"Thank you sir for your advice." Elizabeth nodded to show that she was taught.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave." Rong Hong said.

"Sir, wait a minute." Elizabeth opened the drawer, took out an invitation from the drawer, and handed it to Rong Hong with both hands.

"My wedding to General Liang will be held in two months. You are my teacher. I hope you can attend my wedding. I think General Liang will also want to meet you."

"Definitely, definitely." Rong Hong took the invitation, "Both you and General Liang are grateful to Rong. There is no reason for Rong to be absent from your wedding. It is also Rong's honor to attend your wedding."


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