1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 386: Impact

Chapter 379 Impact

"More coal! Full sail!"

When he heard that the British armed merchant ship was going to be rammed, Lin Sen became excited instantly.

The Bold is small and can't hit a third-class battleship. Could it be that it can't hit a small armed merchant ship?

"If this continues, it may lead to a diplomatic dispute." Jeremiah said with concern.

"We have reminded them to leave this sea area. They are the ones who have breached our bottom line again and again. They will bear all the consequences themselves!"

Liang Yao was not moved at all.

If he doesn't leave a deep impression on the new governor today, Yilu will only get worse and worse in the future.

"The British have always been unreasonable. Since they want to give us power, we should also give them power." Fremont supported Liang Yao's approach.

If they hadn't barely escaped the collision with the British warship just now, God knows whether they would have gone to the sea to feed the fish by now.

Liang Yao still remained rational. As long as he didn't open fire, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still had room for maneuver.

They had already informed the British who wanted to approach in advance that the Bold had malfunctioned. It was the British who insisted on approaching and ramming their ship. They could not blame Liang Yao for this.

As the Bold and the armed merchant ship got closer and closer, this time it was the British's turn to panic.

The British crew on the armed merchant ship that was about to be hit panicked and hurriedly raised flags to ask George and Elliot for permission to fire.

George and Yilu had already aimed the cannons on the side of the ship at the Bold, and signaled to order the Bold to stop!

"Stop! Stop! You stupid Chinese and Americans, are you crazy?! Do you know what you are doing?!" George cursed incoherently across the sea, venting his inner anger. .

George was about to order fire to warn the Bold and force the Bold to stop their reckless behavior. The 360° rotation platform at the stern of the Bold had already pointed the 8-inch naval gun muzzle at them.

"No shooting is allowed, the Yukon is prohibited from shooting! The Glass and Kangaroo are also prohibited from shooting!" Yilu still retained a trace of reason and ordered that shooting be prohibited.

The Yukon is the third-class battleship they are on now, and the Glass and Kangaroo are two armed merchant ships of the Hudson's Bay Company.

"Stop! Stop it! Damn it! If you don't give them any warning, they will hit the Glass!" George said with a hint of distress in his angry tone.

The Kangaroo and the Glass were not only the property of the Hudson's Bay Company, but also his personal property.

And the other party was driving the boat towards his private property, the Glass! No intention of stopping at all.

"Your Excellency! Once the cannon is fired, the nature of the incident will be different. As far as I know, Liang Yao also has a two-thousand-ton warship, a thousand-ton warship and several patrol boats in California! Once the conflict escalates, We have no advantage in this sea area! We are the ones who suffer!"

Yilu was also sweating in his heart. He knew that he could not evaluate Liang Yao the same way he usually evaluated Chinese people. This guy was not a timid person at all. God knows what this guy and the sailors who brought him out would do. What a group of desperadoes they are.

Amid the frightened looks and vulgar roars of the seventy or eighty British crew members on the Grasse, the ramming angle of the Bold hit the side of the Grasse firmly.

The Glass was an old wooden sailing merchant ship that could withstand a heavy blow from the Audacious.

With a violent shaking, the collision angle of the Bold quickly opened a hole in the side of the Glass.

Liang Yao also felt the huge tremor caused by the impact on the Bold. Since the Bold was moving at full speed at 14 to 15 knots, when it hit the Glass, the Bold, which was moving at full speed, did not stop.

The ship still pushed the Glass forward with huge inertia, and the cracks on the side of the Glass became larger and larger. Finally, the cargo in the cabin leaked directly from the cargo hold, falling one after another. To the sea.

Soon, dozens of wooden boxes carrying goods were floating in the sea near the two ships.

Seeing that the damage on the Glass was irreparable and it was only a matter of time before the ship sank, the captain of the Glass had to order everyone to abandon the ship and escape.

And because the Bold is a new ship built to the standards of a warship, the materials used are strong.

Therefore, the Audacity only suffered some minor damage during the impact.

Liang Yao was curious about what cargo the British merchant ship carried, and ordered the salvage of the cargo floating on the sea.

Soon, a wooden cargo box was salvaged. The box also had the trademark of the British East India Company on a blue background and white label.

"Fushou ointment?"

Lin Sen, who had worked for a British shipping company, was no stranger to this kind of box. Before the Opium War, British merchant ships heading to Guangzhou, whether they were passenger ships or cargo ships, would more or less smuggle some opium into Guangzhou.

"Pry open!" Liang Yao's face turned gloomy and he ordered to pry open the salvaged wooden container.

Lin Sen found a crowbar, pried open the wooden box, took out the goods from the wooden box, smelled it closely, nodded and said to Liang Yao: "It is indeed a longevity ointment."

Immediately, the crew salvaged several wooden cargo boxes. Not surprisingly, these boxes were filled with Fushou ointment.

As for the cargo carried on another Hudson's Bay Company cargo ship, the Kangaroo, it goes without saying that it must also be medicine.

The west coast of North America is sparsely populated, with most of the population concentrated in a few large settlements in California.

These British people brought two shipments of longevity medicine at once, and it was obvious where they wanted to sell it.

Sold to native Indians?

It's ridiculous just thinking about it, how many native Indians are there on the entire west coast?

The aboriginal Indians ate these Fu Shou paste as salt and could not digest so much of it.

What's more, how many money can these poor clanking aborigines have in their pockets?

Only California, which is rich in gold and has gradually developed its economy, has the ability to digest these longevity pills.

"I am determined to destroy the British and barbarians." Lin Sen said angrily, "They have all sold the longevity medicine to California."

Not to mention Lin Sen, even Fremont and Jeremiah's expressions became ugly.

Fremont naturally knew why Britain was fighting the trade war with China more than ten years ago.

California has not only Chinese immigrants, but also Yankee immigrants, Dixie immigrants, Irish immigrants, French immigrants and other ethnic groups.

But they all have a new identity, that is, Americans.

Narcotics affect people regardless of ethnicity. Chinese people can become addicted, and so can Yankees and Dixies.

In view of this, they, the California elders, had already reached a consensus when California was established as a state, and the prohibition of drugs, mainly opium, was written into California's state law.

Even medical anesthetic drugs are classified as controlled substances for control.

"Are the British planning to turn us Americans into the Sick Men of North America? We can exchange the good fortune ointment grown by the East India Company in South Asia for the gold produced in California. The British are really good at doing business."

Freemont clenched his fists and looked at the British ship with murderous intent in his eyes.

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