1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 284: Generation difference

"What a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die."

Sven stood on the deck, looking at the Japanese fireship floating in Kanagawa Bay and said.

Next to him stood armed employees of Global Shipping Company. Due to the limited number of Dresser needle guns, only 3,000, Liang Yao prioritized equipping them to the California Infantry Regiment and Arizona Infantry Regiment.

Employees of Global Shipping Company are equipped with Walter M1851 rifles produced in Sacramento, California. Although this gun is not fired by a firing pin, its performance is not much worse than the Dresser needle-fired gun.

In some aspects, it is even better than the Dresser needle gun. For example, the metal shell edge needle bullets used in this gun are more resistant to moisture on a wet ship than the paper shell bullets used in the Dresser needle gun. Suitable for these crews.

These rifle-equipped crews were responsible for killing shogunate sailors on fireships at close range.

But there were not many opportunities for them to shoot. Most of the Japanese fireships were sunk by the ship's guns before they got close to them.

The counterattack on land was sharper than the counterattack at sea. Liang Yao used all his artillery to bombard the shogunate's barracks.

Faced with the sudden offensive of the American army, the generals of the shogunate were at a loss. They could not believe that the American army, which numbered less than 3,000 people, actually dared to take the initiative to attack the shogunate's army, which was seven or eight times their number.

In fact, Liang Yao did not have even 2,000 combat troops that could be used for the attack. He only had one and a half regiments of serious regular troops, including the artillery and engineer companies of the two regiments, and the cavalry of the California Infantry Regiment. Company, the number did not even reach 2,000 people.

The remaining people were handymen in charge of logistics at the Kanagawa military camp, but the shogunate army mistakenly thought they were combat soldiers.

The shogunate army finally organized three thousand archers and firecrackers with bows and firecrackers to approach Liang Yao's army, hoping to use their numerical advantage to suppress the attack of Liang Yao's army.

Unexpectedly, the US military took the lead in opening fire outside their range. Facing these three thousand shogunate archers and fire muskets were five companies of the California Infantry Regiment.

Facing the shogunate's archers and gunmen who were six times their number, the officers and soldiers of the California Infantry Regiment did not panic at all. They methodically loaded and fired in place like factory machines.

Mechanically and skillfully repeating the work they had trained thousands of times, at this time, they were more like emotionless bullet launchers than humans.

Their only job is to shoot the bullet out of the gun's chamber.

Five companies of soldiers fought with the momentum of three thousand gunmen.

The shogunate army had never fought against Liang Yao before, and they did not understand the weapons equipped by Liang Yao's army.

In the eyes of the shogunate army, Liang Yao's army only held more sophisticated firecrackers.

These ignorant shogunate soldiers also wanted to take advantage of the gap between the opponent's reloading and get close to the opponent. Unexpectedly, before they took a few steps, the opponent's next volley came towards us, and in an instant there was another row of shogunate soldiers. Like wheat in autumn, it is harvested by the merciless rain of metal bullets.

The shogunate army had never seen such a formation before. The formation was quickly disrupted, and their morale collapsed. The remaining shogunate archers and fire musket soldiers scattered one after another.

The two thousand shogunate cavalry wanted to take advantage of their mobility and break through the flanks of Liang Yao's army.

Soon, the Arizona infantry regiments deployed on both wings crushed the attempts of these shogunate cavalry with their Dresser needle guns.

Rather than cavalry, Arizona infantry soldiers preferred to call these shogunate cavalry monkeys riding dogs.

The short Japanese cavalry looked very funny riding the short Japanese horses. From a distance, they looked more like monkeys riding dogs, without the majesty of the cavalry at all.

The fighting near the Kanagawa military camp ended quickly, even faster than Liang Yao expected.

"I still overestimated the combat power of the shogunate's army."

Liang Yao was riding on a horse with a telescope in his hand. What he saw was the defeated shogunate army.

"This is no war at all. This is simply a one-sided massacre."

Kang Enze, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, was eye-opening. He suppressed bandits in Guangdong not as easily as Liang Yao defeated the shogunate army.

Before the war, Kang Enze was not optimistic about the prospects of the U.S. military. He believed that although the U.S. military had sharp guns and cannons, the gap between them and the shogunate army was too big in terms of strength, and it would be difficult to defeat the shogunate army.

Kang Enze even had the feeling that Liang Yaozhen was hitting a stone with an egg. This battle completely subverted his understanding of war.

Presumably it was just as easy when the British conquered the Qing Dynasty ten years ago.

"The war has developed to this day, and the outcome of the war is no longer determined by the number of people, but by technology." Liang Yao put down the telescope in his hand.

The feudal armies of the Middle Ages were vulnerable to the modern armies. The disadvantages of generational differences in technology and civilization can no longer be made up for by sheer quantity.

"science and technology?"

Kang Enze didn't know what Liang Yao meant by this word he had never heard of. It probably meant utensils.

Kang Enze thought to himself that if the Guangdong Navy could have equipment like Liang Yao's army, and even a small number of its soldiers could obtain such equipment, it would not only ensure Guangdong's coastal defense was safe, but also cause serious trouble and defeat Guangdong and Guangxi. There is no need to worry about the helpless Changmao in the Green Camp in the Lianghu area.

Liang Yao even had half a regiment of California Infantry soldiers and a cavalry company that were not used.

These troops were originally intended to be used as reserves for the final battle, but they did not expect the shogunate army to be so unwilling to fight. Not as good as the army of Hizen Saga Domain.

Seeing the shogunate army being defeated like a mountain, the officers and soldiers of the reserve team felt itchy. The commanders of each company asked to fight. If they didn't fight, they would not even have a chance to capture prisoners.

Seeing that the shogunate army was gone and it was almost impossible to organize an effective counterattack, Liang Yao only left two companies on guard and sent the remaining troops to defeat the shogunate army that finally resisted.

In less than half a day, the 20,000 shogunate troops near Kanagawa collapsed.

As for how many shogunate soldiers he killed, Liang Yao didn't even have time to count.

After tying up more than 1,500 captured shogunate prisoners and handing them over to employees of Global Shipping Company for custody, Liang Yao led the main army toward Edo.

The soldiers were very quick, and the sooner they arrived at Edo Castle, the greater the psychological shock to the top leaders of the Tokugawa shogunate.

The troops deployed by the Tokugawa shogunate around Kanagawa were already the elite forces under the shogunate's command.

The remaining elite troops of the shogunate were huddled in Edo Castle.

The probability of encountering a counterattack and ambush on the road was extremely slim, and Liang Yao did not believe that under the pressure of bombardment by the American East India Fleet in Edo Port, the top officials of the shogunate had the courage to release the elites in Edo City to fight with him in the field.

Of course, if the shogunate army wanted to fight in the field, this was exactly what he wanted.

As Liang Yao expected along the way, after defeating the army near Kanagawa, Liang Yao marched in high spirits all the way, as if he was in an uninhabited land, and without any decent resistance, he marched to the gates of Edo Castle.

At this time, people in Edo City were panicked and in chaos.

It wasn't that the senior officials of the shogunate didn't expect that the American army would arrive at Edo Castle, but they didn't expect that the American army would arrive so quickly and actually advance by sea and land.

Obviously, the top leaders of the shogunate underestimated the strength of the US military.

Tokugawa Ieki, who was in extremely weak health, could even see the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the wind below Edo Castle from a distance.

This war has completely exceeded Tokugawa Ieki's cognition.

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