1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 203: Golden Storm

Information, reliable information is the most valuable thing on Wall Street.

This is why Charlie chose to work as a telegraph operator in a telegraph office with a monthly salary of only $12.

Charlie goes to work not for the meager salary of $12, but to obtain first-hand valuable information.

For more than a year, Charlie worked during the day and carefully recorded the daily telegram messages sent and received.

Charlie was not idle at night, but carefully analyzed the information collected during the day under the oil lamp, and used this as a basis to judge the trends of Wall Street stocks and futures.

Charlie's series of trading actions on Wall Street the next day were based on the information analysis from the previous night.

Of course, Charlie hid his identity very well, and the whole of New York knew of his existence, but so far, no one had guessed his true identity.

In the inherent impression of the general public, most millionaires in New York live a luxurious life, and they will never associate an ordinary telegraph operator with the status of a millionaire and a Wall Street robber.

The failure of the Brannan family in California taught Charlie a lesson, and keeping a low profile became Charlie's rule of life.

Charlie has not forgotten his brother's hatred, but he knows very well that with his current strength, he cannot shake the powerful opponent at all.

Compared with Liang Yao, a giant in California's military, government and business circles with assets of more than 30 million US dollars, his current power is too small.

If you want revenge, you must learn to be patient and learn to slowly accumulate strength.

"Sir, the prices of wheat and soybeans in Chicago are very good this year. You can earn at least US$8,500 from wheat and soybean futures trading."

Standing in front of Charlie was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. The boy's face was a little pale, and his expression was as cold as Charlie's.

Under his pale face, there was a pair of deep and lively brown eyes. There seemed to be a bit of cunning hidden in these brown eyes.

This man was Gould, the notorious Wall Street devil in later generations.

But at this time, Gould had not yet grown into the devil of Wall Street, but was the son of a poor farmer in Connecticut. In order to pursue wealth, he drifted to New York to work and make a living like thousands of country boys. An ordinary member of all ordinary New Yorkers.

If anything, Gould was very smart. He did not inherit his father's stupid and stubborn genes, but inherited his grandfather's talent for business.

In addition, Gould met a noble man in New York more than a year ago. This noble man was Mr. Charlie, whom he admired.

Gould learned a lot of wealth-grabbing techniques from Charlie. He resolutely quit his job as a surveyor with a meager salary to work for Charlie. He managed a reputable brokerage company for Charlie and became Charlie's right-hand man.

“Sir, do we continue to buy Chicago wheat and soybean futures for next year?

This year's market is very good, and these futures are very good. If we don't take action early, I'm afraid we won't be able to buy next year's wheat futures and soybean futures. "

Gould asked Charlie for advice.

"I only made $8,500, which is too little. Let's take back all the money in Chicago."

Charlie was very disappointed with the $8,500 figure. The plate on the Chicago Board of Trade was still too small.

If you want to make a lot of money in a short period of time, you have to be on Wall Street in New York.

"Yes, sir," Gould responded.

"What is the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and gold now?" Charlie continued to ask.

"128:100." Gould, who is naturally sensitive to data and charts, quickly reported a number.

Just a week ago, the ratio was 117:100.

"Very good. Since Mr. Liang wants to make a fortune in the New York gold market, we wish Mr. Liang a helping hand to make gold rise even more strongly." Charlie said to Gould.

"From now on, as long as gold futures are available on the market, buy them all regardless of price."

Charlie made up his mind.

He believed in his own vision and ability, and also believed in the vision and ability of Liang Yao, his old rival.

"What about buying railroad bonds?" asked the shrewd Gould.

"There is still a lot of room for the railway company's stock price to fall, so don't worry." Charlie said with great confidence.

After Charlie made a massive purchase of gold futures on Wall Street, the gold market on Wall Street fell into madness.

The exchange ratio between the US dollar and gold was still 128:100 yesterday, but today it easily exceeded the 130 mark, reaching an unprecedented 133:100.

However, this is not the end yet, gold's rising momentum is still very strong.

All New Yorkers have focused their attention on the gold market on Wall Street. The gold futures trading hall on Wall Street is full of crazy citizens holding US dollars to buy gold futures and even gold.

Until then, Wall Street's gold trading floor had been lukewarm.

News of the soaring value of gold quickly spread through developed telegraph lines to various cities that were connected to telegraphs.

In New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, and even Chicago, people in all cities that received the news were frantically buying gold futures and gold, eager to spend their rapidly depreciating dollars.

Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the dollar and gold soon alarmed Corwin.

In fact, when the exchange ratio between the U.S. dollar and gold exceeded 125:100, Corwin felt something was wrong and began to pay attention to the gold market in New York.

It was just that the cabinet was busy following the president and the Qing Dynasty's mission to the United States, and Corwin believed that the exchange ratio of 125:100 was within the normal range of market fluctuations, so Corwin did not pay much attention.

The latest exchange rate between the US dollar and gold has reached an astonishing 138:100, and the value of gold is still rising rapidly. It is estimated that it will break the 140:100 mark before long.

Clearly, someone is manipulating the New York gold market.

"Foreign banks in major cities such as New York and Philadelphia have closed their U.S. dollar exchange operations. Foreign exporters who were originally willing to accept U.S. dollars for payment also refused to accept our U.S. dollars and hoped to use gold as a means of payment."

Fillmore summoned Corwin urgently, speaking in a tone as urgent as his mood.

The huge fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and gold are not a trivial matter. It is related to the stability of the U.S. economy and the credibility of the U.S. dollar.

"The United States' gold reserves are limited and cannot be used easily." Corwin looked solemn.

"Gold is the ballast stone of the U.S. economy. Whether the U.S. economy is stable depends on the weight of gold in the federal treasury."

Gold is the ballast stone of the American economy. Once the ballast stone on the American ship is removed, how much the American ship can withstand the impact of the economic crisis and whether it will capsize and sink is a question worth pondering.

Corwin did not want to rashly use the gold in the federal treasury before finding out the truth of the matter.

"I studied law and I know very little about economics, but I know that if this continues, the U.S. dollar will become useless paper, the public's trust in the U.S. dollar will be gone, and we will suffer losses in the international import market. We can't All import transactions are paid for in gold.”

Fillmore banged on the table, his attitude very determined.

"The Treasury must step in to save the gold market! The value of the dollar must remain stable!"

"Are you sure you want to use the gold in the federal treasury?"

Corwin frowned, and his heart seemed to be bleeding at the thought of using the gold in the federal treasury.

"If someone with strong financial resources is behind the manipulation of the gold market, do you know what the consequences will be? The consequence is that the price of gold will fall rapidly, and the gold invested in the market to rescue the market will be purchased by the traders behind it at a low price in US dollars!

If the government comes to rescue the market, the exchange ratio between the US dollar and gold will return to normal levels, but the Treasury will lose part of the gold. "

"Who in the United States has the ability to manipulate the gold market?" Fillmore frowned.

"The leverage ratio of the gold futures market is outrageously high, reaching 1%. With such a high leverage ratio, you only need two to three million U.S. dollars to manipulate the U.S. gold market. Many people have this ability, and you can too. I understand that many people have the financial resources.

In New York alone, there are two tycoons with assets exceeding ten million US dollars. They are fully capable of investing two to three million US dollars in cash into the gold market and manipulating the price of gold. If it was a gang operation, there would be more suspects. "

Corwin said without thinking.

"However, the biggest beneficiary of the rise in gold prices is Liang Yao, the number one gold tycoon in the United States. He is the most suspected. Of course, I have no evidence yet."

"No matter who is manipulating the gold market, the government must step in to rescue the market."

Fillmore took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions and then made a decision.

"First put $500 of gold reserves into the market to see the effect. Also, some unreasonable trading behaviors on Wall Street must be restrained and regulated."

At the same time, Liang Yao, who was still in Baltimore, learned of the news via telegram.

The rise in gold prices also exceeded Liang Yao's expectations.

Although Liang Yao hopes to make profits and earn some pocket money by raising the price of gold, he adopts the method of boiling frogs in warm water, allowing the price of gold to rise slowly, and trying to delay the reaction of the government and the Ministry of Finance.

He has already explained this to Kony, and it is impossible for Kony to disobey his order given his character.

There is only one explanation for the rapid and violent rise in the price of gold, and that is the emergence of a disruptor.

Who is messing with this situation?

Vanderbilt? Or Backhouse?

Liang Yao first thought of these two people, but he quickly rejected them.

Vanderbilt had been with him all along, and his energy had been focused on the railway company. Vanderbilt wanted to get involved in the gold market, and Liang Yao could not have been unaware of it.


Even more impossible, Backhouse was immersed in real estate and land and did not have such ability and courage.

The name Charlie, which he had seen on the New York rich list, flashed into Liang Yao's mind.

If all the rich people on the rich list are suspected, then this person must be the most suspected.

Of course, this is just his guess.

Now that Liang Yao's plan has been disrupted by the spoiler, he has to change his original plan.

As long as the people in the Ministry of Finance are not fools, they must have noticed the anomalies in the gold market by now and will soon rescue the market. By then, the price of gold will plummet.

Liang Yao immediately sent an urgent telegram to Kony, informing Kony to sell all the gold futures in his hands immediately.

Not only did he have to sell off all the gold futures he held, Liang Yao also brought US$9.47 million worth of gold with him on the ship. Now that the gold price is at a high level, it is the best time to sell gold. Liang Yao decided to take out US$4.47 million of it. Sell ​​directly to convert into US dollars.

This is much more cost-effective than exchanging U.S. dollars directly with the bank when you come here.

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