1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 137: Shipyard

After getting the two French guys drunk, Liang Yao washed his face, mounted a horse and prepared to go to the shipyard to take a closer look at his warships.

"I drank a lot. If I want to see the ship, I'd better take a carriage there."

Sven reminded with some worry.

Liang Yao turned his head and looked at Sven: "I didn't drink much, I'm very sober."

"I didn't expect you to be so cunning at the wine table."

Sven immediately understood that this guy was cheating on the wine table. He excitedly mounted his horse and followed Liang Yao.

"What we got this time is a warship! A warship with a displacement of more than two thousand tons! It's exciting to think about it!

Although this is just a frigate in the French Navy's battle order, in the American Navy, let alone a frigate or cruiser, it is more than enough to be the flagship of a small fleet! "

The U.S. Navy at this time cannot be said to be powerful. A warship with a displacement of more than 2,000 tons can be the main warship in the fleet, even if it cannot be the flagship of a fleet.

When Commodore Perry of the American Navy knocked twice and opened the door to Japan, Perry's American East India Company fleet did not have many warships with a displacement of more than 2,000 tons.

Moreover, the U.S. Navy is not highly steam-powered, and still retains many sailing warships with a displacement of less than a thousand tons.

This is still the U.S. Navy two years later, and the situation is only getting worse.

"When the Roland is repaired, you can drive it to Hawaii to convey our goodwill to the King of Hawaii. Hawaii is an excellent transit station in the Pacific." Liang Yao said, "The British can go to Hawaii, the French can go, so naturally we can too. Gotta go."

It is currently unrealistic to annex Hawaii, but under the guise of helping Hawaii rebuild, it is still feasible to build a transit port on Hawaii.

Before the U.S.-Mexico War ended, the United States had already shifted the focus of its strategic expansion to the Pacific.

One of Fillmore's greatest achievements as president was sending Perry's East India Company fleet to open Japan's borders.

At this time, the United States was very eager to expand towards the Pacific and get involved in Hawaii. Not only did Liang Yao not have any resistance in the United States, but he would also receive strong support from them.

"What about the route from San Francisco to Guangzhou? Who will operate it?" Sven asked.

"This route cannot be interrupted. Could it be that besides you, other captains from Universal Shipping Company are not qualified to handle this route?" Liang Yao said, "Besides, the immigration work in California cannot rely solely on us at Universal Shipping Company. I am the one with the Chinese merchants." I also said hello and they will also participate in the immigration work."

After the Taiping Rebellion broke out, the Manchu Qing Dynasty's ability to control local areas was greatly reduced, especially in the south, which also facilitated Liang Yao's immigration work.

At present, the Chinese population in California has exceeded 20,000, accounting for more than one-fifth of the total population, becoming the most populous ethnic group second only to native Americans.

But this is far from reaching Liang Yao's expected goals.

When Liang Yao came to the shipyard, Freemont was also there.

Fremont clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the Roland which was undergoing repairs in the dock.

"The French warships are really good." Fremont sighed in admiration.

"Now it's our warship!"

Liang Yao suddenly appeared from behind Fremont, startling Fremont.


Freemont's eyes widened with an incredulous expression on his face.

"It belongs to us, Senator. Just now, the Lieutenant Governor bought their warship from the French at the wine table." Sven smiled.

"Did you buy both ships?"

Fremont asked, pointing to two French Navy battleships, his tone of voice was somewhat excited.

"I only bought the Roland, which is the larger one."

Liang Yao said with regret, why didn't he want to buy both warships? The only thing to blame is that the British Royal Navy's attack was not accurate enough, and the other French ship that was docked for repairs was only slightly damaged.

"I just asked an old worker at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The Roland's full load displacement is as high as 2,300 tons. This is a cruiser-class warship in the American Navy's order of battle, but the French use it as a frigate."

Having said this, Fremont can't help but be somewhat eclipsed. Not to mention that the American Navy is vastly different from the British Royal Navy, and even compared with the French Navy, there is a huge gap.

"The 10-inch and 8-inch naval guns on the ship are also better than those of the American Navy. It's a pity that the French did not leave the cannonballs on the ship, otherwise we can still see the French cannons."

"The French didn't leave any cannonballs?" Liang Yao frowned, "When the French woke up, I asked them for them. I spent 2 million francs to buy the Roland. I bought a warship and they didn't give me cannonballs. , What use do I need this warship for?"

"The Hope will be launched next month. Once the launch is successful, it will prove that the California shipyard has the ability to independently produce steamships."

Fremont said while walking and pointing to the Hope that was almost completed in the dock.

Three months have passed since the construction of the Hope began in November last year.

Although the Hope is only a small civilian steamship with a full load displacement of only 500 tons, and the technology used is not advanced, it is a leap forward from scratch in California's steamship manufacturing industry, which is of extraordinary significance.

"This is just the beginning. In the future, shipyards in California will build giant ships of 1,000 tons, 2,000 tons, 3,000 tons or even 10,000 tons." Liang Yao said ambitiously.

"Ten thousand tons, you have a really big appetite." Fremont tutted, "The United States really needs a naval base in the Pacific. For now, San Francisco is the best choice."

"We need a Pacific Fleet more!"

Liang Yao thought of the stalemate between California and the federal government some time ago, when the fleet of the British Hudson Company cruised along the coast of California all day long.

"The British Hudson Company also has a fleet north of us. Although it is not large, I always feel like a thorn in my back. We in the United States do not even have a single warship on the Pacific coast."

"Isn't there a Roland now?"

Freemont smiled happily.

"I am a close friend of Commander Robert Stockton of the Navy, and my Mamluk naval accessory was a gift given to me by General Stockton."

As he spoke, Freemont proudly showed Liang Yao the sword on his waist.

"Do you know about the Bear Flag Rebellion?"

"How could you not know that this is one of the highlights of your life, and every Californian knows that."

Liang Yao looked at the naval Mamluk sword in Freemont's hand. He had to say that this naval officer's sword was more beautiful and delicate than his army officer's sword.

It turned out that Fremont's sword was given by the Navy Commander, which also solved Liang Yao's original doubt: why Fremont, an officer with an army background, wore a navy sword.

It turns out that this guy has a good relationship with the navy general.

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