0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 178

From noble mtl dot com

Majestic flight.


A mighty roar.

And even the body of an excellent figure containing the souls of artisans.

“Oh oh. Is that the dragon that Your Majesty created?”

“Indeed······. The creation resembles Your Majesty and is full of dignity.”

“As expected, His Majesty. How could you create such a beautiful creation?”

“He breathes life… What a beautiful power this is!”

The servants did not hold back their admiration when they saw Caryldium flying over the imperial palace.

It is not a normal dragon, but a dragon created as a statue made by artisans, so it has a much more sophisticated beauty than other dragons.

In particular, in terms of beauty, isn’t it Asril Stadium, which is said to be difficult for other materials to match its depth and light?





That’s why it had the effect of making the figure stand out even more.


– A dragon created by the creator, ‘Aslan’.

– A creature that has received life will inherit the creator’s characteristics with a probability.


That’s probably why he-

[I am the great emperor of the sky. No one can resist the power of the principal.]

Is it that he was eaten by Aslan’s bluff?


Didn’t I like Caryldium’s move?

The red dragon frowned and called out to Caryldium.

“You’re crazy, so stop f*cking and come down.”

Carydium glared fiercely at the red dragon flame and came downstairs.


That motion of intentionally landing more exaggeratedly and spreading the wings wider.


Judging from my Aslan bravado, it could be seen as the same logic as Aslan flapping his cape excessively.


I tried to make a normal guy into a subordinate and use it.

Another bluffworm has multiplied.

That guy, maybe that’s good.

[Did you call me. It’s a little thing.]

“Mi, microscopic?”

[Okay. In front of the main seat, you are just an insignificant creature.]

Flame was dumbfounded and burst out laughing.

“A guy who has lived as a stone all his life and has just received life is kicking around without knowing the subject? Hey. Looking up is sore, so come in human form.”

[Human form? Why did I have to become an insignificant human being? That’s an insult to my seat. But. How can an insignificant creature understand the principal’s heart?]

“Because let’s see this.”

In the end, Flame, who couldn’t hold back his anger, grew bigger in an instant and stood in front of Caryldium in the form of a dragon.

[Today, I will properly teach you what up and down are!]

Flame suddenly rushed towards Caryldium.


As the two giants collided, a roar erupted and the ground shook.

Kwa-kwak-! Kwak Kwa Kwak-!!

Should the power be considered equal?

I was worried that if Chalildium was born with Aslan’s traits, it wouldn’t be possible for her stats to be sh*t as well, but seeing that she competes in strength on an equal footing with Flame, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

[This cheeky bastard!]

But gradually, Flame began to surpass Caryldium in terms of strength.

I couldn’t tell if Chalildium inherited my stats and was born weak, as I feared, or if Flame was just too strong.



Flame emitted a violent breath from its mouth and attacked Caryldium.

Perhaps feeling a sense of danger, Caryldium shook its tail and pushed the flame back.

It was Caryldium whose body was heated red by that hot breath.

[How dare a small creature try to scratch the body of the noble master!]

Following that, Caryldium also slowly began to gather strength from beneath its feet.

Boo Woo-!!

I could see a flash of blue light coming up the tail and gradually converging into the throat of the caryldium.

Are you trying to fire a breath?

It was Caryldium’s first breath debut.

However, if the fight intensified like this, the whole palace would be destroyed again, so I went outside to calm them down.

In the meantime, Caryldium gathered all the breath up to his throat.


Flame was also watching nervously, not knowing what kind of attack would come.

Khalildium opened his mouth wide, gathering strength with the momentum to completely split the world in two.

And then, the moment when you release the power you’ve been gathering!


With a cute sound, let alone a breath, even a small smoke couldn’t escape his mouth.


Embarrassed, Flame tilted his head.

I too panicked and froze in place.

‘What. Can’t fire a breath?’

Oh my god.

Was it really scrap metal that inherited Aslan’s stats and couldn’t even fire a breath!

[What? Just that.]

In response to Flame’s question, Chalildia pretended to be calm and said,

[My breath cuts through the ground and even the sky. You can’t just write in a place like this and destroy everything.]

However, Flame did not retract his suspicious eyes.

[It’s not. No matter how you look at it, you just can’t use your breath at all…]

[Shut up! Show me if you want. Instead, do not resent me even if your body splits in two!]

At the same time, Caryldium gathered his strength once again and tried to fire a breath.

I intervened before he got any more miserable.

“Both of you, stop.”

[Aslan. You will fall Today, I will educate that spoiled brat.]

[What a foolish choice. I will cut off your breath here.]

But neither of them listened to me.

Eventually, I released my power and crushed them both.

“Jim told me to stop.”




The two gigantic bodies collapsed on the floor and struggled.

“How dare you take Jim’s words lightly. Do you want to die?”

[Oh, no. That’s why, since I’m that young bastard, he doesn’t even know what’s up or down…]

“So you’re saying you disobeyed my orders just for that reason?”


Flame kept his mouth shut, as if he had nothing to say.

This time I turned my head towards Carydium.

“Are you making fun of Jim too?”

[Oh, no.]

“Then why are you ignoring Jim? Are you rebelling already?”

[I’m sorry.]

Chalil Dium begged for forgiveness as his head dug into the ground.

The only good thing was that he didn’t show his teeth in front of me.

When he first received my life and was born, he trampled on me once, so he never attacked me after that.


[Yes, Master.]

“I have a place to go with you. So you can carry your luggage on your back.”


I got on top of the Caryldium back.

Then Flame came up to me in the form of a child again and asked.

“Where are you going? Go with me.”

“You stay here.”

“Can that guy fly straight? Aren’t you going to fall down on the way? I’m worried.”


Hearing it makes me feel a bit scared.

However, this was only for the two of us, Caryldium and I.

“Don’t make trouble and stay here, Flame.”

I got on the back of Carydium.

I was taken aback by Flame’s warning, but I bet he can’t even make a short flight right?

* * *


Caryldium, who carried me on his back and flew in a very majestic manner.

But after a while, he stumbled, lost his balance, and fell to the ground.


Did you really just make it?

The dragon I was expecting wasn’t like this.

“Are you trying to kill Jim?”

[I am absolutely not. I just suddenly lost my strength…]

Okay. This is all my fault as the owner.

If only my stats were good, you wouldn’t have been born this weak.

“Still, you arrived at your destination well.”

This was a forest where there were no people and only the two of us could use it widely.

Of course, there were small monsters, but they were the ones who would run away just by looking at the dragon’s shadow.

“Carydium. Try to fire a breath.”


Chalildium drew strength as strong as before.

Explosive power that rises from the tail.



This time, too, something like a fart came out of his mouth.

The threatening dragon’s breath did not come out.


Caryldium soon became sullen.

[Sorry for being only this much, Master.]

He was gloomy, as if he would burst into tears if he was touched.

It’s a b*tch that makes me sad to see that.

‘Should I melt it down right now?’

If the ashriltadium that comes out of it is sold everywhere at a high price, it seems to be much more useful than it is now.

“Okay. This must all be because of Jim’s immorality.”

[Oh no! It’s all my fault!!]

Then, will you find the furnace and enter it?

For a moment. Will it melt if I put it in a furnace?

Even when Flame blew his breath, only his body turned red, and he couldn’t make a single scratch.

If so, should I use it as a meat shield?

It was a time when I was thinking about various things.


Suddenly, I came to my senses at the sound of a dark voice resonating like an echo from somewhere.

Because this voice

Because it’s something I’ve heard a lot about.

Just as expected.

[You have been here, mortal.]

The clear sky turned dark, and a face that looked like a devil more terrible than a devil was drawn large on it.

It was looking at me

[I’ve been looking for you all along, my vessel.]

Bowl? What are you talking about?

No. Rather, that voice and that face.

That must be-


It was the king of hell, the king of demons, Remegeton.

From noble mtl dot com

[You know me. After all, you deserve to be my vessel.]

Remegeton’s eyes were piercing me.

Powerful magic that comes out of him.

It was enough to calm my mind.

‘Didn’t he really be resurrected?’

I thought there would be some more time, but he’s already resurrected.

So, does the game end like this?

When Remegeton is resurrected, the game will surely end with the continent being destroyed by a tremendous demon offensive.

Then again this time…

[How dare you say something to our master?]

It was then.

Caryldium, who had been depressed, glared at Remegeton with her eyes widened.

Like Aslan’s bluff, it was the moment when Caryldium’s bluff was activated.

[What are you? It’s the first dragon I’ve ever seen.]

[I am a body born with the noble power of my master. This is the lord of the sky, the strongest dragon, Caryldium.]

Remegeton frowned at those words.

[Receive noble power? Does that mean that Aslan created you?]

[Yes. Don’t you dare put the master’s name in your filthy mouth, devil.]

Remegeton’s complexion gradually hardened.

[It can’t be. How can humans create life? That’s an authority only a god can have! Are you saying that a human being can use the power of creation!?]

[He is not an ordinary human being. Almighty above all things. Someone like you is someone I wouldn’t dare look at!]

[How dare such a cheeky bastard!]

When Remegeton got angry, Caryldium did not back down and gathered strength.

Then, once more, the light flashed from the tail and gradually went up.

Are you trying to make fart sounds cute again?

But this time something was different.

Even before, it always had a blue light when it started to gather power, but this time it flashed a golden light.

And the moment it fills your throat and opens your mouth.


A golden breath that split the ground in two and reached the sky spewed out from Carydium’s mouth.

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