0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 164

“What the hell is that guy?”

“It’s very arbitrary! Was it something like that that we worked hard to save?”

The Babylonians who were stabbed in the back by the dragon of chaos they believed in were very embarrassed.

It is impossible to pursue and argue with the dragon of chaos that left only unknown words.

This is because he is so enormous that he could eat Babylon in one bite.

“Can’t you see? The Chaos Dragon was frightened.”


“Didn’t you see it too? The Chaos Dragon colliding with Aslan. And he had a power struggle with Aslan, but he was slammed to the ground in a good way.”

It will probably be a memory you will never forget.

“So? Are you telling me to just wait like an idiot like this?”

Of all Babylon, it was Elbihas who was most dissatisfied.

“Or do you think otherwise? Elbihas.”

“At least I know that it’s not best to stay still like you guys do.”

Elbihas spread his black wings that he had hidden.

“You mean to act alone, Elbihas?”

“Okay. Isn’t this all for our Remegeton? If he sees what you guys are doing, how angry he will be in the basement.”

Then slowly flew up into the sky.

“I have been patient enough. I will do it my way now.”

Elbihas left them with those words and flew up and left them.

“That cheeky b*tch again…”

“For now, don’t let it go. We don’t know about Elbihas’ skills.”

Even though he cursed on the outside, the Babylonians were quietly watching Elbihas’ actions with curiosity. It was because I was curious about what kind of wave she would bring.

* * *

“Come on, move!”

“Wounded soldiers this way!”

“Hurry up!”

The spot where the dragon of chaos had passed was unscathed.

The imperial palace collapsed with its wings, and many people were injured.

If Aslan hadn’t stepped in, the Dragon of Chaos would have gone beyond the imperial palace and harmed the people outside.

“Even though the dragon of chaos appeared, it ended like this.”

Rylakan murmured.

Chaos Dragon.

It was also the first time Rylakan had encountered it.

It is very difficult to deal with a normal dragon right now, but isn’t it an ancient dragon with several times more power than them?

In particular, the Dragon of Chaos had the power to destroy the entire continent, and Rahal even created a celestial dragon to directly block it.

“Isn’t that a natural thing?”

Then Aaron spoke from the side.

“Because His Majesty Aslan is in our empire. He said that without him, this country would have perished long ago. Again, all the people were taken care of by him.”

“… Until when?”


“How long do we have to live under his protection? Have you ever defended yourself?”

“That, that’s…”

Aaron was speechless for a moment.

As Rylakan said, there have been numerous crises so far, and Aslan has solved everything.

He had never defended anything with the strength of Aaron and his knights.

“You don’t have to be ashamed. I am in the same situation.”


“Wake up first. Suffer.”

Lyla Khan let out a short breath and rose from his seat.

Even 300 years ago, it was thought that anyone in the world could fight and win.

Even that Rahal, that Remegeton, had no doubt that he would not be able to stand against him.

However, he met a man named Aslan and learned from him for the first time what it was like to be helpless.

However, after realizing that he was not actually human, but an absolute being who comfortably transcended it, he felt a little relieved.

Since the existence of God is out of the question anyway, he again thought that he had become the strongest man on the continent.

But today, a dragon of chaos that existed only in mythology appeared.

And he realized once again how weak his strength was.

Is this simply because he is confined to the body of a human being?

“No. It can’t be.”

Rylakan believes.

That humans are greater than any other race.

Didn’t Aslan also say that?

He said that humans have the greatest power.

If so, isn’t it that the power to overcome the current limitations lies within this?

“What are you doing alone?”

The red dragon flame frowned and sat with the body of a child.

He looked pretty tired from the previous battle.

“What you looking at.”

But a dragon is a dragon.

That ferocious and terrible life was still alive in his eyes.

“Let’s fight.”


“He said he would fight me.”

Has this guy finally tasted it?

Flame tilted his head.

“Are you crazy? What happened to your head from being hit hard earlier?”

“Now I am clearer than ever.”

Only then did Flame realize that Rylakan meant it.

“Suddenly, suddenly, let’s fight?”

“It doesn’t mean that we fight to kill each other. I want you to be my training partner.”

“You know what kind of scarecrow I am. How dare you use the Dragon, the Lord of the Sky, as your practice partner.”

“Instead, I’ll bring you as much Ren meat dish as you want, which is said to be the most delicious in the Kala Kingdom.”

“Shall we fight right now? Where do you want to join?”

This guy, Flame, was a very light guy for a dragon subject.

So he liked it.

Unlike that arrogant gold dragon, should I say he’s a very easy guy to get close to?

“If the two of us fight here, the scorched-earth imperial palace will turn to dust, so let’s fight some distance away from the castle.”

“Good. Instead, you must keep your promise. If you dare to deceive me…”

“Do I look like a petty bastard?”

“Well, then follow me.”

The two left the imperial palace and went out to a plain far away from the castle.

“I think this would be appropriate. All we have to do is fight right here…”

Flame stopped talking at the terrifying aura that made his body tremble.

And when he looked ahead, Rylakan’s body exuded tremendous fighting spirit.

The intense living mixed in it told me that this was not a simple practice sparring.

“What. It’s training Are you really going to kill me?”

“There is a saying that training should be done like a real fight. And aren’t you a dragon?”

“No. Why are you so anxious about not being able to fight?”

Flame didn’t understand Rylakan’s actions.

Wasn’t it Ryla Khan who had been fighting with the dragon of chaos before?

Was that not enough for a long time?

“He felt it keenly while dealing with the Dragon of Chaos. How weak I am But at the same time, I realized at the same time that it is me who ultimately stays within the limits and overcomes them.”

The desire to become stronger.

That was burning Rylakan’s heart strongly.

“No. Anyway, this is…”

In response to Rylakan’s growing fighting spirit, Flame felt that he could injure his nose if he went wrong.

Right then.

“I can deal with you if you want.”

I turned my head to the sticky voice behind me.

There was a demon flapping its enchanting wings and exuding evil energy.

Flame quickly realized that the opponent was not just a demon.

If it was this level of magic, it would be Babylon, which is said to be the highest level among demons.

“You recognize who I am, Ryla Khan. After all, we met 300 years ago.”

“Know. Elbihas.”

As Lyla Khan tried to reach her, her flame caught on.

“It’s a trap no matter who sees it. You want to go for this?”

Lyla Khan said to such a flame.

“Flame. The practice partner has changed.”


“No matter what, do not intervene.”

“No. Is this a trap?”

Laila Khan shook off her flame and ran towards Elbihas.

She glanced at her and twitched the corners of her mouth.


Indeed, as Flame said, this was a trap.

When Lyla Khan rushed at her, the barrier installed in front of Elbi Haas was activated, and the two disappeared like smoke on the spot.

All that remains is the laughter of Elbihas in rapture.

“What. Where have you been?”

Flame looked around, trying to find them both, but they were nowhere to be seen.

* * *

“Ah~ it’s hard.”

A stormy day has passed.

I never thought I would be able to breathe like this even after facing the dragon of chaos.

It was a lucky day that he didn’t die.

But just because you survived doesn’t mean you should be safe.

“It probably won’t work.”

You don’t know how far this guy’s game system is going to go in the yard where even the dragon of chaos is rampaging.

It was clear that this crazy difficulty was dooming the game.

“We need to finish the game quickly.”

From noble mtl dot com

There is one way to do that.

It is to completely cut off from these infernal demons.

In order to do that,

“I have no choice but to go to the end of the world.”

If you close the door there, you will be able to completely close the world connected to the Techina tribe.

Then this continent no longer has to be threatened by demons, and I can finish the game comfortably.

“The question is where the end of the world really is.”

There are five candidates.

When you start the game, one of these five places is randomly determined. Go there and close it with the key inside Rylakan’s body.

“The problem is, these places are all f*cking right.”

If you were going to visit all of these places one by one and try to locate them, you would have to do a lot of labor.

“You don’t know when the dragon of chaos will attack again, so if you make your defenses more secure and find a place…”

It was when I was mumbling to myself.

“Aslan~! Aslan~!!”

Flame’s urgent voice came from outside.

“Flame Ball. Your Majesty is now inside. You can’t go in without permission…”

“Ah. Now is not the time to question it! It’s a big deal!!”

You really don’t let me rest for a moment.

I let out a short sigh and brought the outside flame inside.

“What is it, Flame?”

“Ugh. I really should have recognized that madman from the very beginning.”

“Flame. What’s going on?”

“No. That is······.”

Flame told me everything.

“Lyla Khan disappeared with Elbihas?”

“Yeah, I’ve said it’s a trap a couple of times, but he’s gone with his Rylakan eyes turned inside out. Did I really try to stop you? Anyway, I tried to find it after that, but I have no idea where it went.”

I felt my vision go blank for a moment.

What. Will Lyla Khan, one of my strongest powers, disappear like this?

If Elbihas had made up his mind and dug a trap to take Rilakan, by now he would be slowly dying fighting countless demons.

‘This is not the time.’

I woke up and tried to call Eltihi and Raphael to find Rylakan.

With the magic of those two, we should be able to track down Rylakan.

In particular, wasn’t the sealing magic applied to him by Eltihi?


“Your majesty.”

It didn’t seem necessary.

“Knight Rylakan wants to have an audience with Your Majesty.”


Because Rylakan was already here.

Even in front of my bed.

“What, what is it? The real Ryla Khan came here?”

Flame was making a face that said it couldn’t be.

However, the person who opened the door and entered was indeed Ryla Khan.

Of course, that was not the case.

Like someone who had gone through hell alone, Rylakan was covered in wounds and blood.

And in his hand,


Elbihas’ hair, barely breathing, was caught by the two broken wings.

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