0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 148

Emperor of the empire.

Only the person who unified all the kingdoms could see it as the highest position that could be climbed.

But that…

‘Aslan sit down.’

Even while playing on the highest difficulty.

If you posted this on the community, there would be hundreds and thousands of comments from people wondering what the hell they did.

‘But I can’t say that being the emperor of an empire is unconditionally good.’

The higher the difficulty, the greater the risk if you become the emperor of the empire.

Poisoning, assassination, etc.

The conspiracy of the forces trying to take the throne by killing the emperor, as well as the rebellion of the kingdoms subordinate to the empire, were a big problem.

Also, although each kingdom had a king, it was actually up to the emperor to manage the kingdoms, so the work increased enormously.

‘I just don’t want to create an empire.’

Whether you know my heart or not,

“Now, with an empire established in your name, the continent will be safer than ever.”

“Yes. At this point, why don’t you let the other races continue in our empire?”

“Hmm. That seems to be a matter for discussion. Isn’t it forbidden in all kingdoms to marry humans with other races?”

These guys beat drums and janggu and made a fuss even though I hadn’t even been sane yet.

At that time, one person who had been silent all along opened his mouth.

“Yet······. Isn’t the Kala Kingdom still alive?”

At those words, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

As he turned his head, it was Layla Khan who had blunted the atmosphere nicely.

He is, in fact, the person who can be seen as having the most say after me.

No matter how much his magic was sealed, Laila Khan was not Laila Khan.

“The Kala Kingdom won’t be happy with this.”

“So you’re saying that Lailakan will stand on the side of the Kala Kingdom?”

“I can’t take anyone’s side. Are you asking me to kill my family with my own hands?”

“Looking at it then, I thought I could have killed Karman, right?”

Rylakan gritted his teeth at Horeth’s words.

“Don’t cross the line, old man.”

“hahahaha. How old am I, would I waste my life? If our Aslan becomes the emperor of the continent and makes his name known all over the world, I will not regret even if I die now.”

Seeing Horeth smirk, Lyla Khan turned his head in disgust.

Now he was looking right in my direction.

“What do you think, King?”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on me at once.

Then, the bluff, which had been quiet, could not stand it and wriggled and climbed up.

“I will ask you guys.”

Intoxicated with the bravado that filled his head, I asked.

“Even if you build an empire and become an emperor, does anything change?”

“That’s right, the king’s dignity will rise and the continent will become a little more stable…”

“Does that mean that the dignity of the main seat is diminished?”


This time I asked Lailakan.

“Lyla Khan. Who is the main seat?”

“You are······.”

Rylakan spoke for a moment before answering.

“The great King, of the Continent… You are the strongest.”

“Okay. Even if I ascend to the throne, that will not change. See Since I, Aslan, are the strongest on the continent, no one is challenging Eli Kingdom. Peace is maintained in my name, and will continue to be so as long as I live.”

The left and right became silent.

I spoke to them.

“Has I ever invaded the kingdom and plundered and plundered their land?”


“Has there ever been a kingdom where I was coerced into surrendering?”


“Okay. They all voluntarily surrendered to me, and I just accepted them.”

Then again I spoke to Lailakan.

“The emperor does not sit in the seat to enhance his dignity. He sits down in order to guide and care for the people of all the kingdoms that have come under my rule, like my children.”


“Did you take your child by force and make it? No. Children are, after all, heaven-sent. The same goes for the kingdoms coming under my rule. I don’t take it by force. Did I ask what you plan to do with the Kala Kingdom? My answer is this.”

Rylakan made no answer.

“My King…”

“You are also a great person.”

And the knights and servants were looking at me with admiring faces.

Horace even burst into tears.

“However, one thing. There is something you need to know, Rylakan.”

“What is it?”

“I show mercy to those who surrender to me, but I have trampled on those who stand in my way. The same goes for the Kala Kingdom. If they want to get in my way… We have no choice but to erase that name from this continent.”


After saying that, I got up from my seat and waved my cloak.


It seemed like the cape was fluttering more and more today.

* * *

“Indeed, our king is really great.”

“Ah. Since you have led this kingdom with that kind of heart so far, the kingdom of Eli has no choice but to become rich and strong like this.”

“Sobbing. To think that someone as lacking as I was serving someone like that.”

“Aslan is truly superior to Rahal!”

After Aslan left the war, the knights and servants were busy praising his name.

Rylakan also chewed on Aslan’s words and exclaimed inwardly.

Had he been ruling the kingdom with such an unbreakable heart all along?

‘The dishes are different.’

I feel it every time, but today I definitely realized it.

Aslan was different from himself and from any other heroes he had ever seen.

Did the emperor say that the sky is falling?

Indeed, it felt like he was talking to Aslan.

The problem is,

‘How the color kingdom will come out…’

Didn’t Aslan leave those words at the end?

If they block the way, the name of the Kala Kingdom will be erased from the continent.

And he is a man who can do that.

The power he possesses is enough to wipe out the Kala Kingdom alone.

So Rylakan had to make a choice.

‘I am······.’

Whose side are you going to fight on?

* * *

“You’re building an empire? Aslan?”

The news of the Eli Kingdom was delivered to the Kala Kingdom as well.

Building the empire of Eli Kingdom.

And ascended the throne as Emperor of Aslan.

The Kala Kingdom’s servants were in shock, but on the other hand, they responded that it was finally coming.

“We haven’t made a formal announcement yet, but we are showing that kind of movement. Inside the kingdom of Eli, it is believed that the construction of the empire is nearing completion. So, the people in charge of each kingdom are gathering in the Kingdom of Eli.”

Some servants objected to that statement.

“Nonsense! Our Kala Kingdom is so strong. Whoever wants to build an empire!”

“But it doesn’t make any sense, does it? Except for the Kala Kingdom, all kingdoms surrendered to Aslan. There’s nothing strange about setting up an empire right away.”

“Isn’t it necessary to send someone to say that we can never allow the empire to be built right now?”

“Are we in a situation where we can talk to Eli Kingdom? If that happens, if you offend Aslan and start a war!”

“At that time, if we fight and win, that’s it!”

“Dealing with Aslan? He is the strongest man on the continent!”

Karman said while preventing the atmosphere from becoming overheated.

“Speak one by one. Do you think the Eli kingdom will really build an empire?”

Then one of the servants expressed his opinion.

“Yes. It’s clear. Recently, Aslan has started building portals in each kingdom. The movement of soldiers is free at any time. He is also building a new mage tower, and has recruited 200,000 elite troops from all kingdoms. What does this mean?”

He spoke soon.

“On the surface, they say they are preparing for an attack by demons, but in reality they are preparing for a war of conquest. And that too, towards our Kala Kingdom!”

“Then shouldn’t we be prepared too?”

“But the number of troops we have is only 50,000. There is a difference of 4 times, so will you be my opponent?”

Certainly, looking at Aslan’s recent actions, there were some suspicious things.

Suddenly, building portals with expensive money in each kingdom, as well as conscription following the construction of a new mage tower to drastically increase military power.

Isn’t this a sign that anyone wants to go to war?

It was difficult to see simply for defensive purposes.

In other words, Aslan showed his will to attack the Kala Kingdom.

‘In that case, I’ll go first before he attacks…’

From noble mtl dot com

It was while Grikarman was organizing his thoughts.


Suddenly, the front door shattered with a loud sound.

The door leaf slid down inside the hall.

“Go, who dares!”

“What kind of guy are you!”

The one who broke through the knights’ jersey and broke down the door was none other than

“I thought it would be noisy and chattering here. Without knowing what is right in front of you.”

It was Ryla Khan.

“Rah, Lailakan?”

“How the hell did I get here…!”

The knights gathered around Rylakan and drew their swords.

“How dare you come here!”

At the knights who scolded him, Rylakan sent a nonchalant eye.

“I know you have bad feelings about me.”

“Sounds obvious! Do you know how many knights died at your hands!”

“Everyone knows. So you’re going to kill me? Like you guys?”


The knights hesitated.

No matter how much I hate it, the opponent is Ryla Khan.

He could kill everyone here at once with just his fingers.

“If you don’t want to die, put away your sword now.”

“For a moment! Rylakan heard that Aslan had sealed his magical powers. If so, even now…”

“I’m sorry-”

At that, Lyla Khan lightly snapped his fingers once.

Then, a blue lightning strike fell in front of the knight who had just shouted.

“Now it is not sealed.”

Rylakan said to Karman, watching the knights back in fear.

“Get over it, Karman. I have something to tell you and me alone.”

“No, that doesn’t even sound like words! What to do with our king!”

“If I put my mind to it, I can kill Karman with you even now. Don’t you know?”


Karman nodded and said.

“Leave your seat.”

“Ha, but the king!”

“Get out of the way.”


In the end, they left the place just for the two of them.

Karman had no idea what Rylakan was up to.

“What have you come for, Rylakan?”

“Are you saying you don’t want to treat me like an adult anymore?”

“You should be grateful for giving this much to the man who brutally killed my knights.”

Rylakan smiled slightly in understanding.

“You must have heard the news of the Kingdom of Eli. Soon an empire will be established.”

“Aren’t you already Aslan’s?”

“Somehow it happened. But I still love the Kala Kingdom.”


Karman slammed the throne hard and shouted.

“How dare you say such abominable things!”

“Sorry, but it is true. I love this kingdom So I hope this kingdom and the people of this kingdom will be at peace.”

“Shut up! Did you forget that you killed 10,000 knights?”

“That must have been what my men did. I am not like that.”

“That is it. What is the difference?”

Laila Khan shook her head and said.

“It can’t be helped that you don’t believe it. But it is an unchanging fact that I cherish this kingdom. That’s why I’m asking you. What are you thinking? Will you fight, or will you surrender to Aslan like any other kingdom?”

In response to that question, Karman felt an unusual energy from Lyla Khan.

“What did you come for, Rylakan?”

Then, as blue magic gathered in Rylakan’s hand, a sword was formed.

Then he said to Karman.

“Karman. I came to kill you today.”

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