0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 127


Aran’s spear, thrown with an instant of strength, stretched out and stuck into the shield.

Then, when it exploded, the defenses and walls collapsed at the same time.


Seeing that, the knights let out a loud cheer.

But those who look at it with a bad eye, no. There was also one dragon.

“Ugh. Suddenly a bad memory…”

Flame touched his hair, probably remembering the trauma of Rare getting smashed by my hand that day.

Either way, I raised my hand and spoke briefly and succinctly to the knights.


Then the knights rushed forward with a tremendous shout.

“For Eli Kingdom!!”

“For Aslan-sama!!”

The knights rushed at breakneck speed.

But just because the wall is broken doesn’t mean it’s over.

Didn’t they set all sorts of traps outside the walls?

Demons created by black magic began to emerge from the dark pit, and among them, there were demons with huge bodies that could stop the advance of the knights.


Chow ah-!!

Aaron, who was the first to run in the lead, killed the demons that jumped out of the trap with his splendid swordsmanship, and Alexander, who followed him, also assisted.

Also, when Levanos, who was already running almost flying in the sky, threw a greatsword, every demon that came out of the trap exploded on the spot.

‘yes. This is the army.’

If the names take the lead and solve the trouble first, the heavy armor will charge without roughness. That’s how they reached the broken wall without much difficulty.


All sorts of monsters were infested there, but the Knights, whose morale was skyrocketing, moved forward without fear.

They rushed from all sides to stop their advance,

“Kill them all!!”

“For the honor of Aslan!!”

Our knights were not an opponent that could be defeated so easily.

Armed with a Callutan lance, and also defending his entire body with heavy armor, even if monsters rushed in and tried to hurt him, he couldn’t even get a scratch and fell off.

Moreover, support was also being provided from the rear.


The catapult in the back threw holy water and exploded in the air, and the demons struggled, feeling the burning pain of their bodies.

Because holy water is the most effective attack against demons.

“It is a blessing from the great Aslan!”

“Everyone receive the grace of Aslan and fight!”

On the other hand, the Knights soaked their bodies in holy water and drank it with their mouths to boost their morale. In the midst of this, Aaron’s fanatical agitation accompanied them.

“Can’t I go and run amok too?”

Flame said as if his body was itching.

“Just stay here.”

“Why? If I go and fight, I could wipe them all out in an instant.”

“Don’t make me say it twice.”

“······ Jeop.”

If you send a flame, of course you will be able to wipe them out more easily.

But there was a reason for keeping Flame by my side.

‘He hasn’t come forward yet.’

Karpel, the owner of the demonic sword that caused all this.

He hasn’t gone to battle yet.

And if he did, he didn’t know how the game of war would change.

What if he refuses to fight them and rushes here to take my life?

‘At that time, I have to set up the flame as a meat shield.’

That was my perfect plan.

“Why are you looking at me like that? creepy.”

Flame seemed to have sensed something, and his body moved.

But even if you noticed, you can’t help it.

Because the flame was already part of my perfect plan.

* * *

“this. After all, Aslan’s army is strong. It’s like an army led by the strongest.”

Tercana’s words irritated her nerves, but she was not wrong.

Eli Kingdom was indeed strong.

I didn’t expect that Aslan would throw a spear and break down the defense and the wall at the same time, and I didn’t expect that the knights of Eli Kingdom would be so strong.


“What does that mean?”

Karpel exhaled deeply and grabbed the sword.


“Yes, please.”

“Once I’ve roughly dealt with the guys down here, I’ll run straight to Aslan. As much as possible, there are no obstructions.”

“If it’s an intruder… You must be referring to the dragon in the form of that child. I will figure it out on my own.”

He nodded and went down the rampart.

Below was a complete mess.

The word demon army was being trampled on by Aslan’s army, and it seemed that they would not be able to avoid annihilation if they continued like this.

Karpel said pathetically.

“These useless bastards.”

Then, heavy armored cavalry approached him.

The lance magic bullets they shot hit Karpel all at once.

“Do you think you can kill me with something like this?”

However, the firepower was insufficient to defeat Karpel.

He lightly swung his sword.

Then, the black sword river spewed out and wiped out the cavalry that were facing each other at once.


The place where the sword river swept past was filled with smoke, but soon there was a person who cut it with a loud shout.

It was Aaron, the commander of the Grand Division of Eli Kingdom.

Alexander was behind him.


Aaron and Alexander worked together to attack Karpel in waves.

Due to their splendid and excellent swordsmanship, the sword scars began to increase one by one on Karpel’s body.

“These worms!”

Angered to the point of anger, Karpel raised his magic sword high and absorbed all the corpses of demons and knights around him.

Then, a black tentacle-like thing protruded from behind his back, emitting intense demonic energy.

Two arms and four black tentacles.

Revealing that hideous and menacing figure, Karpel reached out his hand.

Then the tentacles attacked Aaron and Alexander, and attacked the knights behind them, stabbing them.

“I will kill everyone here.”

With the demonic sword, it vomits sword steel, and with one hand, it emits flames full of demonic energy.

Also, the tentacles ran amok, piercing and splitting the bodies of the knights.

It was a time when the knights were hesitant by Karpel’s terrifying power that they couldn’t even dare to approach.


The tentacles that did not budge even when fired with magic bullets, stabbed with a knife and poured with holy water were cut off.

Karpel dared to look at who cut off his tentacles.


One of the continent’s 10 greatest sword masters, a man called a wanderer.

“But now you have become Aslan’s dog. Even with that great ability.”

“He deserves it. Anyone who encounters His power even once will feel that way.”

“hehehe. yes. If so, I will slit his throat so that you realize how foolish your thoughts are.”

“You have big dreams too.”


As Levanos and Karpel collided, the sound of a pangong spread in all directions.

Aaron and Alexander came forward to help Levanos, but Karpel, who had already regenerated the severed tentacles, was blocking all of their attacks with his single body.

But did he realize that he could become isolated if he continued like this?


He roared and spread demonic energy in all directions.

Then, the demon army, which had hesitated under the weight of the Knights of the Kingdom of Eli, regained its strength and rushed towards the Knights.

“Hey, these guys!”

“Stop it!”

Once again, this place has become a mayhem mixed with knights and demons.

Karpel seized the opportunity and ran to Levanos and fired an onslaught at him.

Then he kicked him and threw him against the wall.

You can decide against Levanos as it is, but


Levanos did not come into Karpel’s eyes.

The only thing he could see was Aslan, who was waving his cloak behind him.


He flew up and went to where Aslan was.

And landed in front of it, exuding terrible demonic energy.

“Aslan. It is time to make a decision.”

Flame snorted at Karpel’s words.

“Is it my turn now? You are behind now.”

Flame relaxed his body lightly and tried to return to his dragon form.

By the way,


Isn’t a portal suddenly appearing under your feet?


As it was, Flame fell into the portal, and the portal closed to prevent him from escaping.


A moment of silence passed.

Karpel said with a mocking mouth.

“The intruder is gone.”

Tercana carried out the order very well.

Thanks to that, Karpel was left alone with Aslan.

“Get down from that proud horse, Aslan.”

Aslan looked down at Karpel arrogantly.

“You are cheeky.”

Aslan did not blink an eye even though Karpel was spewing out terrible demonic energy.

“With your skills, I can’t get the main seat off the horse.”

“hehehe. You are so arrogant to the end. But that arrogance is now… Well?”

At that moment, a greatsword came flying from behind and attacked Karpel.

“I dare not approach him!”

“Lebanos! Are you interfering again?”

Karpel got angry and rushed at Levanos.

However, Levanos, who handled the greatsword with quick movements and freedom, cut Karpel’s body several times.

and finally,



He even pierced the center of his chest with a greatsword.

“die. You dirty bastard who doesn’t even know the honor of a knight.”

However, Karpel did not lose his smile yet.

“Did you say knight’s honor?”

Chii Ik-

The greatsword of Levanos embedded in his chest turned black and emitted black smoke.


Levanos quickly drew his greatsword and stepped back.

If he had kept his position, he might have been eaten by that demon.

“A knight’s honor is an endless quest for power. So watch carefully. How great is my thirst for power!”

The magic sword flashed and emitted red light.

Then, like a whirlpool, it rushed to suck everything in, and the monsters and demons fighting in the castle began to be sucked into it.


They struggled and resisted, but the absorption once started could not be stopped.

They screamed and were forcibly dragged into the magic sword.

“What is this…”

The shocking sight left Levanos speechless for a moment.

and shortly thereafter,

Kwadeuk-! Quadduk-!!

Black wings sprouted from Karpel’s back one by one.

Following the tentacles, this time black wings.

The hideousness of his face made him frown.

“Ha ha ha!!”

Karpel, who absorbed all the demons and used them as his own, laughed out loud.

There was a tremendous amount of demonic energy in that laugh.

He shouted, intoxicated with uncontrollable power.

“yes. It is this power. With this much strength, even if Rahal comes, I won’t be able to stop this body!”

Levanos trembled.

It was because he noticed that the power radiating from Karpel was terrifying.

Even though he only burst into laughter, it felt as if his body would be paralyzed by the power leaking out from within.

Is that why?



Even when Karpel ran up and stabbed himself with his wings, Levanos could not react.

“Now watch your master die from behind.”


Karpel lifted Levanos’s body high in his wings and threw it out.


He slowly raised himself into the air.

“See? This is the power of God! I can kill you with just one of my fingers! ha ha ha!!”

Karpel, who was unleashing his strength, had the intention of completely crushing Aslan.

Because now he has the strength to do so.



Aslan was still looking straight ahead.

He didn’t even glance at Karpel, who was floating in midair.

“You’re looking down at me and talking.”


“You are arrogant.”

right at that moment.



Karpel’s body, which had been floating in the air, fell to the ground.

“This, what is this, what…!”

Karpel shuddered and tried to stand up, but


He could not dare to stand up from the tremendous force that oppressed his body.

“Don’t forget.”

And the back of his head was pierced with an indifferent gaze.

“That is your place, Karpel.”

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