0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 116

After passing through the ruined entrance, the majestic Tomb of Rylakan is revealed.

But I can’t be relieved just because I safely opened the entrance covered with that magic.

This is because traps have been set up all over the tomb.

‘I don’t know if he installed something like this because he had so many things to hide in his grave.’

I’ve been to Rylakhan’s Tomb countless times while playing this game, so I knew where the trap was.

But knowing everything doesn’t mean you can break through the pitfalls.

You must have the ability to break all of them in order to break through the trap and go to meet Rylakan.

‘But why am I leading the way?’

Somehow it turned out that way.

Eltihi provoked me, who was bluffing, so I broke down the door and went ahead.

‘If this happens, I’ll have to break through all the traps, right?’

Of course, I have no intention of breaking through myself.

How many reliable names are behind me?

‘This is…’

At that time, I stopped at the long stone bridge in front of me.

Because this is the first trap.

‘Wasn’t it a place where it suddenly collapsed halfway through?’

The vicious thing about this trap is that the bridge doesn’t collapse when you first step in, but suddenly collapses halfway through.

If this bridge collapses, you will fall to the bottom of the darkness where you can’t see the end.

“Why is that, Aslan?”

To Eltihi’s question, I answered while maintaining a straight back.

“It is a trap.”


“Lylakan has some pretty nasty hobbies. How dare you set a trap like this.”

“Is there a trap?”

I stepped onto the bridge.

“for a moment. If there is a trap, why do you…”

“Do you think that trap can do anything to me?”


“And this trap doesn’t trigger right away. It doesn’t activate until after a certain distance has passed.”

As I walked up the bridge first, my men tried to follow.

“You guys are waiting here too, then come.”

“Ah, yes.”

While I was walking ahead, I heard the conversation of Karman’s men behind me.

“Is there a trap here?”

“a. Why did Rylakan do that…”

“But no matter how I look at it, I don’t see a trap.”

“Then shall we go for a walk?”

The moment when a few of them set foot on the bridge.

Damn-! Kwak Kwa Kwak-!!


They were startled and fell backwards as the sturdy-looking bridge cracked and collapsed.

“Ji, wasn’t there a real trap?”

“Why on earth is this trap…!”

“Hey, look over there!”

I fluttered my cloak, floating in the air, looking down at them pitifully.

Thanks to the cloak’s flight skills, I didn’t fall to the ground.

“You seem to have a hard time trusting people.”


“I’ll be there first, so you can walk on your own.”

I left them behind and moved on to the next place by walking on empty air.

* * *

“no. Why the hell is this trap here?”

“That’s right.”

Eltihi was also curious about what Karman’s men said.

‘Lyla Khan. It’s a bit of a prank.’

Even if the magic that seals the entrance to the tomb is the same, I would never have thought they would have made a trap like this.

This was something even Eltihi did not know.

By the way,

‘How on earth do you know Aslan?’

Well, he didn’t seem to know anything.

Like the fact that he destroyed the door that Eltihi’s magic entered at once, and as he said before, he said that there was almost nothing he didn’t know about in this world. Is that really true?

Aslan saw through the pitfalls of this tomb one after another that even Eltihi did not know about.

“Stop whining and follow me.”

Eltihi built a bridge with magic for these pitiful bastards who were at a loss for what to do with their feet stomping in front of the collapsed bridge.

“Go, thank you. Mr. Eltihi.”

Eltihi, who crossed the bridge with them, was able to meet Aslan waiting for them on the way to the next place.

“Why don’t you go first?”

“There is a trap here too.”

“In addition?”

“yes. See those giant stone statues over there? Those three statues can be called traps.”

Three stone statues soared high and seemed to reach the ceiling.

Are these really traps?

“Then why didn’t you break all of them just like you broke down the sealed door I made?”

“……Did you feel offended that I broke it?”

“her! Who, who was offended by that!”

“If it’s like that, shouldn’t you have made it a little harder?”

I had nothing to say for a moment.

He said that he had planted the best sealing magic he could use at that time there.

“And the reason I don’t deal directly with them is simple. You can’t destroy all these tombs just to catch rabbits, can you?”

That is to say, with just that, a misguided force could bring down the entire tomb.

If it was someone else, I would have frowned at him for bluffing, but-.

‘If it’s Aslan.’

Isn’t he a man who can split this tomb in half with just one sharp sword strike?

This is the man who slashed that dragon with a single blow and trampled on its head.

That’s why I didn’t try to use my power.


“Yes, my king.”

“Break those stone statues.”


Sword Master Levanos, who became Aslan’s loyal knight before he knew it.

On command, he took out his greatsword and started spinning it around.


As Levanos passed through the entrance and approached, the still stone statues moved one by one, loosening their stiff bodies.

Whoops! Quaang-!

Before they could attack, Levanos threw his greatsword at them first.

There was no hesitation in Levanos’ attack, such as the greatsword penetrating that huge stone and stretching like a long thread to tie the body.


Due to the series of attacks, the statues collapsed too easily for their size.

Levanos, who neatly cut the last remaining stone statue in half and threw it away.

The gaze of Karman’s men looking at him was unusual.

Everyone was looking at him with wary eyes.

‘I guess the Eli Kingdom has grown a lot.’

I heard a lot about being the weakest on the continent, but now it seems to be the opposite.

The momentum of those subordinates who followed Aslan was so strong that one could tell without seeing it in person.

“Let’s keep going.”

Even after that, Aslan informed them in advance of where the trap was and ordered his men to remove it. None of the traps did any harm to them.

After going through so many traps that Rylakan didn’t know if he had made a tomb for himself or a trap facility to kill his descendants, finally-.

“This is it.”

You can now reach the tomb where Rylakan is buried.

Eltihi looked at the square tomb and moved slowly.

“yes. It’s not much different from 300 years ago.”

Thanks to the magic planted here, it seemed to be well managed.

“Now wake up Rylakan, Eltihi.”

“I guess so.”

Eltihy reached out and slowly dispelled the magic hanging from the tomb.

“300 years ago, I sealed Ryla Khan here with several wizards. He did it because he wanted to. However, since he is a human being, even if he uses sealing magic, he cannot live forever. I needed something else.”

At Eltihi’s beckoning, a heart appeared over the grave.

“Babylon, the limb of Remegeton who lives an immortal life and the commander of demons. He took the heart of Dantalion, one of them, and used it in this magic circle. And the power of this heart will bring Rylakan back to life.”

At the same time as he said that, a red wave rose from his heart and spread underneath it.

Then, red energy stretched out to the sky and the door to the tomb opened.

By the way,

[Finally found.]

An ominous voice echoed from below, and a black grip reached out and grabbed his heart.

[Here you are.]

* * *

‘What, what is this? Why is the devil popping up here?’

After Eltihy explains how and why this tomb was built, it is normal for the tomb door to open and Rylakan to come out of it.

Because that’s a scene I’ve seen in hundreds of plays.

But for the first time, something happened that shouldn’t have happened.



Aren’t the demons appearing in large numbers at Rylakan’s tomb?

“Oh, the devil!”

“Stop it!”

The panicked knights drew their swords and fought the crowding demons, and Eltihi trembled with laughter coming from the hem.

It soon emerged as a huge body with two long black horns like a bull.

“Eltihi. Continent witch. You came just fine.”

“Are you… Dantalion? How did you get here!?”

“Heh heh. 300 years ago, I have never forgotten. Today, I will burn all of you to death!”

Babylon, who is said to be their chief among the great devils!

Dantalion, called the fire demon, appears here!

‘Why the hell is he here…’

No matter how difficult it is, there is no way he will ever appear here.

And yet, the guy showed up here.

To kill all of this and me!


A considerable body reaching 20m in height.

Even a greatsword that suits his body.

Every time he swung his sword, all sides were engulfed in flames, and the knights fighting the demons screamed and turned to charcoal.


Eltihi was also pushed far away by the flames from his mouth and the greatsword.


Without missing the momentary gap, Levanos jumped up and attacked the loophole, but-.

“It tickles.”

Dantalion slammed Levanos lightly with his fingers and slammed him into the wall.


My subordinates rushed to my side and stopped the demons from coming.

But they knew too.

That there would be no use trying to stop the demons here for a hundred days.

In the end, the only way to overcome this difficulty was to defeat that gigantic demon.

And that was something Karman knew too.


Karman, who is said to be the strongest in the existing continent.

Finally he drew his sword from his waistband and leapt at Dantalion.

As Karman flew up into the air and swung his long sword in a straight line,


A sword strike was born from that huge body and cut down Dantalion as it was.


As expected of the continent’s strongest man, Karman’s terrifying blow made Dantalion stumble.

Karman didn’t miss the opportunity and swung his sword continuously, randomly cutting Dantalion’s body apart.

Could it be that Karman can defeat that Dantalion by himself?

The anticipation of …

“It’s quite a human subject. It would have been dangerous if I hadn’t retrieved my heart.”

Dantalion’s wounded body was quickly healed by the flames, and he regained his staggering balance.

“But after all, humans are humans.”

Then, he slashed his sword from top to bottom and collided with Karman.


Karman fell to the floor with a roaring sound from that ignorant force.

And Dantalion did not stop there, but swung his sword from side to side, causing fierce flames.


“Ah, Mr. Aslan!!”

All of my men were swept away by a storm of fire.

Indeed, it was a force worthy of Babylon, the commander of the great demons.

With our strength alone, with this amount of people, we couldn’t come up with a way to defeat Babylon.

“It is you.”

At that moment, I felt a warm gaze on me.

“The Knight of Light that the stupid Rahal chose. You smell a very disgusting light.”

The guy let out a hearty laugh.

“I wonder what kind of expression Rahal will make if you die miserably at my hands. Ha ha ha!”

Dantalion gripped the sword with both hands and lowered the tip.

It would be to tear my body to pieces like this.

“die. But since Rahal is the chosen knight, I will do my best.”

no. Until you really need to do that…


Dantalion slashed down with his two-handed sword and collided with my shield of protection, which was activated instinctively.

Cuckoo coo-!!

The shield of protection was blocking the massive sword of Dantalion, and he blew more power to break through the shield somehow.

As a result, the ground cracked and cracks appeared throughout the tomb.

But the more so,


The damage reflected by my shield only increased.

And it even broke Dantalion’s sword.


In the end, Dantalion, who couldn’t pierce my shield, fell backwards due to the power spreading from within.

And my shield, which lasted more than 15 seconds, also disappeared.

“How the hell…!”

Dantalion, who was slowly rising from his fallen position, looked at his broken sword and said in disbelief.

“You mean no human can stop my power!”

But he did not readily admit defeat.

He shouted, raising the temperature of his body full of flames even hotter.

“Somewhere, stop this hellfire, human!!”

Dantalion discarded his sword and instead ignited a fire hotter than lava with his fists.

It seemed to have the intention of slamming it over my head and exploding me all at once.

‘Should I use the Guardian Shield again?’

Even so, you can only block his attacks, but you will never be able to kill him.


[Frigid Rune]

– The ability of the cold will be used in proportion to the strength of the caster.

Like the fire rune, a cold rune that can be used in proportion to my strength.

It was the Ice Dragon’s ability to freeze anything.

‘It’s a judge’s decision.’

If you die anyway even if you block the attack, and if you die even if you don’t do anything, shouldn’t you try your best?

“Die, Knight of Light!!”

I reached for Dantalion’s fist as it fell overhead.

And the moment our fists touch each other.



I let out the breath I had been holding back.

A cold chill escaped my mouth.

In front of me stood Dantalion, frozen with all the flames in an instant.

It’s like punching me down.

“Oh, it can’t be.”

“What is that…!”

The knights who were fighting the demons were astonished at the majestic and amazing sight, and I was also mesmerized by this huge ice statue that looked like a work of art.

‘Have you done it…?’

right at that moment.

Kwajik-! Quadduk-!

I realize once again today that I shouldn’t say such things.

“Go, dare…!”

The frozen ice cracked and his evil voice leaked out.

Dantalion struggled to break the ice that bound him.

“How dare you be a human!”

The flames are much weaker than before.

cracking voice.

I knew what this meant.

A phenomenon that always appears for boss monsters of the size of Babylon.

A gimmick made by the developers to further annoy the players as the game shouldn’t be too easy to finish.

It was the exact pattern.

‘Fuck. What more do you want me to do here?’

It’s true that he’s weak, but befitting the name of the outburst pattern, he fights by squeezing out everything he really has, so even brushing against his attack was fatal.

However, it was only for a moment that he was outraged.

Chow ah-!!

Something enveloped in blue light surged up, cutting from the bottom of his legs to the top of his head.

“100 million······.”

Dantalion knelt down to the point of futility at that fast swordsmanship that the eyes could not bear to follow.

He pointed to the man standing in front of him.

“You, you…”

“I thought I killed him 300 years ago, but he makes me do it again.”

He cut open Dantalion’s body, took out the thumping heart inside of him, and tossed it to the ground. Then Dantalion screamed and his body melted away.

“The moment of death is the same as then. Let’s not see each other again.”

I looked at the man who ended Dantalion’s life in one breath.

Blue hair and a face like a son of a noble family.

He was the mightiest man on this continent, Ryla Khan.

“That, that person can’t be…”

“Ra, Rylakan!”

When Dantalion died, the demons also disappeared.

The knights approached Rylakan, who slowly descended to the ground, emitting blue light.

However, his gaze was directed not at his descendants, but at me.

“sorry. It looks like you were trying to put an end to it, but I took the honor away from you.”

He politely apologized to me, then slightly frowned.

“This is the first time.”

Then he came closer to me and said.

“Even 300 years ago, among all beings, no one could stand against me. But you are different.”

It was a completely different eyes from the Ryla Khan I had encountered so far.

“A human with the power to kill me… what is your name?”

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