0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 107

“This is the holy water of the famous Aslan.”

“That’s right.”

There is a rumor that holy water flows like a well in Eli Kingdom.

Of course, people didn’t believe it until they saw it with their own two eyes.

The same goes for Pope Rehenna.

I know that it is not easy to make holy water even with my own divine power, but how can holy water flow like a well?

By the way,

“The rumors were true.”

Rehenna and all the paladins who followed her could not hide their surprise.

As if he had been waiting for this day, Aaron proudly stepped out in front of them.

“I absolutely do not doubt the holy power of the church, but this holy water is of a much higher quality than the holy water from the church, and its depth is different.”

“Hmm. No matter how much, comparing it to the holy water produced by the church is…”

“Why don’t you try to judge that for yourself?”

Eileen, the commander of the Holy Knights under Rehenna’s direct command, took a sip of the holy water Aaron gave her.


Her eyes, which had been filled with doubt, flashed open.

“This, this is…”

Seeing such a reaction, even the Pope could not stand still.

She, too, drank the holy water slowly.


Rehenna looked at the bottle of holy water with a startled face as much as Eileen.

“How is it?”

“I can feel it. The powerful holy power contained in this water. This is the best holy water I have ever tasted in the church.”

“ha ha ha! Didn’t I tell you? There is nothing better than this than any holy water.”

Aaron’s shoulders were stretched out, and the bridge of his nose did not know how high it was in the sky.

“It is a holy water made by the king of Eli Kingdom. He even received the mark of light, the prophesied hero who will save this continent! Of course, the quality of the holy water he made must be good.”

There was nothing to refute Aaron’s words.

Aslan, as everyone here has seen, is a person chosen by the light.

As the prophecy had only come down from the church, Aslan received the token to save this continent.

But Rehenna kept repeating what she heard from Aslan yesterday in her head.

‘Rahal did not choose, Aslan made the choice-‘

He has no respect for Rahal.

Light also does not worship.

I could tell just by looking at his arrogance.

Aslan does not worship anyone.

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Just believe in your own strength.

Even after receiving the glorious mark of light, instead of being happy, he had an expression of annoyance.

What the hell is Aslan?

Why did Rahal choose him?

“Now, this is a present for you. Take a sip of this holy water whenever you have a hard time, a sad day, or a happy day. It has the power to heal the wounds of the heart and multiply joy.”

“Oh oh. This precious thing…”

“Thank you, Lord Aaron!”

The Paladins could not hide their joy as they received the holy water distributed by Aaron.

“If you ever need more holy water, come to Eli Kingdom anytime. Since Aslan received the Mark of the Light, are the Church and our kingdom one? hahahaha.”

“You are right. We have been waiting for the hero Rahal prophesied.”

“King Aslan proved himself as a knight of light, so we must follow him.”

“The Church will be loyal to him!”

Then Aaron handed out another bottle of holy water with a moved face.

“now. Grab one more. We will fill it up without any deficiency.”

It seemed like I was watching a detective duck giving a bribe, but… The pope swallowed it hard.

And she, too, subtly took the holy water Aaron gave her.

Aaron gave two bottles each to the others, but gave the pope three bottles on purpose.

Then, secretly, he blinked one eye and walked over.


The Pope received another holy water and secretly hid it in his bosom.

* * *

‘This is nonsense.’

I rubbed my eyes once again and checked the quest window.

[I will become the sky]

– Become the king of the celestial world in place of Rahal.

– The game ends the moment you annihilate all the techinas and become the king of the celestial world.

‘What the hell is this?’

I’ve never received a quest like this before.

Like the quest to become the king of demons, and this too.

Why the hell do these hidden quests exist?

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Just save the continent according to the game story, and then quickly finish it!

“How can I become the king of heaven?”

Would the people of the celestial world just stand by and watch it?

That Rahal and those crazy about the light?

‘It’s getting more and more taesan. It’s Taesan’

It was wrong to receive the Token of Light.

Originally, the Token of Light was something that could only be received by Alexander, but how could I be fine even after receiving it?

‘I heard that no one received the Token of Light.’

Even in the community, I had never seen anyone receive the Token of Light.

That said, this is also my first time…

‘Is this good or bad?’

Should I say it’s bad because I got what Alexander deserved and the story got twisted?

“Even so-”

got one

[Token of Light]

– A mark that only those chosen by the light can receive.

– Absorbs 100% of dark property damage once and defends it.

Up to this point, the options for the original Token of Light.


-You can move between spaces once a day. When using Space Teleport, the Token of Light is activated.

That would be its biggest advantage.

What a space move!

In a word, I can move anywhere I want.

Usually, to use something like space movement, you have to move with teleport magic, but the light mark has this option.

‘This is a really good skill.’

Of course, the fact that I can only use it once a day is a flaw, but it was a great advantage to be able to move anywhere I wanted.

‘By the way, what else does it mean that the Token of Light is activated when using Space Teleport?’

When you’re outside alone like that, getting some fresh air.

“My king.”

I turned my head at someone’s call.

There was the Pope, with skin like white jade and surrounded by holy light.

“Meet the hero of light.”

Rehenna was very polite to me.

The Paladins behind him also bowed down as if their heads were about to touch the ground.

“Have you not returned to the church yet?”

“Do you want me to go back soon?”

“If the pope is absent from the church for a long time, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.”


Did you notice that my words have bones?

Although I received the Mark of Light and became a hero, that doesn’t mean everyone in the Church acknowledges me.

Right now, even for Alexander, the bug-like people in the church did not acknowledge him as a hero until the end and persecuted him, so would it be any different than me?

“Do you not believe in the elders and priests who are loyal to the church?”

“Yes. Are they really like those who exist for Rahal and the Church? The church has long since rotted away. They are only following their own interests, not the sky and the people.”

“I will try to persuade them well. so they can follow you.”

“It doesn’t have to be hard. Those who will follow will follow anyway, and those who will deny me will deny. Just cut off those rotten branches.”

The good thing about having the Token of Light is that the Church empowers you.

Of course, not all elders, elders, and priests in the church follow me.

But since the Pope supports me, they are forced to give me their strength.

“Rahal told us to embrace everyone with light.”

“Do I look like someone who follows Rahal’s words?”

“But you were chosen by the light…”

“Once again, I was not chosen by anyone. It’s just what I chose.”

Rehenna had a confused face.

Looking at that face, the bravado that had changed to the point of becoming a king burned even more hotly.

“If you’re only supporting me for the token of light, you’d better stop. I am not Rahal’s pawn as you think.”


It was when there was such an awkward silence.

“Meet the great King!”

A knight hurriedly ran up and told me.

“An urgent scorpion has arrived from the Mann Kingdom. It is said that the kingdom of Mann is currently under siege and under attack by an army of demons! So we urgently requested reinforcements there.”

Regena said at the report.

“An army of demons? Wouldn’t that be a big deal if true? However, if that many demons have appeared, the first thing to do is to ask the church for help…”

“Rehenna. Do you know how many demon legions have appeared recently?”

“Yes? that’s······. I have never heard of it properly.”

“I thought so.”

In the church, there are already those who communicate with the devil.

And it was clear that they were covering the Pope’s eyes and ears.

“Even if demons appear in the church, they rather ignore them. That means they are allied with the devil.”

“Oh, that can’t be! Don’t belittle the religious people so much!”

“······Rehenna. Do you want to see the truth?”

I reached out to Rehenna.

“Take this hand.”

Rehenna’s face suddenly turned red.

“Then I will show you the truth you want to avoid.”

* * *

The kingdom of swords ‘Mann’.

Demons were gathered all around Regel Castle, where the King of Mann Kingdom and the main army were located.

“like this······. Is our kingdom perishing?”

“It is over. How the hell are you going to stop them?”

“Damn it. If only I had magical powers-“

The voices of the soldiers guarding the wall reached Krael’s ears.

But you can’t run up and yell at those who dare to say such things.

The morale of the knights was already going down, and there was no hope for Krael either.

“Crael. After all, it must be difficult to expect reinforcements, right?”

“・・・・・Sounds natural.”

Even when the demons first appeared, Krael thought they would be able to subdue them quickly. But when the number increases and reaches an unmanageable level.

He had requested reinforcements from the church first.

But the church was silent.

The other kingdoms also did not pretend to hear Mann’s request for help.

So, with the feeling of grabbing at least the last straw, the place where he sent a request for support was the Kingdom of Eli.

“Even if they send reinforcements from there, it will take some time. You can’t come right now.”

Even if Eli Kingdom sent an army, by the time they arrived, Mann Kingdom would have already been trampled by demons and disappeared.

“And isn’t there any reason for Eli Kingdom to help us?”

It’s a place where it’s already crashed several times.

It seemed difficult to ask for help because the relationship between the two factions was not good.

“Then, like a knight, we can meet our end here.”


At Rayer’s words, Krael nodded and drew his sword.

“All troops-!”

The moment he tried to raise his voice to somehow raise the morale of the soldiers.


something fell from the sky

no. To be precise, a pillar filled with brilliant light descended from the sky and stuck into the ground.


The demons screamed and struggled at the holy light, and did not dare to approach it.

“I-what is that?”

The knights guarding the castle wall murmured.

Krael also focused his eyes on the light.

and there,


A person wearing armor of dazzling light walked out, flapping a golden cloak.

An elegant, unwavering gait.

Arrogant, but dignified head and eyes.

As soon as he saw that, Krael exploded his flagship.

“Ah, Aslan!?”

Aslan, the king of the Kingdom of Eli, appeared among the many demons that dyed the plain black.

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