Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 107.

"Xiaomai is really very cute." The red paver pulled the opposite "people", and the two children who showed off their own family have more cute.

A male and a woman opposite, two people listened, they were stunned.

"Cough, Red Mr.," The man took advantage of the red gear of the red, "I have to transfer the topic." You find us today, is there anything? "

It's always not to show off you two children ... and then say it, do you have a cute? My sister is beautiful, singing is still very good, the world's billion fans!

"Almost forgot, this is given to you." The red is pulled out from the dark, handed it to the woman, which is the world's singing Maya. "I hope you can help me."

Macago brother who is ignored aside: "..."

Maya took the paper and looked up: "This is ..."

"I need you in a suitable time, use it." The red smile looked at Mayan, and he was ignored by a sister next to it.

"When is it right?" Maya did not understand what he meant.

"That is when people need to be light ..." The red explained, "You are also careful recently.

There is a can't wake up. Since you have decided to stay in the earth, you need to prepare, and face it with people. "

"A terrible guy?" Maya's brother, Evan looked at the red, "The earth is so dangerous?"

The red premise, he smiled: "I want to run, late. You have been completely integrated with this body, use people's body, don't repay people, still want to run?"

Ai Wen's body is also a body that has just been dead, or is a red hand to help him arrange.

Yes, after that, he found two people, especially found Mayan. Because Mayan's song is very infectious, it is also a plan of the plan.

Maya is habits that these two are mute from time to time. Accurately, it is the ridicule of the red to Evan.

As for the reason, it is because when the red saga is blowing, Avin plies a "my sister's most cute", it is successful to be in full swing ...

I really didn't expect this darkness of this darkness. Maya: "..." Forget it, look at the power of force, or you have your brother :)

After Maya and her brother left, there was a red in the room.

After a while, the raccoon cat came in and sent him a new wine.

"Adult, TPC is still looking for Tongye."

The red pangle: "They can't catch the little pastoral.

It is better to say what you plan.

The guy is about to wake up, what do you plan? "

The civet cat moves, put down the wine outside the hand, the hands in the sleepers, say: "We have a group of poor monsters, because the human era is coming, democulism, escape, now it is only able to delay, Hiding in the crowd or in the dark.

But in addition to this earth, there is no other place where you can go. "

I nodded: "I know."

"Say, adults know how superior people are dying?"

"I listened to Joe Lei, because of the wake up of the dark domain, there is no way to defend the giant's human beings, and ultimately leads to death."

"Then you know why giants leave?"

The red scripture will go to the mouth, look at the raccoon cat, and the eyes are slightly smashed: "Because Qigela is open, people are addicted to the beautiful dreams, choose to ushered in the end of the dream ...

Qi Jie is open? "

"Yes, there is already a demon tricks." The raccoon cat was blocked, looking at the wine altar on the table.

"The monster can not be avoided?"

"This is the last kindness of the earth, let the soul make a choice, sleep in a beautiful dream, or leave the dream, facing the desperate reality." The tone of the raccoon is a bit complicated, "It's a kind mother."

The red is full of smiles: "Beautiful dreams? It is obviously giving up resistance.

The real option is to give up resistance, obey death, or fight against the end. "

"You are right." The raccoon cat also agrees with his statement, "our monster, some resistance to this pollen, just don't know how this man will choose this."

The red is very confident to humans because he still remembers Dijia's ending.

Human use hopes and light, defeating the ultimate darkness, so the weakness of the dark partner is light and hope.

What he has to do is to help Diga, awaken the light in the human heart.

Light ... youth touch your chest, don't know if he will ...

"Human will be awake." The red plaque, converges the confused confused, "human beings have light, it is the light that even the dark domain can overcome."

"Adults think that the earth will spend the last ruil this time?" The civet cat finally asked what he would wish.

"Of course," the red looked at it, showing a mad smirk, "The end of the game has been laid!"

Chapter 91 Arrival Luli

In the red tone, with absolute conceivements, we will succeed.

The raccoon cat is respectful: "Yes, I know it."

The raccoon is respectful to retreat. It has been achieved.

These monsters are reluctant to retreat, then, I hope that I will press two people.

Diji is one, but the red is the biggest hope.


Just like it is a civet cat, the next week, the knotted landing land will continue to be all over the world, and after a certain day, the pollen of Qi Li was finally spread all over the world.

In the street, there are people who have been in a beautiful dream.

They all have false laughs, can't extricate themselves in the dreams that I want to see.

In a crazy population, only young people cover the nose, and the pollen that is neatly pulled is uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect it, there will be such a existence in the earth." A man's voice suddenly came from him.

The red is turned, and the man wearing a blue dress: "Super ancient human beings?"

The familiar artificial light, as well as the rich gathered flowers in his body.

"Yes, the dark, you are good." The man greeted him, "My name is Luke, the human being left in the ancient age."

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