The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Ship Men's Crossing Cap 458

In the Singapore area, the 50,000 lancing of the whole premises is in the face of the border, flooding into Malaysia. And in Gariimantan, a similar situation also happened. In the South Avian troops, the war before the war is: forward, forward, before, after seeing the South China Sea, give me left move, until the Japanese army "Song". And Japan also dispatched a 30,000 army to sweeping the Northeast of Gariimantan Island, grabbing the site.

Only one week, Japan and Lanfang's "coalition", occupying all the sites, including Brunei, including Brunei, directly scoring all the land on the island. Malaysia in the new foundation is very weak here, and the biggest loss in the war here is not a fight sacrifice, but a hateful tropical disease. At this point, Brunei is marked by the British in Malaysia in Malaysia in Malaysia, but in the end, it is cheaper.

Lanfangjun's own military operations in Malay Peninsula are also very smooth. Male people have accepted American equipment. But there is a weapon that does not mean fighting. They just found them, the organization organized is just "armed civilians". There is a large number of veterans who have participated in a year war in the army of Lanfang, and it is carefully prepared for many years. The Malay army is touched, and the land is also a lot of loss.

While Nanfangjun entered the army, the Japanese Navy also dispatched at the same time, and on some port cities on the south side of Malay Peninsula, they grabbed the land.

The whole war, China and Japan added only 101 people, of which 62 were died of tropical disease, and the real battlefield casualties were very small. In front of the two coalitions, the Malay of Malays is easily destroyed like paper passers.

The war is over two weeks.

Chapter 3 Lanfang Imperialism

Because the two eating is too ugly, even the four European major rogue countries that are wearing a trousers in Lan Hua, then they have to stand up, and they will blame Langfang, and then they have said. Not "economic sanctions.

In the Malay Peninsula, Yinglin Han, in the past, a large number of land that was drawn to Malay, and after the war, he saved the local indigenous resident by Lin Han. Then, these indigenous tribes, with the help of Japanese and Lanfang, "announced the founding". In this process, Singapore is more in the direction of the Malay Peninsula, and the country will advance the country in the west of more than 100 kilometers. I ate the land of 20,000 square kilometers, the entire Johor area is almost all overcome into the South China Republic - the area of ​​Malay Peninsula, Malaysia plus Singapore, but it is just 230,000 square kilometers.

In addition, the two still breathe here in the Malay Peninsula, with the local indigenous residents as "spokesperson", hit the "national independence" banner, one breath supports the whole four "new countries", and these four Country, the territory is 10,000 to 15,000 square kilometers. - The original plan is to support ten, and later think about this nose small country is too small, there will be problems, and finally merge, integration Four "new countries".

The West Mallasia in the Malay Peninsula, the national area is not a 120,000 square kilometers, and the two of the two dozen cutting meat are lost close to the country of 80,000 square kilometers.

If it is said on the Malay Peninsula, Japan and Lan Hua also left a half-disabled body to Malays, then in Garyana, the two eating is difficult to see unbearable destination.

Different from history, this place, the British in order to sickly, when I gave up the Malay Peninsula and Garimantane, I deliberately made all the sites, all integrated into a country: West Malaysia, Sarawakizi, Sabah The continents, as well as the four parts of the Tolitail, which are swallowed by the British in Sabah.

At that time, the idea of ​​the British was "cheerful enough" to make this Establishing Maessian Kingdom, so that it can be used in Lan Hua, Japan forms triangle balance here.

Later, Rahman cited the United States forces, the British acquirted Lanfang and Japan's handshake on Massia, but only asked the two countries to "gently hit", cut out several "indigenous countries" to build a state. Who knows that Langfang and Japanese are not faceless, and I promised to beat it softly. In fact, it is a heavy punch. The script that is "smashed", turned into a big big foot. Dismember.

(Note: In history, the Malaysia in the 21st century, its establishment is this: August 31, 1957, the League President Donggu Amanda announced that Malaya was independent. In 1963, Malaya In Singapore, Sabah and Sarawi consistently formed Malaysia Federation. In August 1965, Singapore exited Malaysia Federation. Malaysia In order to facilitate local Chinese, it can be embarrassing.)

Lanfang and Japanese two have not intended to leave a half soup for Malays from the beginning. The Sabah, the Northeast of East Malaysia, who used to give up the Nordic Indonesia in the British, and was eaten by the Japanese. After eating, under the bayonet of the Japanese, Sabah announced that it is from the Republic of Malaysia, "independence" is the country - of course, this Sabah, just like a false man, is Japan.

And the largest Sarawak Vietnami, Lan Hua is also swallowed in a hurry. After the event, Lin Han left the most essential part, in addition to cutting the land of 50,000 square kilometers, giving four indigenous earth power to him, "Building a country" "Ticket" He occupied the land of 50,000 square kilometers, leaving it to Malay and Indians.

At this time, the population of the Malays in Garim Mann, there is only two million people. After occupying the local area, Lin Han is very shameless to implement the policy of "people walk", "pang and village", and directly drive the local non-Chinese to two or two gatherings. Let them "independently". Even if it is the founding of the country, under the Directive of Lin Han, these two newly established "new countries" are also mutually unborn, and even have no okay, all sides are all surrounded by the Japanese control area and the Lanfang control area. If you want to get a good assistance. The meaning of their existence is just a "buffer" of Japan and Lanfang.

For this buffer, Japan and Langfang gave up some "old" territory "Teng" to Malay. It is difficult to use shameless. To this end, even the new China is strictly criticized by Lanfang's imperialist act, but this time Lin Han is my best, the banner of his horses is: for the original indigenous of Galiman, strive for national independence. Among the local two million males, only the women who are willing to give up the original religion, believe in Xuanwu, and can give the Lin Han contribute to the power of the Chinese women who are willing to marry the Chinese women are allowed to stay. The original accommodation, but these personnel have been educated by special "Huahuan".

The original indigenous residents of Gariiman Dien, in Lin Han, constantly "jumping the gods" in Lin Han, and even have a fanatical point in the active pursuit of "Chinese". In the action of driving the Malays, their approach is even a voluntary "emergency front".

Then, in order to create more "ASEAN Tickets" in the future, Lan Hua and Japan have supported five "independent" "independent" "independent" "independent" "" nose "" dominant "dominated by the original indigenous residents on the original indigenous residents. .

Poor Malaysia, less than four months after the founding of the People's Republic of China, will suffer a "land loss" of terror.

Lin Han hooked the Japanese in this big meal in the Malay area, and it is difficult to see it. After this dinner, the Malay of the Malaysia is in the eyes of Southeast Asia.

Those who want to independently leave the British ruled, I think of the blood of the Chinese people who have been contaminated with their own hands, and look at the terrible Lanhua Republic of Lanhua in the independent issue, and suddenly there are many. The British took the opportunity to maintain the defense of the rule of the rule of Lanhua and Japan.

The consequence of this is that the British's colonial rule has been maintained until the end of the 1970s. After the British realizes the cost of the old colonial means, it is not willing to give up the rest of the Indonesian part. .

At the time of Indonesia's "independence", the British played another trick, in Several big islands in Indonesia, and left cut right, hard to divide several countries. These separate countries, each of them can't fight against the "evil Chinese" and "more evil Japanese", have to continue to protect the British legs after independence.

The fourth chapter of the Malay ending and the death of Stalin

Among the two-day feast of the mid-Japan, there is also a "guest" also joined this big meal.

That is Thailand in northern Malaysia.

At the beginning of the Malay of the Malay, Lanfang and Japan sent a secrets that secretly pleaded Thailand and discuss the details of "melons".

The King Thailand can't resist the temptation of opening up the country.

After the horse war broke out, after seeing this "New Country" fragile performance, the King Thailand has put all the hesitation, and the promotion will enter the province in the northwest of Malaysia, and easily occupy the province. . In addition, Thailand's strength "weak" Navy, also dispatched at this time, captured the sea of ​​Luofu Yi Island (ie, Ling Jiawei) at sea.

"When we and Japan, when the Japan was clamped to Malaysia, Thailand's rogue came over to pinch his mouth and came to a fire!"

Afterwards, Lin Han is so shamelessly evaluated this "Three Kingdoms" action.

The Lanhua Republic of Malaysia is known as the war of "beat the child". The war is basically over two weeks, and the remaining time is still "negotiation", "threat", "yield" "garbage" time. In the case of no one, the first prime minister in Malaysia, Rahman ultimately only humiliates the reality of the default.

And the unlucky child with Malay is awarded, and the Sany, Japan, Thailand, who have achieved the benefits in this, is equal to all the people, and have a "common topic" in many places.

Although the British is angryland and Japan does not follow the script, they are being focused on the problem of India, and they are not always looking at the branches of the branches. They can only look at Malaysia to tear them into pieces of Malaysia. As for Americans, although they want to give Ma Asia more help, the Pacific Ocean is too wide. I saw two fierce responses in this matter in Lan (middle) day, President Allowed It is not a tasty to shrink, except for the misfortune of Malay and the actions of Lan Japan, other effective actions will never have any other effective actions.

In October 1958, when Lin Han was extremely ugly attitude, when the Japanese people missed the new Malaysian Kingdom, the Soviet Union did not make too fierce response, because this time the Soviet Union should pick it up.

Just 20, Stalin died.

Compared to history of his mysterious death in 1953, there was no more than four years of hardships for more than four years, and smoking in advance, he cared for the body, and he lived more than five years.

In the case of choosing the heir, Stalin finally listened to Lin Han's opinion. He chose mediocre Malinkov served as his heir, Intishan's Jianyi. After 1955, he felt that his body was bad, "pretend" to return The second line, let Marionkov become the leader of the Soviet Union, and he is behind the scene "Belt" him.

In the first three years of declaring retreat in 1955, Stalin conducted a second large cleaning in the Soviet Union, a large number of senior officials of the Soviet Union were generally held by him ten years ago, which also included Herrushchev.

In this process, the requirements of Izhalin, when Qiqi Sharlin's people were arrested, and they constantly came to seek love, "saving", some Stalin did not want to kill.

Stalin played the trick, not a political means of the dictators. Taking the character of Stalin, although he is not afraid of himself, he is a whip corpse, but as his body is gradually old, people's ideas will always change, and they always hope that they can have a "ending ending".

In addition, Stalin is also a matter of the Soviet Politburion before death: abolishing the leadership for lifting system, and formulates the highest term for the 12th year.

On October 20, 1958, Stalin was born in his own bedroom because of his brain hemorrhage, and after the Queen of the Emperor, Malinkov was launched.

For the "mediocrity" of Malinkov, the Slin is dead, and the "age" in the Soviet Branch is enough. It is possible to give "trouble" to Marlinkov after him. The means, forcibly putting the upper layer of the Soviet Union to "year".

So after Marionkov came to the stage, in addition to a few people such as him and Morotov, the Soviet Union was about 50 years old, just raised "new faces".

Malinkov officially launched the Secrets of the Sushu, the secret of the death before the death, began to "amnesty" world, released a group of half years ago, Slin deliberately arrest the "innocent", actually, is gathered for himself.

Dressed up with a black face, a good person singing a red face, Malinkov relatively mediocre "286", finally completed the success of the Soviet Union.

As for Yeltsin and the map head Gorbacouv, this two people didn't kill them. Not because they are still the cause of the child, but Stalin understands that this is meaningless. The enemy who disappears is more terrible than the enemy that has exposed. The two people left better.

In the process of change in the Soviet Union Bureau, Katsuau has still maintained a supernatural position in the Soviet Unicorn. She does not directly hold, but who is going to go to the stage to get her noddler support. When Salillin was in front of Stalin, Katoha was just a beautiful statue in the Soviet Union. It used the existence of "legitimacy" to the Dalin's ruling, and Kaqi Sha is also very smart and knows that he can't fight with this tyrant.

In the idea of ​​Stalin, there is a presence of Katoha. When it is necessary to prevent the Soviet Union, there will be more guarantees, this is his idea, in fact, some people in the east.

Invoking, this is the starting point of Slin Given the superbulk status of Katoha.

Political teachion.

After the sacred shock, this is another big retrogression that Lin Han brought to this world. However, over time, the top of the Soviet Unicamed Leadership is old, dead, change, and the warship, this is not old, the existence, sooner or later, with time, get more and more "sacred" The status, the influence of the country will be larger.

From the news from the Soviet Union, Lin Han learned that before Stalin's death, the only regret was that the final ending of "that and his similar people" cannot be seen. Because the Soviet Union is busy to work on the post, such a big event, the "tragedy" of the "Malaysia" in Southeast Asia, "Malaysia", the "tragedy" of the imperialist Lanhua, and the Soviet Union also interfere.

War movie and war

The new China's movie is going to talk from the 1935 Battle of the People's Republic.

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