The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 442

Not only the people go on the streets, even if the workers of all major shipyards, they also organized the strike action, requiring Dewey to stop this "The War of the Hope of the Hope".

Inside the US government, the SECRET also has the recommendations of "Anti-War and Talk" and will have obtained most support in Congress.

At this time, even the President Dewey is tough, this war can't be played.

On December 1, 1946, the US government issued a statement that agreed to the Eurasian coalition to start talking, and quickly got a response to the other party. Prior to this, both sides were actually secretly embarked in private.

On the third day of December, the two sides of the war announced that the British Greenwich Time was zero in the early morning of December 4, and both parties entered a full ceasefire state.

On Friday, the two sides announced peace negotiations in Switzerland in Europe.

After Christmas, I was prepared by the 1947, after preparing, the US representative flew through the Atlantic Ocean, entered the Europe, and then turned Switzerland Geneva, starting a long "Peace Negotiation".

The negotiations have been continued until the end of May, in May.

The focus of the debate is nothing more than two places: First, the United States "Protection" Philippines issue, the second is Hawaii problem, and the latter is the main reason for negotiations until April.

The Hawaiian Islands is the United States to expand their forces to bridgehead in Asia and Oceania. Whether it is Japan, the United Kingdom, and even China, I don't want to see the "hand" of the United States to reach the West Pacific.

When Geneva negotiated, three resolutely refused to return to Hawaii and repeatedly asked Hawaii "permanent neutral". In this issue, Germany and the Soviet Union also support three Chinese and English days. Five claims that Hawaii is the use of illegal means from the United States, and now I will give up.

President Dewey did not want to become the first US president in the United States, the United States, the US President of the Treaty Treaty, and died on this issue.

The negotiations are so stissible and will fall into the edge of the rupture.

However, in April, the United States has an unexpected event, and the process of negotiation is changed.

On April 13th, the maintenance of the traffic maintenance in the San Francisco Port of the United States was ordered to follow the fourth fleet to dispatch, and head to the Auxin Islands to perform the command of the replacement of the frontline warship. I don't know how to set off a rumor in the fleet, claiming that this replacement command is fake, the real order is the President Dewey ordered the navy attack, and the Navy is required to "decisive" in the Pacific coalition army, in exchange for opponents Geneva concessions.

It has been aware of a few fashionable casualties than the US Navy who breaks the gallbladder, refuses to implement this "Dram Ordered" - Although this is actually a non-critical rumor, but the heart of the US Navy, at this time The courage of the "Diamond Ministry" has been lost.

Then they changed.

The whole fleet, first by the midway aircraft carrier refused to ship executive command, after the news was transmitted, the water soldiers around the surrounding aircraft carrier and frigate were also following the response.

The situation is, the larger, the fourth fleet of the final holiday is completely in the port of San Francisco. Although the Naval Military Affairs Office disposal of the gendarmerie and the Marine Corps, it prevents the further expansion of the situation, but the will of the fourth fleet lost the will have to recognize the facts.

The "Fourth Fleet" Let the Americans not only think of Germany at the end of the battle, but at that time, the Dehuangqiang made the navy attack, resulting in the uprising of the Kilshield. Some Lenovo's rich Americans even thought together with this incident and the October Revolution of Suo.

At this time, the President of Dewey has long been tortured by internal and external stress, the "fourth fleet" incident is the last straw of the United States.

On May 9th, after a long negotiation, the US representative was signed with the "Geneva Stadope Agreement" with a trembling hand.

According to the requirements of the agreement, the United States is completely abandoned in all interests in Asia and Oceania.

Aura is cut to the Soviet Union.

And Hawaii is out of the United States, becoming a permanent neutral area, and will pay more than the Eurasian Union. As a "response" that guarantees US security. The Eurasian Union promises the area to be permanent in the region, together with the "neutral" and "non-armed" back books from Germany, British, Japan, China and Su Wu.

There are fifty stars on the American Star and stripes, representing the fifty continents of the United States, and the "Geneva Stadope Agreement" is signed, and there is a star of the Stars.

After the agreement was signed, the President Dewey announced resignation, before the resignation, he published a speech of the national, claiming that day, on May 9, the day is not only the US national shame, but also the shame of the whole American people. He claims that this war will be defeated, because all Americans have lost the spirit of the United States, lost their constant progress in the ancestors of May Flowers, and struggles with the sky, fighting with the evil spirits Fighting spirit.

Some America listened to his words, while listening to his speech, crying while But more Americans are excited: "Go to death, war traffickers, military uniforms of the dog", they finally ended the end of "this death war".

Dewey's president has ended his presidential duties in advance, and he gave the departure of the president, and the United States has started a new round of presidential elections in advance. Not expected, this round of the election, the Republican Hou selection is defeated, and Dulun, the Democratic Party's candidates, easily, with absolute majority, becomes the next president of the United States.

The 11th volume of the new era

Chapter 519 Zheng Bark Section

On July 1, 1947, a Soviet fleet headed by a red October, was "friendly" visit in Tianjin Port. In March this year, the Soviet Union finally got long-lasting "Soviet Yingling": Katsuoha's identity of the Soviet Battleship is "now" on the Soviet Battle Ship. At that time, the entire Soviet Union was cheered in order to get their own sense of madness in order to finally "truly".

The Soviet Union of "New Birth", completes all policies that stand on Salin and support Stalin. With the sacred raceline supported by "British", no one can challenge the authority of Stalin in the Soviet party.

In July Asia, two major events have occurred.

The first thing is the most batch of Japanese soldiers, boarding boats in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on July 1st, leaving Taiwan Island. Including the surrounding island, the Diaoyu Islands, the land of Japan from China, which is returned from China. For New China, the Territory lost in the whole day, in addition to the sake of Saulan, the rest of the Soviet Union is all over the Soviet Union, and the remaining is all recovered.

The second big thing is that the new China, the Chairman of Li Yunshi is full of ten sessions on July 1, officially transferring the highest leadership's position to Chairman of Liu Xiu.

The new China leadership team is changing, which is a big thing for the largest neighboring Soviet Union in North China. The Soviet Red Navy of Joining the Eurasian coalition has retained in the Pacific Ocean. Under the order of Stalin, the Soviet Red Navy hit "Celebrate New China's Flag" came to visit China, and it also takes the opportunity to test whether China's foreign policy changes.

The new China's regime is replaced by the five-year system, just in the "five-year construction plan". The new China is established on January 1, 1937, and the National Day is just a New Year's Day. According to the president of Li Yunshi, the Chairman of Li Yunshi should be full of all this year, but because the negotiation of the Pacific War is in a critical stage, in order to prevent people's changes, there is no need to change the situation, and finally decided to drag to July day, the party's day, then carry out the leadership team. Transfer.

Any country's political forces have different mountain factions. The new China is no exception. It has the local school represented by Li Yunshi, and Comrade Wu Hao is a representative white district party. In addition, the Soviet party, and because of forest The "Lin Han Help" born in Han.

In the past ten years, it is the local parties and the Bai District Party Alliance, suppressed "Oceanic Orchanda from the Soviet Union", and Lin Han, headed by Lin Han. Because of its head of Lin Han is a recognized hardcore supporter of Li Yunshi, he is the center of the so-called "Lin Han", which is the greatest supporter and alliance army who is considered local.

After the election, Liu Chairman, who is born in Baicheng District, has become the head of the second leadership team, which is also the result of political compromise between the two parties.

And the biggest difference in history is that now only 1947, Li Yunshi Chairman was only five or four years old. It is the period of the politician's most spring and autumn. Not only him, other leaders, most of them are forty years old, but more than 30 years old, forty-dozens of advanced leaders are also a large piece.

It is because Lin Han has violently sprouts the history. The new China has been born twelve years in advance, so that the leader on the stage, whether it is full of time or new, very young.

For this decade, there have been guidelines for travelers, and the development of all aspects of New China has been smooth. In the past, Hannah, who passed the Dafa Dafa overdraft, in order to resume the economy after the war, and the "add block" to Solin in the east, and the industrial construction of New China is also spared. With the help of the German "sell", now New China, the annual steel yield has become the fifth of the world in Japan. In 1947, the Oriental Red Tank Factory in Maanshan, with the help of German experts, produced the first three-six-ton ​​main battle tank. In addition to the outside tanks, the aviation field is also a result, the Sichuan Chengdu Aircraft Plant also produced the first batch of jet fighters this year. Plus last year, in Aura, Take the US military, the test successfully nuclear explosion of an 80,000-ton-level atomic bomb. In the past ten years, Li Yunshi's governance results are impeccable.

On July 1st, when Tianjin Port and Daughter Li Hua Meng greeted the Comrade of the Soviet Union, Lin Han whispered to the daughter: "What is the price, we will open the new China, let him play in advance 'premature products' It is the same as paying the price. "

After passing, Lin Han has happened after 1950, and he only said the truth to the Chairman of Li Yunshi. In addition to anti-American support, other things are basically closed, and the gold mouth is hard to open.

Li Huamei knows what happens next, she is hesitant to ask Lin Han Road: "Father, do you do it?"

"Why is it bad? New China is a premature baby, which is forced to be ripened by us. When we found the country, there are too many speculators to mix the team. Long March is a seedling machine, the Long March is a steelmaking furnace, but because of me, The fire did not burn the most, the calcination hammer is not enough. This steel has been mixed into too much impurities. In the past ten years, President Li has been dealing with these 'impurities', he has given them a chance, But the effect is not very good ... "

Li Hua was silent.

"About our students, I have reminded you, seriously do things, don't be a real person, don't exother, not big, uncharacted, be a real communist party member, then they can laugh at the end. Otherwise, I will not save them. "

Lin Han said that the newspaper in his hand was smiled and threw it into the border of the side, the newspaper's head version was written this year. It is expected to be completed this year, which will increase by 30% from last year.

At this time, Lin Han knew that history has reached the key turning point.

Some things, crossing the crush history, it is possible to stop it.

But some things, but it is called "There is no new thing under the sun". If the traveler does not specially stop, he will happen to "naturally".

When ancient times, when I got anywhere, I always had a shameless official in the place, got all kinds of "Xiangrui". This kind of trick has undergone countless times in Chinese history.

Lin Han is a lot of Li Huamei: "New China is too young, the old world of the whole world is still too much. We let the new China have been born in advance, so that these thorns are more reserved more than history. This disease Need treatment. He needs a fire, make up the lesson of us, as for the fire of this fire, um, not dead, will not die, will be died by those who actively die. "

Li Hua nodded, said that they understood, and then they would talk again, continue to hide in the corner, and looked at the representative of the Soviet Union.

Everything is not over, everything just started.

Chapter 520

In August, Li Huamei quietly returned to Japan and Lin Han, and met with his own "daughter". Since the signing of a stop in May, Japan's "Gambling Gamble" once again successfully, ending this war with the identity of the victor.

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