The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 402

In the British interference war, the Japanese side took this " " as a reference, and participated in the cofferdam of North China guerrilla. However, the Red Army in this plane is not more than the original historical place, the "foreign eight road" with a large number of advanced weapons, and the Japanese side failed to move in North China and Shandong encirclement.

After the day after the war, the " " of this business will be improved, and after occupying the Philippines, it is more used in the excess of local resistance.

The British passed the British League, and also from the Japanese in his hand, according to the opinions of Altolia, even invited Japanese "anti-guerrilla warfare experts" as a consultant, and will begin next year. Prepare for action.

Altolia Road: "Is it ready for the propaganda department?"

"Already prepared."

Altolia is responsible for the fifth place: "Mr. Rosen, Mr. Rosen, I don't want to hear Gandhi and Nihru's voice, think of letting them take a break. These two guys are now In Kolkata, they are too close to it. "

Rosierd uses a deep-long tone: "I am ready, just wait for your instructions, we can let them rest at any time."

She also looked at the people of the civil affairs department and asked: "Are you ready?"

"Already prepared."

"Well, that's it, we can now enjoy the last few days of Christmas in the last few days!"

Altolia is satisfied with the head, then lifting the red wine glass to the table to seek the eye: "God bless the emperor!"

Other conspiracy at the house, stand up and stand up, highway, "God bless the emperor!"

After the meeting, Altolia sat special for her preparation of bulletproof car, and returned to the local Christian church station under a team of "Holy Warri". Looking at the car in the passerby, Montton's intelligence official said to the fifth place: "Mr. Rosenie, is she really mad?"

Rosierd laughed: "This topic, you shouldn't ask me. Because we are working in the dark, it is the farther away from God. For us in the dark, she recently left us. It is simply the presence of God. "

The Governor is a lot of laughter: "It is also right ..."

Rosenie, who is dealing with Altolia, is very clear about what the plan developed by Altolia is evil. But once successful, for stabilizing the rule of the Empire to India, there is a unusual meaning, but this plan is to be successful, and it is necessary for dozens or even hundreds of millions of bodies.

On December 26, the next day after Christmas, a scene that had never had occurred in Hindu history, is staged in Bahabr.

On this day, the high surnames in Bajabr City, Brahman and Brake Demili, like a crab sold, was tied to a string of rope, mouth with wooden whistle, butt on palm leaves, a team The team was sent to the street tourism.

Some of the streets, mostly men and old women, as for young women, due to their "special value", it is fortunate to escape this humiliation, but their end, it will never be more than being traveled. How much is other people. The soldiers under the hand of the Latani guerrillas, and the woman who scored these high-sized people.

This guerrilla that is introduced to the evil road is corrupted in the first day after entering the big city.

With the highest leader of Latani, Lin Taiping's help in organizational, the adults in the high-ranks in Bajabr City have not been humiliated.

"Dalit, Bahapur, our brothers and sisters! You look at the broken clothes on your body! Look at your hard work, but you can only exchange this tattooed dress!"

"Why do I have a hard life, but I can only use the thick tea to eat. If we have a hard life, you can only use the earthwood to break the house; why we have worked hard, but you can only marry a wife!"

"And those high-profile surnames who are self-cultivated, they don't do anything, but they enjoyed the Chinese service and food, and even unscrupulously insulted us. Everything to take me, do you think this is fair?"

"Yes, some people think of this is very fair, because we have sin, everything you have suffered in this life is to be atone for the sin of the past! For thousands of years, they have been said this."

"But this is the most shameless lie in the world! They are like this to kid us, and our resistance is like this, like this parasitic, it is generally attached to us."

"But this kind of lie is completely ended today! We India People's Communist Party, our army, Dali's army, is the majority of hard-working army. We don't say that there is no cause, we only speak real life! "

The speakers in the Lasi army, ready for the script of Chen Taiping and others, and the people who are in the surrounding people will conduct a revolutionary speech to spread their revolutionary programs.

When the speaker speaks loudly, some people who mixed in the watchman began with echo, and the flock effect of the flock effect shouted with the people around the stage. Then a team of high officials in the city of the team "Hands in the hands of the brade", the head is inserted, and the dead dog is treated to the table, enjoy the people of the people "complaining" and crucifix.

India's class oppression, far more than in China. Although the civilians here are ignorant, some people are really willing to uncover the paper, and the fire of the stars can be used.

Unfortunately, happening in Bahapur, from the beginning, there is a heart that is secretly distorted. Entering Bahapur, not a real revolutionary army, just a revenge army. The revolution is just a means of revenge in their eyes. After entering the city, the women in the high-roaming people have served, which makes it a second Li Zhi.

Chen Taiping took a team of colleagues from Lanfang, in the crowd, and looked at the performance on the stage. Last night, Latani also sent a woman who sent dozens of high officials to wash it on their bed.

Chen Taiping did not refuse, the main reason is that he is very clear. If he does not receive these women, they fall into the people outside, and the end will be even more miserable. For this reason, he also requires other Lanfang colleagues to do not refuse. And about this problem, Lin Han was discussed with him before coming to India.

"Everything that happens here, all like Mr.'s discussion."

Chen Taiping has a secret approach just received, and Lin Han is given to him through the dark line of the case. The secret content tells him that the British will launch a comprehensive attack on Bahabr, at around January 3, and the British army will also shoot.

In detail, he told him the scale of the British military encirclement, the military division and the march route, and gave the corresponding recommendations.

In addition, another requirement is that Chen Taipei will join the Chinese non-combatants in the Latuni army, using this time to withdraw from Bahabr, secret, and the retreat route has been arranged in advance.

From the content of the text, Chen Taiping has sober, January next year, there will be a bloody rain here.

From December 26, in Bahabr, there are a large number of "high-model" people every day, because all kinds of crimes were sacrificed.

Although Latani is a Avengers, there is no crazy to "as long as it is a high surname." However, they are compressing the people, the poor, and there are blood debts in their hands, and they will trial at the fastest way.

Latney knows that he is impossible to wait for a long time in this city, so the trial is very rushing. Basically, as long as it is "the people in anger", "someone complaints", then it is enough to die, the evidence is, it is basically not.

Local officials and Brahmen Temples are the stressed hiking area. Especially the latter, the sacrifices in the temple, what is the monks, basically not add trials. The only hope that these people can survive is that before the execution, the law enforcement will ask about the crowd, "Please find a reason for these people."

Only a few minority is relatively clean, often the "good people" of the poor people around the relief, because the south is left under the knife. For example, there is a hostess that will be held in Brahman's temple. However, there are more than a dozen words he has been adopted in the past, and then he is fortunate to die.

Some people who usually give the people and the sick, relief, and because of the famous sounds.

However, these people who have been to life, accounting for only two0% of the total number of people being arrested, and the remaining all are killed.

Before the arrival of 1945, Bajable City and surrounding, the landlord, the Brahman aristocrat, the brake military police and local officials, black heart lawyers, and all kinds of high-racial members were executed. Most people being executed are male.

During this time, Latani has given these "waiters" property to the lower level of the local slums after taking the things you need.

For the lower level of Bajable City, in 1944, it was a carnival, venting his own anger of the anger that broke down for decades. Under the point of the Latany guerrilla, they rushed into the home of a high-model family, moved away everything they wanted.

Chen Taiping suggested to him: "We must pass this way to our chariot."

Latany feels very reasonable, so I did this. As for the protests and dissatisfaction from the members of the Yin North Print, he did not listen to the heart at all, and he had already seen these guys in his heart.

After taking the city of Bahable, the Latanian guerrilla has controlled the West Benghasia over five points. At this time, he had a regular army of 10,000 people, and 20,000 militia were ten thousand people, ten tanks.

According to the British opinion, Comrade Lanfang and his own "class hatred" reasons, Latani has carried out the most powerful local reform policy in all control areas. The Lati guerrillas are here, the men in the local Brahmen landlord basically die, only women and children have been spared.

The woman was "assigned" guerrillas under the hand, and the land was screened to the local people. After taking the city of Bajabl, it is also a high-rated high surname. Latani is too radical, and the only one oppose that he does only in the Indictive North Republic and the new China, and the Soviet Union has appointed his own revolutionary experience.

Chen Taiping teaches to launch the masses, how to incite the class hatred, how to trial class enemies, but they did not teach him: the revolution is a violent cloud, but the revolution is more ordering. Maintain order, recovery order is the top priority, and revolutionary action has become an unsoliciter and the rogan of the rogue is a big jealousy. The revolutionary army is not disciplined, and after entering the city, he will be a violent in the city, and it should be strictly prohibited.

These most critical things, Chen Taiping Yilin Han's opinion, I am not intentionally taught him.

The age of only twenty-six years old did not know how the land revolution and class struggle would be cruel. Only Chen Taiping, who participated in the China Liberation War in the middle and late stage. At that time, the Red Army had entered the strategic counterattack stage at the time, and he did not experience too many revolutionary bases passive defense and phase. "Red and White" two armies have a cruel scene when the saw.

The next report of the next retaliation and the anti-retaliation will be staged in Bajabur City and its surroundings. People who planned this scene of the future, not to temporarily control all Tatani of Bahabul, but now I am "celebrate" Christmas, Christmas, is now "celebrated" Christmas.

In order to renew the British colonial rule, Altoa prepared this script will be written in the body of millions of people in India, which is millions of people, including all the classes from top to bottom.

Chapter 478 Evil "Arthur King"

What is the key to selling a military to sell the current regime?

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