The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report, Chapter 394

In order to maintain the rule of India, the United Kingdom intentionally cut India very "broken". They established more than 550 soangang in British India. By controlling the upper layer, picking up the contradiction between the religion, there is a contradiction between religion, and is a colonial rule here.

Before the British entered, India (referring to the current Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sikjin) is just a geographical noun, not a country. Even if the British ruled here, British India is also a mixture of nearly a thousand dichroes.

These respective STOs are in the interference of British rulers, in English. However, in fact, it is only a few people who know English in each of the Sibial, and even the so-called "high surname" is basically. The bottom layer of the population is still used, and the dialect of dialects from all over the world is still useful. The language is not a primary problem in India.

After the PLA occupied the five major Dawin, the Pinology of Northeast India, when he used to establish a regime here, it was more complicated to India than expected.

First, the Indian servant, far from China, more than those countries in Europe.

In Chinese history, "Wang Hou will be a kind of" Wang Hou will be in the past two thousand years ago, and the days can't go, and he is a matter of course to be considered by the people. At the Taiping Era, the emperor may be high, but once the day can't go, it is not a way, that is, it is "two people" (Chen Sheng Wu Guang), and then kill the emperor's family after rebellion.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, even the two hundred fools of the whole two hundred fools, but the thoughts of resistance never had extinguished. At 1911, the five or four have burst the wave of "new cultural movement" ideas.

But India has no such tradition. After thousands of years of wonderful Hindu "Repairing students", most Indians think that they can make a good tire in this life.

Secondly, India lasted thousands of years and wonderful names.

Third, the print is a very loose organization. Although it is called the Indian Communist Party, it actually organizes the organization's ingredients extremely complicated, with a lot of factions, although the earliest person in the name (this is the Indian Communist Party) Creative initiatives) guidance, but it is far from comparable to two controls from all local organizations. It is almost zero to the control of the grassroots level.

The reason is like this, there are many reasons. First, India has been constantly being hit by the British colonial government, but it is far from being compared to the harsh situation facing China and the Soviet revolution. The so-called born in sorrow, the most tempering, the hard-working environment, 205,000 miles, plus eight years of hard enemy, and fooled the iron army who was invincible in the future. Compared to the hardships of the Sino-Soviet revolutionary course, the Print was established in 1920, and in 1934, India has been announced by the British colonists as illegal. After the Chinese incident in 1935, the British colonial authorities have increased the fight against the print. However, the British government's control of the British India is not high, and the crackdown is also limited, and it can only suppress its public activities on the surface.

The Chinese parties involved in a sum of the people have reported to the capital: "It is too loose living environment, which makes this organization like a loose small bourgeois club, and the second international statement. Little Buroa (ie, a small bourgeois share), the socialist party did not have two. "

In the past 20 years after the establishment, I only thought about the city workers' movement and through the British struggle to the British "Sheng" regime, the armed struggle never thought, as for the establishment of a rural revolutionary base, it is even more Talk.

When I talked to the print, Lin Han did not politely evaluate them: "For the revolutionary, they even even the alliance in 1910, the transmissive revolutionary blindrists in the light will be better, it is completely Right surrender opportunist. "

By the end of the 1940 War, the form of organized in India was not as good as the country in 1926, and there is no foundation in the middle of the grassroots people, completely like a "small bread club", such a hanging organization, How to be able to serve as the "founding".

At the end of 1940, the new China has long thought of withdrawing the troops from the seventh province in Northeast India, but it is ready to take over, but the root cannot support local regime during this period.

"This is the case, so the Soviet Union has been withdrawn from Afghanistan, and the Afghanistan left in the Afghanistan is general. Now the printed is the foundation that is not helping."

After learning about the situation in Northeast India, Lin Han is so vomiting to Hanna.

Fortunately, there is such troubles more than China. After liberating Pakistan, the Soviet Union is also headache for the establishment of a socialist regime in Pakistan. Their problems are the same as the Chinese side. The grassroots power of these two places is fully controlled by the old Tuke. "Salon", it is difficult to be big.

Although in these two regions, with the help of the two bayonets of the Sino-Soviether, they used the two or three years to barely set up the national architecture. However, both in the middle of the Sino-Soviet, if they immediately dismantled the army announced that this two so-called countries will end the next day.

However, regardless of the heart, it is uncomfortable, such a fight, still have to support it.

In Sibabard and Afghanistan, Stalin's practice is the means for the most like to use: catch the duck on the sedan. Under the bayonet of hundreds of thousands of Soviet Union Red Army, forcibly change the land to the local farmers. In this process, the powerful resistance of the old regime of the local tribe leader, and the Soviet Union also uses the means of Maozi, directly suppressed.

At the end of 1940, the war was over, but the Soviet Union's security war has been in 1943, it has been barely relying on a paragraph. The news from Lin Han is that the Soviets killed the heads there, almost forty thousand people died in these three years. The loss of the Soviet Red Army in the three years has also exceeded a year of war.

Regarding how to deal with the five provinces of Northeast India, the Northeast India (at this time, only the land of the five provinces), there is also a dispute in the middle of the middle.

The earth change is certain, but who is going?

Earth reform must be a strong historical mission to complete this great historical mission. The print of this era is really rotten and paste. It is not possible to implement this task. After the confidentiation for a long time, it finally decided to do itself.

On the issue of establishing a red regime in Northeast India, I talked about this topic with the identity of future people.

"Northeast India is the same as Pakistan. It is a building on the beach. If you don't leverage yourself from the ground, this regime is a rootless duckweed. Once the power stops blood supply, a big wave roll, Soon, I was already shadowless. "

At that time, Lin Han got an example of the Socialist countries in Asia and Eastern Europe in front of the Chairman. The socialist countries established after the World War II, even if the Sixty-generation Soviet Union, Czech, Hungary, and Poland are all "income", which is completely the Sovo bayonet. When I came to the top of the map, Gorbachev came to the stage. After the red flag landed, they did not disconnect it.

Chapter 469, Typical

Others have supported it, not the rivers and hostees she'm, it is difficult to sit.

North Korea and Vietnam, in the process of the founding of the People's Republic of China, although in the process of being inseparable from the help of China's two countries, the political power of the two countries has experienced a long war's temper baptism. Regardless of the nausea of ​​the golden family of later generations, North Korea's predecessor, the party, also participated in the anti-Japanese exercise in Northeast, and many members also participated in China's liberation war, and it is also from the bottom step by step, just in the final stage. I sat in the "elevator" high-speed rising.

As for Vietnam, you don't have to say more, and the War of the French colonists, and the US war, it is also a step by step.

Although the two countries later relations were not good, they even became a white wolf, but their regime has been continuing to the twenty-first century, taking over the Soviet Union, the most dark time in Eastern Europe. The reason is very important, this two countries are from the bottom "long".

Another Socialist country in Europe, in that giant change, although it is finally solved, the main reason is the external powerful interference and military intervention of Nordic.

Phabiting casting brilliant!

Whether it is also a batch of people in the establishment of new China, the early Soviet Red Army is also, so it will become an organization that is a honest, efficient and people-old, is very important, this is the process of birth and growth, experience The tempering of countless pain history.

Comrade that is insufficient, it is difficult to survive in a strong enemy's intensity.

People who will succeed, retreat in a difficult environment, give up, and even rebellious.

The cruel struggle environment is like the most cold and ruthless filter, forcibly will mix a large number of speculators in the revolutionary team, will not be firm, and even the ability of the ability and "luck in good luck".

The big waves are driving in a harsh struggle environment, most people are excellent, and will be determined, and they have a "luck" warrior.

In history, China, Soviet Union, as well as Yugoslavia, has experienced the regime established after long-term war environment filtration. North Korea and Vietnam also have similar experience, so these five countries are the strongest combat power in the red camp.

But India did not have this "suffering calcination".

A large number of revolutionary romantics and speculators are mixed in this political group.

Due to the skepticism of the political capacity, China did not immediately dismount the army after the war, but it was stationed here for three years.

In these three years, China has implemented land modifications in two hundred kilometers of land, Northeast India, near China, and abolished the case system.

But the three feet of the frozen, the cold, which is not a thousand years, is it easy to abolish? Take China's own as an example, there is a new cultural movement for decades of influence, and a series of sports after the liberation, and only the feudal poison is reluctant to clean, but it is relaxed after decades, and all kinds of cattle snake gods Rash.

The reason why the Liberation Area, India, India, is the factor of Lin Han in the factors from the ghosts. Regarding the implementation of local reform and abolition in Northeast India, Lin Han is against opinion. The reason is very simple: to prevent the tragedy of "white eyes" from the monkey, the Chi-North Republic is, the better, the better, the better.

However, the Chinese high-level high-level, obviously impossible for this reason, stops the red banner here. However, Chairman Li has criticized the excessive narrow nationalist thinking of Lin Han, but he accepted the "compromise" program he ranked: 200 kilometers from the Northeast India, from the Chinese people to carry out socialist transformation And the remaining three-minute two, from the people yourself. Lin Han said very nice: The Principal has to go deep into the grassroots level, to build its own grassroots party organization, what is the difference between China? What is the difference between this and ?

The words that Lin Han have not said: Liming Michene, fighting rice fence, and it will be grateful. The rest of the lodging of the British Control area will be more difficult. It is not easy to complete this task as follows. As for the "truly" surname system that is "truly" in the root, it is even more difficult. The previous People's Liberation Army is here to force the problem to solve the problem by bayonet. This gap, most members are all high-model names, they want to give up the benefits of "seed surnames" system, leather their own life, Lin Han does not believe that these people have this courage and will force to implement this policy in the end.

In addition, from the perspective of a human heart, deliberately only thoroughly digest and abolish the surname, will have a "incomplete" "revolution" that is "incomplete", which is the remaining three-year-old area. sharp contrast.

Enjoy the underlying people in the Indian area of ​​the "Thorough Revolution" benefits will always miss the benefits of the People's Liberation Army bring them. The other three-story Industry-North Industry-North People who did not enjoy this thoroughly revolution will expect a day to liberate again, complete their undead career in the year - this is Lin Han to cultivate the future of the future Independence Clouds.

Lin Han's ideas said that it is very simple: I hope that the national regime around China is all the waste regime of the bastard, rather than turning into an efficient and integrity of the real revolution. This set is actually his relish of the US means, essentially in "bit".

With the help of New China, the Prototype has brought the grassroots regime to the local reform and abolishment of the surname system. During this period, the local feudal residual potential is naturally crazy and struggling, and there is also a scene in Pakistan.

By the beginning of 1944, the earth-reform of the five provinces of Industry is basically completed - so it is completed on the "name" for three years. It is really a factor in the production capacity of the proportion of the base. In the first year of the Chinese side, the Chinese side completed the dodge of three minutes and one area within the schedule, and the earthenware of the local reform, also had a large number of Jindian members looked at learning. But the remainder is handled by the print themselves, it is a bad.

The Liberation Army guided the earth-reform, and the project of the primary and the main reform was held in the face of the old force, the sugar-coated cannon bombing, the various means were endless, and the layer resistance, the whole process can be said to be a bad.

In the face of the chaos of these five provinces, they did not have too many intervenes in China, but they did not take advantage of the need for help - mainly from the project.

By 1944, the Liberation Army withdrew from Industry, the print announced the establishment of the Industry-North People's Republic of China, which accounted for the national three-year-second area, a large number of feudal residual forces were kept down, and the earth change Do not completely do it. As for the name of the name, although the name of the name is abolished in the name of the print, it is only a name-free of the stubborn part of the hand, and it is tried to trial for the sins of the crimes. To criticize this sinful system, reveal, smash it, and dig the ancestral grave.

However, this is not full, and it is necessary to completely abolish the "Weiye" to completely abolish the surname system in India, and it is difficult to abolish the feudal ceremony in China.

Although the people are the bottom of the pyramid, it is not the most quantity, and in India is a minority of being oppressed.

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