The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Ship Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 380

Li Hua said that the United States can cultivate 30,000 pilots every year, still intentionally. In fact, the US pilot's cultivation system at World War II can withstand a permanent loss of seven and 80,000 pilots. She did not report this number, I am afraid that those people in the military department are all frightened.

"Boat, boat is the key."

At that time, Li Hua was knocked knocking the map and pulled a line with a pen and made conclusions.

"We need space for larger space. Here, all of the place, all give up. In addition, you have to seek help from German, British and Chinese."

On January 20, 1944, in Umnak Island, the United States dispatched a plane air strike adjacent Andreov Islands, within one day, more than one thousand B17 bomber and other fighters .

At that time, the Japanese were only arranged on these islands and a small number of surveillance troops and a large number of camouflage flying troops. On that day, the Japanese defenders on Andreov, the first time, the world's first industrial powers, and the horror of "violence".

"A large piece of aircraft, aircraft, countless aircraft, black pressure, is generally covered with the sky."

After the war, the residentary Japanese army returned to the upper level was reported.

In addition to the land foundation, Americans are more defeated, dispatched forty escort aircraft carriers, and participated in the cover of the island.

On this day, the Japanese were attacked on the islands that were attacked on the front line, with only three hundred guards, a few battlefield contact, and several submarines that were ready to close.

Only one day, the US military has recovered several people near Alaska, which is not caused by the Japanese army, but is smashed by its own aircraft.

In one and a half months, the US Navy is in the North Pacific, such as broken bamboo, constantly collecting lost land, the Japanese army is almost a tacky, and even endlessly retreat.

The Japanese army will retreat for thousands of kilometers. When I arrived in April, the US Navy has completely recovered the smoothness of Ashili, the operation, and even Americans could not believe.

The advancement of the US military in the North Pacific, far exceeds the official expected, and even if the people of the Navy's Operation Department mistakenly despite the Japanese set, so as to order the Navy of the frontline to temporarily "speed, do a good island chain" Airport construction work, leading to the offensive cycle for a month. Otherwise, Ashishen Islands will be replied to the US military in March.

When the US Navy lost the land in the Peking University, A Tourk Island was easily recovered. The Americans realized that the Japanese really gave up the Auxin Islands.

Before the war, the United States has set up a strict combat plan in the United States, and prepares the Japanese blood to spend. The military even did a good psychological preparation for losing 10,000 aircraft and 30,000 pilots (including air duty).

Then the military's people have considerated the combat plan for half a year, burning countless dollars to transform Alaska into front line base. When they play, the opponent is not willing to fight, and the active giving up.

The Alaska battles last for nearly three months, the US military only killed more than two hundred people (more than 150 people were killed by their own aircraft), lost more than 20 years (all flying accidents), Americans These three months, the biggest loss in the North Pacific, the first is to smash the injury, the second is the disease, the third is the accident.

The result of the result is to recover all the Aleous Islaise, defeat down five, and annihilate more than 300 people. After the war, the islands were checked, and the US military found a large number of camouflage positions and false aircraft models on the island.

After the war, Nimitz reported to the president:

"From the beginning, the Japanese saw our strategic intent."

At this time, he did not recover the joy of the lost land, but it feels huge pressure. Although Nimitz screamed to send Japanese evil spirits to see God, but "God" is the enemy, he is very excited, and spiritual pressure is very large.

In this war, the Japanese took the initiative to avoid his psychological treatment of him, instinctively produced his own bottom card being seen by the other party.

But Dewey is not so thinking, he comforted him: "At least we have proved to the whole United States, the whole world has proven that the evil spirits can be repeated and even defeated."

Dewey's president has been one year, and the US military under his leadership has also eaten a defeated. The war has now been close to two years, and the people have heard, except for failure or fail. The people who have been defeated continuously are limited. For Dewey, I want to play the war, this is definitely not a good sign.

The president of Dewey is coming, he feels good after sitting, but also wants to continue to sit down. In 1944, it was an election year. Dulumen, the Democratic candidate, brought great pressures to Dewey, and he needs a big victory for the votes of the people.

Nimitz successfully recovered Ashishen Islands, which would undoubtedly help President Dewey to alleviate huge pressure.

"Dear Ni Mitz will, you don't have to worry about the war machine of the United States, the United States, has been running at full speed. The Japanese evil spirits are more powerful, but she can't get more warships."

"Japanese people want to do, nothing more than spatial exchanges, so I took the opportunity to attack us."

"Let's tell you a good news last year, two Essex-class aircraft carriers and the last South Dakota-level battleship, which is sinking last year. It is now fully repaired, and you can join your Pacific Fleet."

"Not only that, until today ..."

Dewey smiled and took out a list and placed in front of Ni ±.

The list is the list of escort aircraft carrier this month, until now, the number of escort aircraft carriers in the Pacific Ocean has reached a more than ninety ships.

This is a horrible number.

Even if it is very bad, escort aircraft carrier, but the end is still aircraft carrier. The number is more than a certain degree, it will produce a change. The large industrial strength of the United States allows them to have this amount of potential to become a quality.

Chapter 454, terrible United States and fear

Dewey against Nimitz: "Soon, the number of naval warships in our hands will stand there, do not move by Japan, they don't have all the sinking."

In April 1944, the US Navy received the brave, the rumblebee, the Franklin, and Tikandroa, four Essex-level aircraft carriers (Note: The US Navy has the name of the battleship to be shattered. The tradition of the new aircraft carrier, so some cars and previous coincides), coupled with the first two aircraft carriers that have been repaired, Essex and York City, the number of Essex-level aircraft carriers reached six many.

And another model, a navigation-level light aircraft carrier, and there are currently four service, plus the Sarasoka, theoretically, the number of combat aircraft carriers that the US Navy can move is much higher.

And this is just just beginning. Since May 1944, the US Navy can receive an Ensique aircraft carrier almost every month, and an independent light aircraft carrier is received in two months.

In terms of the battleship, the US Navy completed the construction plans of the Ahua-level battleship in April this year, the last served Missouri battleship will officially join the Navy at the end of this month.

In this position, the US Navy was originally developed to build six Yawa-level battleships in Guam, but after the 18-inch main gun of the Dazhang battleship, it was not laid under the threat of the 18-inch main gun of the big and level battleship. The five ships and six ships of keel have directly canceled the construction plan and replaced by Montana. (Historically, the five ships and six ships were actually started after August 1944, but later due to the end construction of the war)

Since October 1943, there have been four shipyards in the United States to complete the transformation and began the construction of the Mongolian standard battleship. This is a super giant ship that uses the 18-inch dragonfly gun. In order to serve it earlier, the United States is not worried, and the construction plan of the 24-hour three-shift continuous construction.

The US war machine has completed the preheat of the preliminary, and now I am opening the high-speed operation of the horsepower, and the massive warship is a general flow of the ship line.

The Japanese people have publicly announced the existence of big and well-being, which originally wants to threaten the United States, let it accept the peace talks from the Japanese, and the Japanese upper level has seen the US horrible industrial production capacity.

However, the Japanese strategic intimidation did not achieve the expected effect. Although the United States had a faith crisis, but the upper layer still decided to fight the war. In fact, when the US Pacific Fleet was covered, the United States did not retreat. .

For the quantity and combat of the warship that has been completed, the current US Navy, the power of its paper, has repeatedly returned to the world's first navy's throne.

However, the United States is the world, temporarily there is no small moisture.

Warriers are technical forces, and the big fleet is a technical armed. The biggest problem in the US Navy is the human disconnection, and novices are bunched.

Guam Chai war and historical sneak attack Zhen Hong Kong can't compare the US Navy. The former is almost the essence of the US Navy, which makes it a large area of ​​human population.

The United States can take a terrible industrial strength and reappear a more powerful Pacific Fleet in two years. But two years, but not enough Americans re-cultivate a group of qualified fleet water soldiers. This is also currently the main reason for the US Navy still hiding in the Atlantic Ocean, desperately training and refuses to return to the West Coast.

There is a money American, these two years have trained the sailor in the past two years, burning countless.

After the war of San Francisco, plus the sacred shock, and now the US Navy has ironed the bottom of the turtle. The main ship is all in the East Coast, and only the "not worth" and "construction speed" quickly escort the motor carrier in the West Coast.

After retakeing the Ashilian Islands, the most uncomfortable thing is not to lose the Japanese here, but it is occupied Americans here.

The US Navy's original combat plan is just at the gate of Alaska to attack the Auxin's islands as a bait. It is attracted Japanese people to send airfare and the United States to conduct air blood fight. Everyone will fight the trail.

However, Japan is not at all, and it is directly running away. After recovering this large "distant" lost land, the US Navy has given a feeling of "painfulness".

The upstairs of the most western Autuk to San Francisco is close to six thousand kilometers, and to the Seattle in the north of the West Coast of the United States, more than 5,000 kilometers. Although there is a Luky Airport consisting of "Arai Islands Chain" along the way, it will become a long walking route and along the continental route along the continent.

The opponent has a "evil spirits" open map, to maintain such a long supply line security, is a matter of too painful for the US Navy.

With the production capacity of the United States, it is not afraid of the escort aircraft carrier, but the heartache is the water soldiers on the boat. There is a good sailor, and now there is a hard training in the Atlantic, and all types of accidents have emerged. The main reason is to go to ordinary water soldiers, up to the military high-rise, all a pile of rookies.

But "Tuhao" Americans burn this money, they are not afraid of burning oil, not afraid of parts wear, not afraid of accidents, even not afraid of dead people, every new warship, all trained in life, burning money with crazy The way to catalyze the maturity of this newcomer.

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