The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Crossing Report Chapter 372

In the war of this year, in addition to the Japanese Navy, the Americans were successfully sneak in the San Fierian Navy, and the loss of a little garde ship was not easy to recover, and there was no too much life loss.

The sacred shock, let the Americans finally understand how the previous one is a true cause of strange fiasco in the war.

The continuous fiasco that happened in the Pacific Ocean is not deadly, really let all the American people feel panic, but "sacred shock", he directly attacked the soul of Americans, let them no longer dare Since the "God's voters".

The "sacred impact" is extremely far-reaching, and the powerful "impact" from the United Kingdom comes from the "Plus Hundreds of Germany" from the UK.

Among the US main people, the most immigrants from English and Irust are the most immigrants in the Geande's will. After the sacred shock, although the US government tried to prevent these two "heresy" religions from spreading the national machine, it was a Christian country that believes in God, can't get his own "guarding God" The United States of America, in this ideology, it seems extremely back.

The US government can arrest the gods and priers who violate the government orders to secretly spread European "cult", but this kind of brute force, which will only be an appropriate anti-effect. After August 1943, with the first batch of European "pilgrimage", a wide variety of underground churches, the mushrooms in the United States were constantly born.

"Orthodox", "traditional" American, began to secretly rose the statue of Altolia in the home to make a worship, invisible, in Artolia, which is facing the distant Atlantic.

The young, pursuing the new trend, starting the film of the "Safaros" of the film, and the one-year-old generation of the self-individuality, the other is one side, half is a man, half is a female plus bicycle, ratio The "Altolia" in the UK makes them like and accept - because the Americans in this era are education from small, believe in God's existence, and hate British. Germany passed the god, which is always better than the ubiquitous UK, it is better to look.

In the Pacific, the wars of Japan have failed to make countless Americans lose confidence in the future prospects of the country. The US commercial sector and immigrants issued a number of warnings to the President: In the past few months, the number of foreign immigrants received by the United States has fallen by five percentage points before the "sacred impact".

The number of immigrants with less than five percentage points is not big, but if there is another report: in the past four months, left the United States to Canadian or other country's immigration application number, reaching 150,000 people Many, far more than other rooms.

Under one further, the understanding of the people understand that the American people's confidence in the country is declining. The President Dewey received an intelligence and also showed that these requirements left the United States, and their age was 20- and thirty-year-old young people. The reason, a part is that these young people lose confidence in the United States, and another important reason is to take this to escape the service.

Now the United States, the people's belief is like many countries in Europe. However, there are also exceptions, some dead, hard Christians, support the call of the President "Send Evil to see God", and there are also "personality" young people, or have been repeated by the US subject opinion "no the theory", but in this The times unexpectedly became the important supporters of the president "send evil spirits to see God".

But with the original time and space, the United States supports the government and Japan to fight, work hard, work hard, and heroic battle compared to the United States, this plane is significantly less than the country. The breath, but it gives people a feeling of sleepy beasts.

In 1943 Christmas, the atmosphere of Washington White House is also cold ice.

"The war of the Japanese Empire of the west is a hurdle for the United States of America. Those who have come out, but they are all deceived. "

Before Christmas, President Dewey carried out the great cause of the national speech and repeatedly repeatedly repeated the "Diamond" of the United States of America, but in these months, he only aroused some of the combat spirit of some Americans.

However, in this upcoming 1943, the President Dewey received is not all bad news.

First of all, in 1943, the Navy received three Essex-based aircraft carriers and another Alice-level battleship. In San Francisco Port, the San Francisco port was sinking four main warships. Two of the Eryx-level aircraft carriers have also been salvage. Now they are receiving repairs in the shipyard, and a heavy South Dakota-level battleship is also helped, dragging. Entering vectors for repair. Only the branch is detached and broken, because the damage is serious, there is no repair value. However, the main gun in its ship has also been picked up for him.

By next year, the effect of the huge industrial machine in the United States will fully appear, and the average monthly navy can receive one or even two large battleships.

Not only in warships, the aircraft, US Haihang and Luhang are also recovering confidence.

The new F4U pirate fighter, after paying countless aircraft, after murdering dozens of a small pilot, finally solved the problem of the captain. The fighter of the problem of the problem after serving, after nearly a year of rectification, after the shortcomings of the fuselage, it is now a quite perfect carrier fighter.

Another new fighter, from the Grumman F6F bad fighter, served in June in 200 years. According to the US Navy, the US Navy is also targeted in F4U (medium high) + F6F (medium and low altitude) + F6F (medium and low altitude) + F6F (medium and low altime). In the case of no cost, not afraid of flying aircraft, not afraid of burning oil, do not hesitate to play the pilot in all costs, US Haihang and Luhang's pilot quality is also increasing.

According to the US Navy's Operation Department, after nearly a year and a half of the precipitation and mobilization, the United States will begin to Japan's counterattack.

Chapter 448 Replenishing Tiansault (Part)

The only place in the Pacific, the United States and Japan is the Alanchen Islands, where it is close to Alaska, which is the only battlefield that lacks the Navy's US can attack the Japanese army. After knowing the existence of "Shen Ming", Americans now not dare to dispatch the submarine again, and domestic submarines production and development are also completely stopped. This is not, in front of the unity of the warship, can only act as a secrete submarine is almost the existence of the waste.

Nowadays, most of the US pilots in Alaska frontline, most of the flight training time of more than six hundred hours. Although it is not more than Japanese, the older who has passed the madness of the madness of the madness, but the parties are no longer those rookies when they just start.

Of course, this year, the cost of paying in the United States is that there is more than 10,000 aircraft due to life due to life, and burns countless aviation fuel, but the money is burning this money.

According to the United States, after Christmas, the US Haiwai, the United States will start the air offensive in the direction of the Alask Islands, using the US-controlled island airport and the daily control island, the main force is the main force , With a large number of B17 bombers repeatedly attack these daily islands.

The US strategic objectives are clear: the goal of combat is not pure to recover these islands, but to attract Japan to come here.

The US will open the number of pilots, almost 100 times in Japan, even if it is a 10 more exchange ratio in the air battle, the US will still get the victory of this war.

If Lin Han or Li Huamei knows Americans' strategic ideas, it will realize that the other party wants to turn the Auxin's area into the second melon.

However, before the implementation of this strategic idea, in 1943, the Dewey, who was located in the White House in the White House in 1943, has been "spiritual attack" from the European continent.

A movie called Sino-German Cooperation, called "Replenishment", is taking advantage of this peak season in the European continent, not only that, the copy of this movie, also through the Atlantic passenger plane When I arrived in North America, I also used Christmas time to broadcast in the Canadian theater. Once broadcast, it triggered the vibration of Europe and North America.

"Mao Mountain" is a movie script that Lin Han from the 21st century network era to World War II. Its prototype is the famous "Red Dawn" in the famous red crossing novel. In that novel, Chen Ke Chen, who took the red route like Lin Han, who personally prepared the script of this same name, and the greatest in the history of the same name after the consciousness of the United States. The four president satirically smashed.

The story about "Mao Mountain", after putting it online, trigger more enthusiastic discussions and "re-creation" passion. In front of Lin Han, Hollywood movies from the United States are in the Chinese cinema, and they also affect Chinese values ​​in China, and sell the US private goods. The Chinese filmmaker, but because of the political reasons and the poor academic atmosphere, and the strong interference of the bureaucratic rapid radio and electricity, it could not complete the film and television script of the United States in the film and television script. Lin Han is always in front of the cross. It is guilty.

But after returning to this time and space, Lin Han finally had the opportunity to achieve this dream. However, Lin Han did not take the original script, but took its creativity and essence, according to his own needs, based on its own needs. The script of this movie provides the original original script, and absorbed his students. Those who have been "whip", "whip", and has talented students in literary creation. , Completed this script.

Lin Han is very innocent. It was originally to copy the name of the original, called "Mao Mountain", but after being broadcast on the screen, the title was changed by Li Yunshi Chairman. " ".

After broadcasting in the world, "Missing" triggered the sensation of global media, and at the same time, Japanese and Soviet people also launched their own version of "Mountain Demon", and the three countries also launched the same plot. Lei Tong's movie, the taste behind it is simply intriguing.

Duwei President Duwei got a copy of this movie after the film released. The copy is that after he has a big name for a long time, the big price is "introduced" from China.

Then, the US President made a large huge house behind him, in the small black house of the White House, and watched this name "Replenishment" color movie.

After ten minutes of film broadcast, almost all Americans who watched the film were all in the same way: it was too deceived.

From the movie in the picture, the audience saw it, but it was the close-up of the withered floral, the yellow leaves, the gray branches hang a black wildabel, which is a garden of all things.

The center of the garden has a apple tree. Although the trees are thick, but the bare branches do not see a green leaf, the whole tree is full of gray dead. Surprisingly, this seemingly dead apple tree, but hanging seven vectors black apples. Under the apple tree, there are two white human skeletons.

After giving a few seconds of apple trees and skeleton, a six corner giant snake is moving in the garden.

The giant snake is swim to the apple tree, and the hoe sounds, a group of white fogs shouted in the position of the snake, and then the six-angle giant snake disappeared, turned into a red skin, six angles on the head, Essential devil image.


At this time, the US President Dewey and other scholars who watched the film have already guess that this garden seems to be in the metaphor of Eden, and the two dead people on the ground should be dark to arouse and Eve, and this red skin The devil is a dark finger.

Standing under the dead apple tree, Satan raised the right hand of the pointed nails, palm paid. On the apple tree, seven black apples fell one by one, dropped in Satan, each apple and Satan's palm of the apple, touched slight white smoke, and finally turned into seven black rings.

The narration sounds at this time.

God abandoned Eden. "

"The devil Satan occupied this, he killed Adam and Eve."

"Satan used his evil power to corrupt apple trees, set out seven evil fruits, and finally turned into seven rings."

"Pride, jealous, irritation, laziness, greed, , color, Satan will sprinkle this seven ring towards the world ..."

In the white voice, the devil Satan is a pair, and the seven rings have become a string, flew out the orchard, scratch the sky, and fall to the ground.

The next shot is the scene of the world.

China's Forbidden City, the officials who dressed in Ming Dynasty were on the DPRK, they looked up at the sky and saw the seven-point meteor scratched the horizon, one of which fell on a mountain in China. At this time, "China Changbai Mountain" is played. Look. The back rings are picked up by a laughing pigtails on a head.

A ring falls in front of the Russian Russian Royal Trie, and then wear it on the finger of the Tsar.

The remaining five rings, a Vatican, the Vatican, the Vatican, Germany, the Vatican, Germany, and the Palace of Spain, and these people have no exception. I got a ring.

The screen starts to change quickly, everyone wears a ring, and its related supporting background are different, all are iron and blood, death and killing, endless disaster. Even if people wearing a ring is the Pope of the Vatican, his background picture, is also a burn pagan cross, as well as the background picture of the positive and nursery boy "fornication".

And those who wear the ring, they have revealed a wide range of demon ghosts, although they all have the power of the world, they are the evil demon of the human skin.

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